A ramen shop located at Tai Mei Tuk, it offers a variety of ramen, bowls and Japanese snacks. There are three signature ramen: Soy Sauce Chicken Leg with Chicken White Soup Ramen, Truffles, Grilled Thick Pork Ramen, etc. Diners can also choose the soup base and ingredients for ramen. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
*last order time: 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (59)
Level1 2025-02-24
情人節晚諗住唔使比人焗食情人節套餐,就去咗呢度諗住食吓拉麵,串燒!大約8:30入座,當時唔算太多客人,因為我地其中有一個巳經好肚餓,即刻落order 一碗牛肉飯,諗住係最快,結果係等咗差唔多一個鐘先有碗飯到😣等候期間就開始見到枱枱都追😣我哋點個sabubu 唔使佢地煮啦,都係超過一個鐘先上到菜!最最最離譜係碗拉麵係等到一個半小時,過咗10點佢哋所講營業時間都未有得食😔😔最終我地放棄,餓住個肚撲返出市中心再搵嘢食!非常差既體驗!唔知當晚廚房出咗咩事🤨但值得讚係個女侍應成個場都追食品,佢仍然保持良好態度🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-28
1:10分落單叫一個冷烏冬同鰻魚飯,等到1:40追左一次,同我講整緊,因為啲烏冬要過冷河,鰻魚就燒緊。本來呢個藉口都好牽強,因為已經過咗成30分鐘!過多10分鐘,再追多次,再講要多10-15分鐘,即係總共要等一個鐘!真係非常非常之過份!其實做唔切可以一早講,而唔係等左30分鐘先慢慢話去睇下,究竟係漏咗單定做唔切?完全無一個合理交代!仲要係要去到追第2次先開始著緊咁,但個時已經等左40分鐘,呢個完全係一個好唔合理既等待時間!我未試過一個如此惡劣嘅用餐體驗!非常非常之差!最後真係等唔到無食到,餓住走! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
山長水遠嚟到大美督咖啡店打卡📷日落之後都順便食個晚餐🌙見到呢間居酒屋感覺幾好悠閒既感覺又幾熱情就坐低啦❤️ 味道當然唔好Expect係正宗日式居酒屋🏮但係選擇多 以港式日本菜黎講口味都算不錯🫶🏼⭐️ 醬油原隻雞腿雞白湯拉麵 🍗雞腿份量豐富唔會太Dry😊 調味入味而且雞白湯底算濃郁而且唔會過鹹🤍⭐️ 清酒煮沙白 🐚坦白講份量唔算多但係沙白肉質新鮮😊 清酒調味恰到好處🍸⭐️ 火柴玉子燒 🍳⭐️ 胡麻豆腐 🫓⭐️ 一口紫薯 🍠⭐️ 燒茄子 🍆玉子燒調味不錯但係係口感有一點偏乾💛其他小食嘅調味都幾好👍🏻⭐️ 生燒白鱔串 🐟⭐️ 厚切燒牛脷芯 👅⭐️ 燒原隻生蠔 🦪⭐️ 汁燒伊比利亞豬頸肉串 🥓鱔肉爽口照燒汁香脆度口味剛剛好🔥 豬頸肉同埋牛舌都燒出有肉汁❤️到訪嗰日接近中秋節仲特別送左月兔造型既甜品幾有誠意🐰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日自己黎到大美督到chill下,揀左間係湖邊既餐廳食下午茶,叫左份燒雞髀配薯條。薯條食得出係新鮮整落,好脆口同好好味!不過雞髀食得出用水灼過再燒,略嫌遜色!可以整得更惹味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-25
Walking around Tai Mei Tuk, my daughter and I felt like having a light lunch so we went in for Japanese ramen. We were surprised at how the shop looked much smaller than when we last visited. The owner told us that this was the aftermath of Typhoon Saola and the Black rain which severely damaged the shop. Despite this the lunch was still super yummy. We had bone broth ramen (can choose the texture) and spicy seafood ramen with a side order of dumplings. The place was packed and is pet friendly as well 😍🐶🐾👍🏼Definitely recommended 👍🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)