Opening Hours
星期一至日: 11:00-23:00 (星期一至五 16:00-18:00 休息)
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level2 2011-08-07
I would occasionally come to this restaurant because it was near where I live. I'd been there about 4 or 5 times but each time it was worse.The last time I was here the food was horribly salty. The "lobster" and the "prawns" were salty as with the sauce. I had finished almost 10 glasses of water to wash that off. I paid $1xx for this experience.This time they mixed up the order of two tables. They gave me an order of two sets when I was obviously sitting alone. The soup was salty again. I ordered a chicken and spinach linguine which I thought was a save choice but it turned out to be "abundant linguine served with a portion of canned sliced mushrooms and finely sliced chicken like meat".I think I'm fed up with giving this restaurant another try. I'm done with it. Bravo for a TV actress to try to be a restauranteur but I find no heart in this restaurant. What a pity! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-07-25
簡單廚房開左好耐我都未食過,今次見有$26學生餐就試下啦。我地去到冇其他人等位,企係門口企左陣都冇人理,咁就自己行入去叫人。有個女待應問一問我地幾位,之後就木口木面叫返我地出去等,友人話呢個女待應一向都係咁,毫無服務態度可言。其實如果佢忙既話都算啦,但我見到係佢自己手腳好慢,行步路都慢過人,慢吞吞咁。落單個時,因為係學生餐所以要出示學生證。其實呢件事係正常到不得了既,但係個女待應好似差人查牌咁!真係叫左個黑椒牛肉鐵板撈飯,等左ok耐,朋友既雞扒石窩飯就好快到。石窩飯好夠熱!不過份量唔大,唔知係咪因為學生既關係啦。鐵板撈飯就好普通,不過唔係黑椒牛肉,係黑椒汁牛肉囉!唔知係唔係我睇錯menu啦。總之兩個飯都係好普通既!野飲係七喜,嘩杯野多冰到呀!本身個杯已經細,我諗一罐七喜可以倒到三至四杯!幾啖都冇埋!其實$26既話係幾抵食既,如果要我比返正價就一定no way,而且服務態度同效率有待改善! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-06-27
見佢出面餐牌D野食好似唔錯,反正要食lunch就同埋班friend入去試下我地叫左個板燒雞扒/黑椒牛肉鐵板撈飯同埋白汁雞絲火腿意粉兩個鐵板撈飯都味道都OK啦就係我地食鐵板撈飯食到一半果陣... 意粉到啦! 個friend都覺得味道一般,同埋唔夠汁講下其他野,服務生放飲品ge力道真係恰到好處「砰」一聲夠哂大力,但係又唔倒瀉喎不過我望到都覺得驚驚地,因為入面D百事差小小小小小就搖瀉另外我地係坐圓檯,服務生放野食都係放哂係我左邊而我個friend坐右邊,於是我個friend就好正常咁同佢講「呢份係我架」點知個服務生應佢「你地自己搬啦」跟住即刻走左!?可能係我少出街食,無咩經驗但係我未試過有服務生要客人自己搬份鐵板..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-04-04
簡單廚房果然唔簡單!!!點解呢?叫左一個龍蝦汁忌廉幼意粉,真係難食到嘔,d意粉同龍蝦腥到爆炸意粉又唔熱,呢咁既意粉收$72,真係等於殺我銀包,難食到餵狗都唔食仲叫左一個雞扒石頭鍋飯,雞扒又硬又乾,仲衰過食狗糧石鍋又唔夠熱,又冇配菜伴碟,d汁又難食仲有一個鐵板牛肉伴飯,牛肉衰到冇人有最好就係d飯,因為係電飯煲煲出黎既,好彩佢冇再加調味賣相簡直衰,大家樂都好佢好多真係唔洗錢都唔去食呀想試下挑戰地獄廚房既朋友就去食番一餐"勁"既!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-02-28
行過門口, 見到呢個好似好正, 於是俾佢吸引左入去食...c6 話有 d 貨不對版, 幅相有兩舊辣椒響度, 實物無 -______________- 但味道都 ok 的我叫左呢個, 味道無乜特別, 勝在夠熱!阿女例牌食兒童餐, 以前食係意粉, 宜家變左螺絲粉, 以前有一塊圓碌碌 ge 漢堡扒, 宜家得兩粒肉 -___-果碟魷魚鬚酸酸甜甜, 幾好味喎, 好似 + $28 就有以呢個價錢黎講, 應該可以食到第二 d 更好 ge 野, 不過有時行到倦倦地, 又唔想等位的話, 呢間係不二之選 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)