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銅鑼灣嘅鮮芋仙一直都係我心目中嘅甜品首選,每次經過都忍唔住想入去試吓🥰💫芋圓4號呢碗芋圓真係充滿驚喜!裡面有紅豆、芋圓同珍珠,每一口都帶來不同嘅口感😋 芋圓Q彈,配上熱紅豆湯,簡直係夏日消暑必備!而且份量足夠兩個人share都無問題👍💫芋香奶茶呢杯奶茶香濃可口,芋頭味道濃郁又不膩,飲落去令人心情大好☕️ 伴隨著細膩嘅奶香味,每一啖都好享受!🎵🎵🎵Indulge in the sweet delights at 鮮芋仙, where every dessert is crafted with love and tradition. Their signature taro balls and refreshing drinks are the perfect way to cool down in the bustling city.
呢碗芋圓真係充滿驚喜!裡面有紅豆、芋圓同珍珠,每一口都帶來不同嘅口感😋 芋圓Q彈,配上熱紅豆湯,簡直係夏日消暑必備!而且份量足夠兩個人share都無問題👍
呢杯奶茶香濃可口,芋頭味道濃郁又不膩,飲落去令人心情大好☕️ 伴隨著細膩嘅奶香味,每一啖都好享受!
Indulge in the sweet delights at 鮮芋仙, where every dessert is crafted with love and tradition. Their signature taro balls and refreshing drinks are the perfect way to cool down in the bustling city.