3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Culinary star Alvin Leung’s new restaurant offers Chinese and Western mixed molecular gastronomy. He specially requested to build an open kitchen which allows customers to appreciate the culinary performance. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2014-2018)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
19:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Carabinero Red Prawn Iberico Ham Lobster
Review (11)
Level4 2020-11-25
This restaurant is rather low-profile and while I was aware of their existence they haven't been appearing on social media very much, and I only re-discovered them through the United We Dine website for the limited promotions from November 2020 to January 2021. The United We Dine menu is a very reasonable $600 for 7 courses including amuse bouche, plus petit fours. Overall experience was quite nice as the food was generally palatable and service was friendly. Would like to come back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-11-23
DiningCity 又有好介紹,MIC Kitchen 👍🏻六道菜,每位$600,Wine pairing (Optional) +$450之前聽過開喺觀塘區,而家搬到中環,方便好多,而真心覺得呢種質素呢個價錢,非常合理🤫餐廳座位全部圍繞開放式廚房設計,坐喺度就可以欣賞大廚👨‍🍳嘅廚藝,好好嘅體驗😍餐前小食:芝士多士,外脆內軟嘅感覺,加入洋蔥,食完即刻覺得好肚餓,好期待😄前菜:Langoustine - Beetroot Kimchi, Fennel, Soy, Orange色彩繽紛,蝦肉刺身做底,上面配合清新嘅蔬菜🥬加上特別嘅西柚汁,非常清新開胃😋Brussel Sprouts Hazelnut, Green Apple, Pancetta 睇見都開心又食得嘅花園仔😍,炸過嘅菜仔,配合青蘋果片,底係榛子🌰,好特別嘅一道菜😋Squid Risotto, Green Pea日本魷魚🦑真係好好食,至於個飯,個人略嫌青豆多左D😅Pigeon Soubise, Ginseng, Garlic 好有心嘅一道菜,乳鴿腿,要煑14個鐘😅MilkSpiced, Cassis, Applewood, Pear非常欣賞,奶凍好食,原來煙燻味嘅梨係咁好食😋又香又特別👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Pineapple Sichuan, Caramel, Peppercorn, Vanilla 菠蘿加入蜜糖嚟焗,幾特別,個人較喜歡上面個奶凍😅餐後小食Wine pairing (Optional) +$450香檳 白酒 紅酒 甜酒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-03
全間餐廳嘅seating大約只有20個,中間就係廚房,每個位都可以欣賞廚師煮嘢食。我哋今次係HSBC credit card 嘅Menu,只係$550/pax,仲可以加$400選擇wine pairing,非常超值。首先,welcome dish係芝士多士,中間夾有洋蔥,令人10分開胃。第一道菜係牛肉他他,因為屋企人唔食牛肉,chef 細心另外整咗個八爪魚,同樣出色。欣賞佢嘅黑蒜醬,非常惹味,另外牛肉上亦有一粒粒嘅橄欖油,得意又好食。第二道菜係椰菜仔,佢嘅口感好有層次,上面係炸咗嘅椰菜仔,同埋好清新嘅青蘋果,下邊就有一啲沙律同埋榛子,非常refreshing。第三道菜係龍蝦risotto,龍蝦非常新鮮,嫩滑彈牙!Chef話佢哋專登揀比較硬身嘅米,令到煮嘅過程更長,令飯更入味。第四道菜係乳鴿,配上杞子醬,乳鴿亦非常嫩滑,令人忍唔住用手直接食。跟住就係甜品啦!第五道菜睇落好似豆腐花,但其實佢係一個用薑汁豆漿打成嘅泡沫,配上好似黃糖但實質係蜜糖嘅粒粒,非常清新。第六道菜好得意,好似去咗泰國咁,有椰子味嘅啫喱,配上sorbert ,亦都非常清新。最後就有petit fours,由上至下嘅係玫瑰花味嘅macaron, caramel slice,陳皮啫喱,鳳梨酥,開心果蛋糕。全程Chef Christopher都會悉心咁介紹每一道菜,亦都會推薦食法,非常細心,下次一定會再嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-22
得到女朋友邀請,我們一行16位女仔一齊為一位女朋友慶祝生日。唔講唔知原來呢間餐廳 mic kitchen 同米芝蓮的廚魔 BO innovation 同集團,cigar Ben 的 benson 哥主理。就在中華會館旁邊,電梯總共有三座但只有中間的能到達餐廳。今晚的餸菜算是良好的表現,但法國菜fusion 中,算是口味比較徧甜,本人比較嗜咸,非甜,所以並非十分貼近我的口味。反而甜品非常出色,很有heart, 最喜歡他們最後的smoky 奶凍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-24
係FB 見朋友打卡post 相,見啲食物相超吸引,原來係由一星米芝蓮魔廚Chris Keung 主理 ,他來頭不少,加拿大出生的他,早在2010 年在意大利 San Pellegrino 及 Aqua Panna 比賽中 ,獲得"Young Chef of the year" 大獎!終於忍唔住,約埋朋友仔上去走轉,不過唔係話上就上,要係網頁預先訂位付費。身處26樓,可以觀看中環商廈夜景,店內是 open kitchen,26個 Bar 枱座位U型包圍廚房,大家可以看到大廚即席表演廚技,Menu 共有8個 Course,中西合壁,每道菜色配搭擺盤極具心思,出神入化,$800(末計加一),性價比赢晒!拍拖生日食飯,絕對有驚喜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)