2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 17:00
07:00 - 16:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
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Review (217)
Level4 2023-12-13
上環有一間好地道嘅三十年老字號,裝修風格十分地道,食物味道地道,只係地方比較狹窄,行嘅空間比較少。同埋預咗要同人撘枱,但係為咗佢杯奶茶,值得嘅。叫咗個下午茶麵餐,豬扒腸仔雙拼出前一丁。豬扒煎到金黃色,肉質鬆軟多汁,可以話係外脆肉嫩。最令我一試難忘嘅係佢杯奶茶,奶茶非常香濃,入口絲滑絕不苦澀,喝落層次豐富,我飲就完全唔需要落糖。原來最多人介紹係三蛋叉燒飯,下次一定要再去食。地址上環禧利街23號地舖港鐵上環站A2出口,步行約2分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日在上環食lunch,想食點唔同嘅,就揀左參考孖沙茶餐廳。最近知道孖沙茶餐廳地舖由原開價4,800萬元放售,減到2800萬元沽出,劈超過四成都要走,咁平賣舖都仲要走,睇來去意已決,看來香港的美食和美好都只能回味 ......... 三眼仔餐蛋飯:老牌茶記「孖沙茶餐廳」是以「三眼仔叉燒飯」聞名的!  三眼仔係指豬肉、雞蛋同埋蝦仁,配上沙茶醬汁同蛋飯,好香口又飽肚。三種食材都煮得剛好,唔會太乾或太軟,沙茶醬汁又唔會太鹹或太辣,適合唔同人士嘅口味。而且「三眼仔叉燒飯」現時每碟售價為42元, 完全是中上環難找的平野!! 干炒意粉:干炒意粉係一個港式西餐嘅經典,參考孖沙茶餐廳嘅版本係用沙茶醬汁炒意粉,再加上牛肉、洋蔥、青豆等等,好有咬口同彈性。意粉唔會太軟或太硬,牛肉嫩滑多汁,洋蔥增加甜味,青豆增加鮮度,一碟食晒好滿足。「孖沙」歷史「孖沙」發跡於五十年代,由大牌檔發展到茶餐廳超過50年歷史,為中上環一帶「上班族」的飯堂。 招牌名物為「三眼仔叉燒飯」由3隻煎蛋配叉燒組成,亦可選配餐肉,吸引不少人慕名而來,「韓國廚神」白種元亦在節目中介紹,更連日本雜誌亦有報道,記者今日實地到場見到不少顧客光顧。叉燒煎三蛋飯是店中招牌,紅到連日本雜誌也有介紹。雖然只是用普通的中國雞蛋,但據聞雞蛋用鑊仔明火煎,不如一般用扒爐煎,煎出來的蛋份外香口。「孖沙」份量足又唔貴,如果未食好去食了,聽到伙記話做到月中,月尾佢地已經離開左香港,所以記住要去就快,結業日期不是報紙寫的12月尾!!   記住!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Here at an all-time favourite spot for their infamous three-egg cha siu rice that just hits the spot every time! 🍳🐷 Pic 1️⃣: 叉燒煎蛋飯 - $42 hkd — On the list as one of my comfort foods and this one’s does the job to curb my cravings. I think the best part of this is the sunny side up eggs mixed in with their dark soy sauce which is unlike what you’d get outside, it’s got a good sweet to savoury balance with a slight nutty profile to it that goes well with the cha siu. The cha siu is quite average though, slightly dry and the chunks are quite small, but flavours are not bad. Can’t complain much at this price.Pic 2️⃣: 干炒黑椒牛肉意 - $44 hkd 🍝🥩 — Another popular choice here as it’s not served in many other cha chaan teng’s. Flavours are quite similar to 干炒牛河 but with an aromatic touch of black pepper to it and a lot of 鑊氣! Don’t expect too much from the beef quality, very standard cha chaan teng stuff. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-07
太陽蛋的口感也十分出色,三隻太陽蛋的蛋黃色澤鮮亮,口感鬆軟,口感豐富,有蛋香,搭配火腿更是絕妙。最後是米飯,米粒飽滿,口感Q彈,且粘度適中,加上特豉油及蛋油,超好送飯。店舖環境是比較舊,但味道補救,有下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-16
-貴左的三眼仔叉燒飯-食物:三眼仔叉燒飯($45),常餐-重點食物:三眼仔叉燒飯(因為三個煎蛋,所以叫三眼仔。叉燒係普通叉燒,唔肥,唔好有特別期望。-環境:一個字迫,一定要搭檯。環境同裝修,有人話佢好污穢,有人叫佢做懷舊,睇你點睇!服務方面,都係好趕,但了解的。-總結:呢個飯由佢2013年食到而家,由廿幾三十蚊左右食到而家四十幾蚊,加左大約60%。味道同餐廳的環境都冇變,大家經過上環,都可以一試。(後記:有朋友食完話肚唔舒服,但我冇事,大家自己考慮一下) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)