Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
湄公河拼盤 湄公國雞仔 蒜蓉牛油燒焗大頭蝦
Review (24)
夜晚係寧靜既跑馬地見到呢間餐廳,個名好有特色,所以就膽粗粗入左去試,估唔到又幾高質喎!😋裝修呈法式復古優雅風,幾別緻🌹- 湄公河畔雜錦拼盤 💰$142以三層架為擺盤,好似食緊下午茶咁😆分別有蝦餅,沙嗲燒雞肉串燒,湄公素春卷等很不錯的頭盤!- 湄公咖喱牛腩煲🥘✨ 💰$140係椰香味非常濃郁嘅咖喱汁!牛腩肉質鬆軟 煮得好淋身,一咬即散☺️配新鮮出爐長法包🥖法包外脆內軟,點埋咖喱汁一齊食,越正呀!😋- 椰青 🥥非常清甜!座位寬敞闊落,枱數不多,環境寧靜,好舒服!☺️食物高質環境氣氛都唔錯👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-05-16
我今日去試吓呢間越南野。點知今日唔好彩落雨又無位,不過我第一個又一個人食諗住好快。等咗無耐有枱,點知個女侍應竟然要我一係答枱一係再等。我明明黎先又要我等,都係兩人枱點解一定要我讓個兩位入先。而家疫情咁,佢又無板隔,我當然唔想搭枱。唔通坐張兩人枱兩位有優先權?佢一句唔好意思再無,好似你一個人食就係咁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-05-13
My friend lives nearby. Two of us went at 6:30pm without booking. Quiet little restaurant with second floor, but it was not opened. Only one table for three eating there. We ordered a papaya salad, a stir fly cabbage and fry rice noodle. Dishes comes in slowly in large portion. The papaya salad was excellent. I finished most of it and leaving not much room for other food. The rice noodle was also good. Spicy but not oily. The cabbage was fresh but I bit hard to chew for me. Just not really my type of veg usually but my friend likes it. We need to pack one whole big box left over to take away. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-07-12
忽然發現自己很久沒有吃越南菜啦,恰巧來到這邊就滿足一下自己的口腹之慾。餐廳六點開門,居然門口還是休息的牌牌掛著。等了一會推門而入,昏暗燈光下室內裝飾也能看得出有越南的風情。擅自作主點的菜,無意之中可能反倒是這家餐廳的最受歡迎的菜式。旁觀每一桌和我點的都一樣最喜歡椒鹽田雞腿🍗,肉質鬆軟,入口即化,蒜粒爆香,忍不住吃了幾勺炸的蒜末。熱辣辣的咖喱牛肉煲,冒著熱氣蒸騰而來,用陪著一起來的麵包沾滿咖喱汁甚是鮮美。吃得撐了,好想就這樣一路走回家。😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-27
同一班朋友食lunch又想坐得好啲傾耐啲,就入左依間越南餐廳。本身唔太肚餓,但見午市套餐抵食啲就揀黎試下~套餐98蚊包小食,主菜同飲品。我就揀左雞串燒,雞絲湯河同滴滴咖啡。雞串燒上面有醬汁同炸過嘅蒜片,味道唔算好特出。雞絲湯河嘅湯底唔會太濃味,配料有雞絲同冬菇絲,不錯不錯🐥👍🏻等到最尾先飲嘅滴滴咖啡一開始已經上左枱,所以已經無咁熱。可以配煉奶飲,味道唔苦👌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)