1-min walk from Exit F, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (22)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 20:00
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Review (5)
Level3 2023-03-14
本人生日,朋友送龍島72%黑朱古力慕絲蛋糕蛋糕慶生好開心~龍島朱古力出名,做蛋糕都相當出色。尤其呢個慕絲蛋糕係整個朱古力蛋糕系列濃度最高的一個,完全付合我個人喜好蛋糕先用一層白色薄蛋糕做底,上面一層脆脆、一層朱古力海綿蛋糕,然後鋪一層好厚嘅朱古力慕絲,再用鏡面朱古力包住整個蛋糕。一般我都好喜歡用鏡面包裹住嘅蛋糕,因為呢個做法可以封住水份,令蛋糕放喺雪櫃時唔會被抽乾水份。 加上鏡面睇落勁水潤嘅光澤,齋睇都好吸引!味道方面,當然係超級濃朱古力味啦😂😂慕絲厚實,唔係幼滑空氣感,層次分明。唔會好甜,我個人喜歡朱古力,所以覺得濃度甜度都啱啱好。但對於偏喜好清新口感嘅人黎講就可能會覺得膩喇。畢竟人人口味唔一樣嘛。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
大概係一個月前經過YOHO2見到呢一間龍島蛋糕,因為女朋友就嚟生日,就拎咗一張catalog返去睇,最後揀咗個紅莓拿破崙蛋糕🍰自己本身好少食呢一款蛋糕,因為覺得佢嚴格來講只係一塊餅,而且睇落好dry,同埋生日好似要食返正常有忌廉嘅生日蛋糕先開心😆不過因為想搞搞新意,最尾都係揀咗呢一款拿破崙蛋糕俾女朋友試一試😋收到個蛋糕之後都有驚喜,因為佢嘅賣相都算靚靚囝囝,佢嘅餅底非常之香脆,夾心嘅鮮奶油忌廉香濃幼滑,酸酸地嘅紅妹鋪滿左喺夾層, balance番奶油忌廉本身嘅油膩。最後兩個人食晒成個蛋糕😋😋😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
龍島 Lucullus 📍元朗朗日路8號形點II 1樓A137號舖收爐前收到同事買嚟為我哋打氣嘅龍島蛋糕,我揀咗至愛嘅拿破崙蛋糕嚟食,居然有驚喜喎! 💰$58香芋麻糬拿破崙蛋糕 🍰我揀咗呢款香芋麻糬拿破崙蛋糕,雖則佢係叫蛋糕,但佢係無海棉蛋糕嘅成份,主要都係芋泥、忌廉同兩款唔同口感嘅麻糬。我一向都唔係麻糬fans,但出奇地唔討厭呢款麻糬,尤其係白色嗰款,好有咬口!最正嘅地方係佢三層又厚又脆嘅酥皮,開正我嗰瓣!之前食過龍島好幾次,都係覺得佢偏甜,但呢款拿破崙好正,令人喜出望外! 💰$58芒果拿破崙蛋糕 🍰同我揀嘅嗰款唔同,呢款係無麻糬嘅,所以口感都無咁豐富。同事話芒果唔會酸,亦唔係人工甜,加上厚厚嘅酥皮同清新嘅忌廉,真係一流! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-05-29
I bought cakes here on Mother's day.The staff were really nice, they were super polite and helpful. They also explained clearly to me about the storage and didn't hurry me while choosing cakes. The cakes look so delicate and vibrant. It tastes good. I definitely will visit this shop again next time, maybe try their chocolate. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-02
I love their chocolates so this time I tried their chocolate cake.They did not state whats inside the cake unlike some other bakeries, so I thought its a standard chocolate cake.It turns out that the cake fillings is basically ice cream. It is not bad but different from what I expected. The main problem is that the outer chocolate is way too sweet which does not really fit with the filling. The picture indicates different types of chocolates because they have different colours, but in fact they just taste the same. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)