1-min walk from Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 12:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay TnG
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level4 2012-11-24
那天,我放工走去找一位朋友,恰巧!她的同事在 <美心西餅> 買了一些新系列西餅!她很客氣地請我食!我真有口福了!好幾款新系列西餅,較為吸引的的是那個有星星朱古力裝飾的檸檬撻!檸檬撻味道甜美!入面有軟心蛋糕!檸檬味帶出清新的感覺! 撻身可能經雪過好一般時間,變得不鬆化! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-07
一日之計在於晨,有個美好的早餐是很重要的~是日早餐----美心西餅~~!!愛吃西餅的我,在這整盒是美心西餅的引誘下,食指大動......立刻拿起了我最愛的chocoolate tart很好吃的呀~~!!><""我就是喜愛chocoolate tart 脆脆的、有口感的咬頭~~吃了一個,心痕痕提第2個 chocoolate tart 也吃了下肚....眼見核桃蛋糕也滿不錯,禁不住也拿來吃...大大顆的核桃一點也不寒酸,淡淡的牛油味襯出蛋糕的英式風味雖然吃了3個西餅,肚子已脹起不少但見「貌美如花」的 黑森林蛋糕 還未嘗試,嘴巴便不自覺的往蛋糕上咬了一口,接下來是第二口、第三口....不久,2件黑森林蛋糕已被我嘴巴消滅掉了....不知不覺,5件西餅被我清掉,回首.....我是神人嗎吃了5件西餅還是第一次耶或是美心西餅製餅功夫太利害了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-10-27
隔左一段時間,又想食翻美心個流沙奶黃包 一直都覺得好好味! 佢唔係吉士粉開果隻奶黃,而係真係有鹹蛋黃果隻!! 通常都只可以係中式既奶黃包見到,但依家食個麵包就有啦!一咬開就可以食到奶黃唔呃人 奶黃真係流沙既呢!!!面頭仲有一層脆皮,都係甜甜地好好味! 有做呢層脆皮比一般只有軟心既奶黃包好食得多! 多左層次感!流沙既甜度剛剛好,濃得黎唔會食到溜,真係係食過最好味既奶黃!人地話明流沙奶黃包,個沙一定係來自鹹蛋黃!有!! 真係食到粒粒鹹蛋黃! 食酒樓既流沙包都冇咁多呀!真係極品中的極品!! 以呢個價食到高質素既奶黃包,真係令人稱心滿意。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-11-28
I ordered a Mango Crispy 2 pd cake for my BF's birthday.Unbelievable that his family never had crispy cake from Maxim before my dad had that for a few years already and he loved it.I was trying to determine between a whole mango crispy or mango & strawberry crispy. The mango crispy use egg york and egg white for the sponge cake for layers while the strawberry & mango crispy are only egg white cake only.End up the Mango crispy with the super crisp crunch blend with mango and cream loved by his family. The mango is sweet, and the choco crispy are very crispy indeed.Excellent choice and no wonder it's best seller!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-04-10
全麥合桃南瓜籽包$12 ~ 除了包身太軟及合桃太少太碎外,其他各方面也很好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)