MEGU has specialty ingredients and styles of cooking. MEGU brought over 1000 years of Japanese regional cuisine called “Kyodo Ryori” in order to bring customers closer to Japan. The restaurant travel to the ends of the earth to locate the finest bounties of nature cultivated and captured by human hands.
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Good For
Drivers Friendly Dining
Additional Information
Will be opened in coming NOV
Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Thu - Sat
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
農曆年前,我到美國著名日本料理店 Megu 於香港的分店,品嘗了一頓新派日本料理。 去之前,先在網上搜集此店資料,發覺食評對此開業僅四個月的高級日本料理店毀多譽少,我原本也抱不大期望,但吃過之後,發覺無論是食物或服務竟出乎意料之外的有水準,值得一書。 當日,我們一行三人,坐於主廳的圓形壽司吧。中軸紅色大圓柱上端伸出的燈飾看似千手佛的手,加上天花用和服布料做裝潢,連同其他多款日本傳統裝飾如日本竹簾、廟宇吊燈、木刻圖騰、黏土陶瓷等,成功營造出一個既富時尚風格卻不失日本傳統特色的瑰麗環境。 好了,言歸正傳。東道主亦食家一名,他先點了一客牛肉薄切、兩客串燒鵝肝及一碟刺身做頭盤。 薄切生牛肉($100)採用油脂分布如大理石花紋的澳洲和牛。牛肉切得薄如紙,幾達入口即溶的程度,底面輕輕搽上蛋黃醬及芝麻,上面則放下十來片 basil leaf ,提升了牛肉的鮮甜美味。 串燒鵝肝每串賣 $120,可說是法菜和食,用法國鵝肝以炭爐來燒烤,烤時搽上燒雞汁及芝麻,更是惹味。跟法式煎鵝肝相比,這種和式串燒令鵝肝入口沒有那麼肥膩,但仍有那份豐腴嫩滑的口感。 至於那碟刺身,內有三件赤貝($240)、三隻牡丹蝦($150)、三件針魚($120)及三件左口魚海膽卷($150)。所有魚生均由日本築地市場空運而來,故新鮮程度有保證,但覺件件入口均甚鮮美,尤以左口魚海膽卷更是鮮上加鮮,結果徇我要求,再添食三件。還有,我們不忘叫廚師把牡丹蝦頭給油炸了來吃。 跟着是主菜出場了。主人家為我們每人各點了一個「壽司御膳」($250)的午市定食,包括有金槍魚腩、金槍魚背、海鰻、海蝦、醋黃魚、三文魚籽、油甘魚及玉子壽司各一件,還有切開成六小件的香葱油甘魚卷。還是那句話,魚生新鮮,那麼壽司水準也就差不到哪裏。 接着來的是和牛石頭燒($280)。聽該店總經理 Johnny 講,此乃招牌菜之一,用的是 M7 級澳洲和牛,加入干邑拔蘭地即席點火燒製,並放於火山石保溫上枱。不過,當日的牛肉可能過熟了一點,入口並無那種應有的多汁脆嫩感覺。 這頓午飯埋單要近 2,500 元,貴是貴了一點,但不失為對來自美國的新派日本料理的新體驗。若要感受一下為何美國一眾大小明星們都喜吃摩登日本料理,Megu 是可以一試的。
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鬼佬jap food,都係jap food,只算味道就overpriced,但要加 埋presentation 同deco同名氣,D食物出場確嫁勢的是日mud都有D,salad 唔錯廋中肥toro幾fresh 幾正吉列露荀睇好過食,無特別生蠔好食過燒蠔sushi正常冷面普通,不及樓下新開X庭好食炒反出奇地yummy豬肉火喎好燒番薯加佢D牛油又幾好謝謝妹夫請客
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after we watched the movie, i went with my friend have a late dinner & we ended up to this high-class restaurant...before we made our decision, they're quite nice as they don't look you down & let us see their menu to check it out if the food was ok for usthis is too chic for us, but it's a nice place to have some privacy~we'd ordered some sushi's as i couldn't upload it anymore~
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great for expense account lunch/dinners. the quality of fresh sushi/sashimi is very high, actually thought the fish was fresher/better than nobu and hiro (was never really impressed). some fusion japanese dishes i enjoy and dishes not found in other high end japanese restaurants in hk, but not so innovative that it has dish-specific cult following (like nobu does). i've been here around 5 times and has been consistently great, albeit expensive. actually they already revised the menu to more suited for HK diners' taste and price expectation. originally the menu was very similar to new york's megu (haven't been to the ones in japan), with too much choice. love their stone grilled skewers of foie gras and wagyu. even the friend rice is very good, just the right amount of balance between rice and condiments, dryness and suppleness of the rice.also another great thing about this restaurant is the relaxing and intimate light beige interior/atmosphere, with very private round banquettes and its usually not crowded. nobu is too loud if the restaurant is full and dark. doesn't feel stuffy like nadaman or other more old school 5-star hotel japanese restaurant. not squished at the bar or sitting up on utility tables like hiro and other smaller japanese restaurants. great date place as well.
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12/7(日) 3:30pm從電郵箱內不經意閱到MEGU的Newsletter,據悉店子增設了甜品下午茶自助餐,二話不說跟M先生捲土重來.與上回一樣,店內場面儼如嚴冬下的街道,頗冷清呢!自助餐的花款不多,壽司吧前擺放了腐皮壽司,吉列豚肉三文治,朱古力慕絲撻,忌廉泡芙,青瓜布甸&焦糖燉蛋,枝豆蛋糕,柚子啫喱,藍莓啫喱,雲石芝士餅,蘋果金寶,麵包布甸,小丸子及新鮮生果. 不愧為過江猛龍,連一些平凡的甜品如焦糖燉蛋,柚子啫喱,海帶奶凍及藍莓啫喱,蘋果金寶,麵包布甸;創新的枝豆蛋糕,青瓜布甸及海帶奶凍徹底將骨子裹的韻味散發出來,枝豆蛋糕尤甚,枝豆獨特的味道能夠取長補短,誠然對難以沾手的枝豆有新的體會.此外,作閒角的鹹點腐皮壽司及吉列豚肉三文治食味亦無庸置疑! 配以無限添飲的咖啡及檸茶,$138一位,直教味覺再三回味的Buffet!
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