Offering high-quality Cantonese cuisine and exquisite Chinese dim sum, which brings a new dining experience to diners. The decor blends modern and traditional elements, creating a stylish and cosy dining environment to let every guest enjoy their meal in a comfortable atmosphere.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:30 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:00
*Last Order: 15:30; 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
這晚約了朋友及他的母親大人晚飯,想找一間較嫻靜體面的中菜廳。經朋友推薦,預訂了最近鰂魚涌新開的「望月樓」。這家分店裝潢融合現代與傳統,感覺高雅舒適。據知掌廚的是曾獲獎無數的歐陽松基師傅,所以Menu除了常見的港式小菜,更有少見的經典手工粵菜,令我們相當期待。.❇︎ 前菜 | $𝟐𝟐是日前菜是四川豆乾。辣度適中,川味刺激味蕾。.❇︎ 荔蓉香酥鴿 | $𝟏𝟗𝟖 十分經典的懷舊手工菜式。先將原隻乳鴿去骨,再鋪上蒸熟的香芋蓉,炸至外層金黃酥脆。入口先是酥脆蜂巢外皮,再到軟糯芋泥及香口濃郁的鴿肉,層次感十分豐富。.❇︎ 金莎蝦球 | $𝟏𝟗𝟖咸蛋黃的鹹香裹滿大蝦,味道濃而不膩。蝦球肉質爽彈新鮮,朋友媽媽頗為讚賞。.❇︎ 薑蔥生蠔煲 | $𝟐𝟗𝟖生蠔份量十足,每一隻都肥美飽滿,並吸收了薑蔥香氣,入口軟嫩,鮮味四溢。.❇︎ 椒鹽九肚魚 | $𝟏𝟎𝟖九肚魚比平常大排檔吃的大隻,魚肉細膩外皮酥脆。椒鹽調味相當到位,香而不重。.❇︎ 經典芝麻卷 | $𝟒𝟖今晚以這道經典甜品作為收尾,質地柔軟Q彈,芝麻的香氣突出,不會過於甜膩。.❇︎ 茶位 | $𝟏𝟖/ 位 龍井茶香清新回甘。
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Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Easy Access | Restroom Cleanliness | Wheelchair | Easy Parking🙂 😠 Pet Friendly | Corkage Fee | Cake Cutting FeeThis restaurant is located in Quarry Bay in a Commercial Building Kerry Centre. They do have another one located in Kowloon Tong Festival Walk. It serves guangdong cuisine and dim sum at lunch. It is very easy to access there by tram, bus, minibus or even MTR. It is just 6mins walk from Exit C at Quarry Bay MTR station. If you drive, there is a big underground parking lot too. Wheelchair has no problem, they have both lift and escalator. They do not have free parking during weekday lunch but they do have free parking for dinner and for weekend for a certain spending limit. The ambience is good with big window at the back. Bright and with a good view along. It is better to get a window seat if possible. The food presentation is very nice even for dim sum. Food quality is good too, not too much MSG and tasty. Dim sum serves nice & hot. Their famous dessert black saseme roll is delicious. They do not have restroom inside the restaurant and have to use the one outside in Kerry Centre. They are clean and neat. The price is relatively higher than normal dim sum restaurant but with the ambience and service they provide, it‘s worth. One thing needs to mention is their carpet which I think needs to be improved. All the hair has come out which is not good for a food venue. They do charge corkage fee and cake cutting fee for your information.
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香港的食肆一向都給人不禮貌的印象,最近就食過一間侍應們都很有禮貌的,環境氣氛都很好的食肆。今次是一家人共八位,來到這裏食晚飯。由於大家的食量都不10分大,而且還有兩位是小朋友,所以我們只叫了一個六人套餐,另外再點了一些前菜及一個燉湯。我想說的是點這個燉湯是侍應推介的,但侍應竟然不知道那個六人套餐當中就包括了一鍋湯,他竟然在推介我們叫另外一鍋湯。究竟是他不知道套餐內有湯,還是一心想我們再叫多一個湯。這點都不追究了。用餐當晚,全場只坐了三分一客。所點的食物只可以用一般來形容,給我的印象就是性價比很低。例如半隻燒鵝,色水與賣相都很不錯,就是肉的質地很乾而且欠缺香味,食起來很黐牙。當晚消費大約$4000 ,人頭消費接近500,居然連飯後甜品也只有八件芝麻卷。整體印象,就是性價比很低,但環境與服務都很不錯。
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岩岩嘅中秋節同屋企人去咗⭐️望月樓⭐️慶祝位於鰂魚涌嘅⭐️望月樓⭐️係新開架 場地闊落光猛 員工非常友善 我地點咗幾款小菜🧄蒜泥白肉成個餸嘅重點之一就係蒜泥 中間夾咗青瓜🥒片 夾埋一齊食唔會太膩 🍊鹹柑桔川貝鷓鴣燉花膠湯個湯好清甜 加鹹柑桔同川貝令到個湯飲落非常潤喉🐠剁椒蒸十分十二吋大魚頭用咗兩款辣椒 魚頭蒸到啱啱好 肉質幼嫩🐷蜜汁叉燒仲係暖暖地叉燒 飲落好juicy 肥瘦恰到好處微微嘅燶邊更添焦香味🥬砂鍋甘樹子唐生菜加咗甘樹子 用砂鍋上嘅唐生菜特別惹味 有砂鍋上嘅餘溫 令唐生菜可以keep住暖暖地 唔會好易凍哂 🐖望月焗豬扒飯豬扒飯嘅份量非常大 豬扒口感嫩滑多汁 加咗隻荷包蛋 好飽肚😌🍡生磨芝麻卷芝麻卷好幼滑 咬落香甜煙靭🥥椰糖脆脆卷呢款卷係即叫即整架 好香脆又唔會太甜
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