2-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (41)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level3 2024-04-21
真心難食到食唔到 嗌咗兩款蛋撻都有一陣好怪嘅油益味,好似放咗好耐再返焗咁🤯 蛋撻無蛋撻味 鮮奶撻無奶味 兩款都只有滿滿油益味 救命!最出名既黯然銷魂飯普普通通,啲叉燒好柴好老 ,勉強無要求都叫做食得落蔥油雞扒飯超級離譜,正常茶餐廳嗌蔥油雞排點會伏成咁 ?! 塊雞扒白潺潺,勁難食,諗住唔好浪漫食物努力食埋佢 但都真係盡晒力 個蔥油就咁喺個碟邊放舊薑蓉就算,仲要唔知食緊咩 想拎佢撈飯食 食左一啖唔想再食第二啖!全餐正常應該係樽樽裝維記鮮奶,以後唔會幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-23
他加了價,食飯又必須連飲品,現在吃一個叉燒飯起碼要七十港幣,我認為真是太貴。跟餐包時菜,但只有生菜,明明有菜心提供但不許將生菜轉菜心,硬要我加20塊叫多個菜心,這個做法在香港的餐廳來說不尋常。貴都算,只要味道對得上也讓我甘心,但他的叉燒飯根本無靈魂!不夠熱,不香,不脆,賣相也不佳。收我70塊,翻熱也懶得,有被騙的感覺。以往我在其他分店初嘗這個叉燒飯的時間根本是另一個層次,那個真的是焦香的,飯又夠熱,一切像是新鮮剛煮好的,是像樣的黯然銷魂飯。現在這個哪裡黯然?哪裡銷魂?是分店的問題嗎?還是有水準的餐廳分店愈開愈多之後水準都會流失了?真是太失望,我以後都不會再來了,至少不會為那些動輒七八十塊的茶記食物而來,要食叉燒飯還有其他選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-24
Men Wah Bing Teng is a fast growing chain operated by the Tai Hing Group and I have been seeing this brand name in many places in Hong Kong and China recently. Last week, I had a quick lunch there because i was walking by to meet my client. I ordered their signature BBQ Pork rice and Fried Egg. I would say the general comment on the food quality is positive, the BBQ Pork is baked well, balanced flavour and it is not too fat or skinny. it is exactly what you are expecting from a fine local fast food restaurant given the price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-23
我总共消费了70港币,我支付了100港币,餐厅应该找回我30港币。The food I ate costs HKD70. I paid HKD100 in cash. They are supposed to return HKD30 to me. 结果我回家发现收营员她找给我的是30澳门币。After I went back home, I suddenly found the female cashier returned MOP30 (Macau) to me. 这件事情发生在2023年4月22日,16:39:25。结账员工的工号是747-5617M,年龄偏大的女服务员。This happened at 16:39:25, on 22 April 2023. The staff number of the cashier is 747-5617M. She is a female cashier. 虽然只有区区30港币,我懒得回到店里和她理论了,但是我希望把这件事情公布出来,让大家引起重视,避免踩雷,被不良商家坑钱。HKD30 seems not that much. But I would like to share my bad experience with you guys, so that you can avoid this terrible restaurant. 这是一家连锁餐厅,如果你是餐厅的管理层,请查证这件事,并严肃处理这家餐厅和相关负责人。If you are the manager of this chained restaurant, pls go ahead check this issue and make sure the people in question take the responsibility. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-12
堅城敏華冰廳 (Men Wah Bing Teng) 現址原本是民華餐廳 (Man Wah Restaurant), 差不多一樣既英文譯名,卻是走截然不同的茶記風格,檔次也有點不一樣。可以因為舖位問題,新址敏華少了麵包烘焙的食物,取而代之是主打常餐類或者係黯然銷魂飯等食物。今次,我就食左佢既榨菜肉絲麵+炸雞翼下午茶餐。佢既榨菜肉絲,都幾驚為天人,很少見到咁真材實料,咁新鮮既榨菜肉絲。條條榨菜,彷彿是即場切既咁,粗大而彈牙,估計唔會係罐頭榨菜。肉絲都比一般茶記大條同 juicy, 相信都係新鮮切既。再加上佢哋既公仔麵無其他茶記咁浸到「淋啤啤」,同樣「高汁」。美中不足嘅係,佢哋既雞翼應該唔係即炸,有啲過左氣。當然,佢既奶茶都係高質既絲襪奶茶,整體來講係滿足既。最後要彈一樣野,明白到香港既食肆要與時並進,轉用自助手機落單係大勢所趨。但因為地舖通常網絡訊息都係比較欠佳,你又迫你啲客用手機落order但餐廳又唔俾WiFi 人用,你叫啲客點樣係得一格訊號既情況下scan 2 order ar !!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)