With intimate French setting, this restaurant provides classic french cuisine. It also provides different French cuisine by changing set menu weekly. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (33)
Level3 2013-12-30
I read from HK magazine that Mirror will be closing end of the year .They have just retained its Michelin one Star for 2014 and I was desperate to visit them before too late.The restaurant managed to keep its price reasonable amidst the inflationary economy. I had the $598 four course menu composing of all the signature dishes.The frog leg with garlic cream and parsley sauce is still mouth watering. The meat is tender and the garlic cream is tantalising but not overwhelming. A classic dish indeed.The steam salmon with claim bouillon and coconut sauce was a creative dish. It was surprising to find Asian influence here. But the sweetness of the coconut blends really well with the clam juice , making the salmon extra tasty.Finally comes the signature roast pigeon with port wine sauce. This dish has since been copied in many places but Mirror still turn out the best. The skin is crispy and the meat is flavorful.  The dessert was Panna cotta with fresh mango. Its not sweet and helps to end the meal in perfect pitch.I hope Mirror will reopen elsewhere soon. It is hard to find small restaurants where the owner chef still is passionate and provide value despite the high cost. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
8月12日 (星期一) 晴難得是日能夠抽閒用饍,所以早一晚「即興」約了友人N午餐。想到Mirror Restaurant用餐已有一段時間,此餐廳於2012年曾榮獲米芝蓮一星,可惜一年過後,便從此行列中被剔除。不過,餐廳有大廚Jeremy Biasiol (曾於Alain Ducassee餐廳工作)在陣,加上曾是星級食店,是信心保證,所以對此行也是充滿期待。十二時半到達餐廳,餐廳竟然沒有客人,問一下當席待應,才知道只有我們和另一個2人booking,以$148 +10%的set lunch來說, 確是有點意外,只能說生意難做。午市沒有a la carte。Set Lunch的選擇不太多,不過以只能容納20-30人的小餐館來說,較少的選擇較易控制成本,且保證食材新鮮。對我來說,貴精不貴多,只要好吃就行。點餐過後,隨之而來是剛從焗爐拿出來的麵包,分別有煙肉包和迷你法包兩款,熱哄哄,略嫌有點乾和過韌,有點用手撕開,不過我和友人N兩個愛包之人同樣非常滿意,點上牛油(基本的無鹽/有鹽),吃個不停。不久,待應便送上前菜,我點了紅菜頭意式奶凍.紅菜頭汁.紅菜頭脆 (Beetroot pannacotta, Beetroot Juice and Crispy Beetroot)。老實說,我對紅菜頭這種食材一向沒有什麼好感,但我深信好廚師是能化腐朽為神奇,把任何食物都能夠做得美味,令客人歡喜。賣相有美感,用玻璃杯盛載,能清楚看到不同層次。用上同一食材(紅菜頭),以不同手法處理是一個常見的演繹。其實難以區別Beetroot pannacotta和Beetroot juice (其實是已經凝固了的gel吧)味道的分別,反正就是未放進口兩者已結合一體吧。反之,表層鋪上脆紅菜頭絲,炸過後沒有的紅菜頭青澀味,處理非常聰明,質感亦與pannacotta成了對比,用上chive作點綴,同時此菜加上約約的青蔥味。對一個不愛紅菜頭的人來就,此稱不上美味,我卻認為這是一道十分出色的頭盤,廚師成功把紅菜頭用上pannacotta的形式烹調,混入奶和忌廉大大減低了紅菜頭的酸澀味,加上不同質感的配合,令此成為一道賣相味道兼備的開胃頭盤,最終亦能把他清光。經過我的建議後,友人N點選了洋蔥湯,是一個十分安全的選擇。上碟時只見碟上鋪上了gruyere芝士,麵包塊和chive,然後再由侍應倒下洋蔥湯,是經典的配搭。從相片可以得知,湯是偏淡的,沒有經焦糖化而變深褐的洋蔥,也沒有濃的牛肉湯。友人N對此湯品評價不錯,或許淡淡的湯更適合炎夏的中午,亦受女生歡喜吧!主菜點選了龍脷配蝦汁佐夏天蔬菜(Sole fish, shrimp sauce and summer vegetables). 吃這一餐前,已經有好一段日子沒有吃過魚/海鮮,所以訂座後就一已經有吃魚的念頭。魚/海鮮的處理很考廚師工架,因為肉質delicate,如果overcook,味道和口感都會大打折扣。魚的presentation簡單,沒什麼花巧。佈上了chive的魚被精緻的蔬菜圍着:甘荀,brussel sprouts,及另一種不能吃出是什麼的瓜(haha!)。魚非常的嫰滑,蒸到剛剛好的熟成度,讚!可惜我稍嫌魚有一點點的over-seasoned,黑胡椒有點兒overpower了本來已經淡味的魚。至於那個shrimp sauce,在吃的時候老實說也別不出來,不過感覺上是配合的,只是沒有了蝦的鮮味。友人N習慣點pasta,這次也不例外,點選了蕃茄.羅勒.巴馬神芝士意粉。用上了車厘茄,味道鮮甜,尤其是咬下時爆出的那一下。不過,初嚐第一口的時候有感奇怪, 在試一口,原來問題出在macaroni上,煮得過諗完全沒有應有的al dante,友人N也同意。這算是一個低級失誤,好在味道出色,為菜式保住了不少分數。是日的甜品是mango pannacotta, 而非creme brulee。需加$45才能享用。友人N對此沒大興趣,加上我的頭盤已經吃了pannacotta,所以這沒有點了,直接以咖啡來完結,latte也沖得不錯,也一個不錯的完結。喝畢咖啡才醒起petite four,不過我想午市也沒有提供吧。以二百元下的價錢能夠到前一星食店用餐,有fine dinning的經驗,抵食也 。食物構思十分好,尤見beetroot pannacotta,presentation也精緻,雖然在執行(execusion )上有一點點暇疵,不過可能只是我的執着吧!此行的食物雖未達一星標準,但其實也見其用心,加上侍應禮貌很好,全程有笑容,會不斷refill水,所以也滿意。未見大廚Jeremy,期望有一天能在這裏晚餐,在其degustation menu上吃到其出品,一嚐星級菜式。值得推薦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-16
十二月中旬‧晴今天來The Mirror探探大廚Jeremy,佢繼上次大受歡迎的「蝦慕絲」後,又創作了另一個「蟹慕絲」來。中間的是蟹湯做的啫喱,底部是蟹羔,放在上面的是蟹肉及蟹籽。味道鮮香無比,吃一口,感覺幸福。還有好幾味新菜式,當中亦有精緻的甜點,看來很不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-25
有時期望越大失望越大呢說實選這裡進餐是可以很寫意但整體黎講今次不是太欣賞論環境一流,如果你要一個寧靜有情調私密地慢談的地方論服務一流,如果你要無微不至,善於菜色介紹的侍應對我黎講食物既賣相,色香味也很重要但今次反而缺乏了,沒有令人讚嘆的賣相,令人再嚐既味道是晚不貼心,沒有A LA CARTE不可因應胃口而調節份量而菜色選擇也很少不窩心的感覺賣相不過不失,甜品相對吸引加好食其他都只是淺嚐後便停手,我相信相同的食物對其他食客可能是滿分只是剛巧不是我的茶,不好意思呢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-12-18
The price is horribly high. You can spend same amount at Toscs Ritz Carlton. You will find it worth at RC. The food at mirror is simple with no surprise. Taste is just ok. Environment is bad cos low ceiling floor and noisy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)