6-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Serve egg waffles with different ingredient, such sweet potato, chestnut and macha red bean. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (168)
Level4 2021-04-08
上星期下午茶時間,唔喺好肚餓,唔想食正餐太飽。想食啲嘢填下肚,就去左旺角呢間雞蛋仔,叫左個綠茶味雞蛋仔。不過不失啦!食落感覺似綠茶醬,綠茶味唔太濃,不過有甜味。外層好脆口,入面有軟綿綿感覺。但個脆口好明顯係用機做出嚟既效果,比較Artificial. 勝在款式非常多,可以加唔同味嘅料同埋雪糕,有啲味都幾特別。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-04-05
之前一直都係媽咪雞蛋仔嘅愛好姐鐘意佢外脆內軟嘅口感但今次!!!成個雞蛋仔軟嘅雞蛋仔痴住個紙袋將紙袋同雞蛋仔分開後,部分紙痴咗係個雞蛋仔到!個紙袋係薄到爛嘅姐姐一路聽電話一路整其他如果未ready,不如唔好開檔啦!唔好浪費人哋嘅時間同金錢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
//今日同朋友行開旺角 啱啱食完個晏晝有啲肚餓但係又未到食晚飯的時間遠望已經見到有間雞蛋仔我最愛食雞蛋仔今次去食好耐冇食過嘅媽咪雞蛋仔一去到已經見到好多人排晒隊排緊嘅時候已經聞到好香嘅蛋味啲人話原味都好好食食雞蛋仔就一定要揀朱古力味不過我今次揀咗粒粒朱古力雞蛋仔味都好好食 卜卜脆 淡淡脆口 朱古力味嘅雞蛋仔外脆內軟 QQ濃郁嘅朱古力味 入面仲有粒粒朱古力一次過滿足晒兩個願望如果可以平翻啲就好啦;)不過呢個價我都會照食 因為真係好好食.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-10-31
These egg puffs are delicious! I always go for the chocolate chips one but they offer a wide range of flavours such as match, chestnut, salted egg yolk, pork floss and earl grey (seasonal). These puffs are made to order, so expect a 5-min wait or longer if there is a long queue. The chocolate chips egg puffs are filled with chocolate chips (even though you can’t see it in the picture) and can be a little overly sweet for some people (especially when they finish one by myself 😂) but it is a tasty warm treat that can’t go wrong! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-26
雞蛋仔本身就係出名既香港特色美食 而媽咪雞蛋仔連續四年獲選米芝蓮2016-2019既香港街頭小食推介 就知佢有幾猛料啦款色越出越多 真係花多眼亂 每款都好想食相比起傳統炭燒雞蛋仔 佢係少咗一份風味 但係佢一樣做到香脆既外殻 同有住半滿既熱辣辣餡料既美味水準 雞香加上唔同配搭既食料 拿捏當中既平衡 帶出另一份美味係咁多款式入面我都係鐘情芝士雞蛋仔($35) 佢做到足餡而不膩 既有蛋香又有芝士既咸香 就算自己一個食哂都唔會有濟既感覺 兩者好平衡 為我同朋友既聚餐畫上完美既句號呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)