1-min walk from Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level2 2024-10-22
在香港好吃的Omakase 已經不多了這次在IG看到一家在灣仔的Minato ..他們家主要是以鐵板燒為主但是亦有一個私穩度很高的壽司吧做Omakase大約只有9個座位 幸好我提前預約了這次跟朋友慶祝生日 當然要叫個「極尚廚師發辦」3 KINDS OF APPETISER |先付三種 | 前菜3款5 KINDS OF SASHIMI | 旬のお造り五点 |刺身5款HOT DISH OF THE DAY | 本日の温製料理 | 是日和食6 PIECES OF SUSHI | 旬の鮨六貫|壽司6款TEPPANYAKI |鉄板燒 |鐵板燒SOUP |季節のおすすめスープ |時湯JAPANESE FRUIT |日本産旬のフルーツ |日本時水果淺淺記錄一下 🤍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
嚟到這間閣下,心情即刻靚d。首先揭開一盒和果子拼盒,真係睇得我心花怒放🌸!打開黎,羊羹有柚子嘅清新,豆蓉味嘅甜度剛好,每一啖都令人喉嚨喊晒冧!但甜薯蛋糕同埋焗餅就真係稱得上係驚喜,呢個甜薯竟然唔係好甜,入口之後竟然仲可以感受到甜薯嘅自然香氣,真係唔錯滴。講到嗰粒青提大福,呀,真係一種享受啊😌!啲砂糖包住青提嘅那一層令人心情好似都甜起來,啲糯米皮超級薄,同埋那層青提衣彈牙得嚟唔會覆蓋果肉嘅香甜,每啖都係噴汁呀!好似每次都要乖乖咁食完8啖,真係對自己嘅一種好照顧。至於櫻餅,真係咁得意唔得了!我就算食完都仲係手心留香,嗰個微咸同紅豆嘅香甜交織,恰到好處,真係升呢!喺忙碌嘅一天之後,有呢啲小小嘅慰藉,簡直係一種小確幸。總括嚟講,啲食品純粹、貼心,真係一次心靈同味蕾嘅細微旅行🌿! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-28
「里想煮意」學緊整和菓子,所以有機會都會周圍食吓正宗和菓子的味道。我已經學了製作練切,所以今次見到有櫻餅,都好想試一試正宗的味道,希望將來可以自己有能力做到💪🏻我相信有啲朋友會話呢間和菓子好貴,但係如果大家自己親手整過的話,都會覺得佢哋嘅價錢係值得,因為全部都係手工和心機錢。我返到公司慢慢品嘗,味道真係出奇地特別,原來精髓在於櫻葉🧐入口之後,會在不同時間,出現唔同層次嘅味道,經過今次,我一定要學點樣整櫻餅,因為實在太好食了。除咗櫻餅,佢都仲有好多和菓子選擇,下次再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-27
One of the items gifted to me during Mid Autumn Festival was not a mooncake but a super expensive jelly from Minamoto Kitchoan. I later found out this cost $120!For jelly? Was it worth it?It was prettily wrapped in a light peach color and slightly resembled a peach as it was peach flavor. Unwrapping the cloth, there were instructions on how to rip it open without losing the juice.I followed the instructions and this pale yellow rectangle slid out with A LOT of liquid. The liquid was sweet peach juice.Slicing it open revealed jelly wrapped around half a yellow peach. The peach was soft and sweet. The jelly was firm and slippery. It had a really sweet peach taste as it was made up of all peach juice.This was fabulous. Doubt it is worth the price tag as it is jelly after all. But it was delightful none the less. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-03-13
每次我去日本的百貨公司必定會買宗家源吉兆庵的甜點! 我個人認為他們的糕點都很精緻,但如果你只是想買一款來試一下或者你想問一下在這間店有甚麼產品是比較出色的話,我真心推薦櫻花餅!!我試了很多間用櫻花制的甜點,我覺得這間的櫻花餅做得剛剛好。餅不太硬也不軟,咬的時候有淡淡的蛋香味。我前天剛剛經過銅鑼灣,所以買了一塊來試,看看在香港買的櫻花餅跟日本買的有沒有分別🤗 結果餅的味道和硬度是一樣所以質量是可以的,但價格有少許差別,如果要我再購買的話,這方面我還是要考慮一下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)