Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
把握最後機會食McGriddle!27- 28號全日供應梗有間麥當勞喺附近,堂與堂之間有機會去食12pm去未係好多人,1pm開始爆單,我哋好好彩😌本身有$35 set,包薯餅、飲品,不過自己唔好薯餅所以散叫▶️ 楓糖班戟豬柳蛋漢堡McGriddle sausage egg ($26)有蛋、有豬柳、有芝士,暖笠笠即食最正♨️兩層厚班戟鬆軟🥞唔會好乾帶適量牛油香同楓糖漿味,冇人哋講咁甜豬柳就唔陌生啦,主要醎味來源一定要加蛋,口感豐富好多芝士嫌佢唔夠融🧀有啲分離整體同豬柳蛋漢堡sausage and egg mcMuffin一樣,只係上下層唔同,加左一份「甜」鹹甜咁食係幾過癮嘅~-總算試過一次🍔幾唔錯嘅價錢經濟實惠😉發現一個麥當勞凱撒沙律仲貴過佢(好似$36)數碼港呢間服務同環境都OK不過要keep住熱潮,需要見好就收唯有期待下次再見啦~
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Came here a week ago. The staff kept telling me to order at the kiosk which I had tried multiple times with the discount code on my app. It NEVER works! They tried and knew it too but kept accusing me for pressing the wrong button, I work in tech and I can read and write Chinese and English. So hell no it’s me, it’s your stupid system. Came here again today, same f king problem. I tried multiple devices and also tried restarting my app. I spent 5 mins here already. They still refused to help me at the cashier. And I was not being a pain in the ass! I get it if I come at peak hours but nope I came at 9am. Technology helps but seems like staff here reply too heavily on it and give zero f about service.
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最近麥當勞又再推出安格斯系列,今次簡咗芝士安格斯套餐跟 大粟米杯🌽及熱檸茶☕️以低食價錢黎講,安格斯漢堡厚度算正常,包入面跟咗塊芝士,洋蔥及芝士口味醬汁,芝士有半熔係塊漢堡上面,大口一咬唔小心就會留出醬汁,用料十足,食完會覺得滿足👍🏻
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