6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin Green Star Restaurant (2023-24), Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2024)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
Tue - Thu
18:00 - 23:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
*Tuesday - Saturday - Dinner: 21:00 last order Friday - Saturday - Lunch: 14:00 last order 15/1-4/2, 2022 Lunch Only:16:00 last order
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level3 2025-01-09
Mora 由米芝蓮二星餐廳 TATE Dinning Room 大廚主理,2024年更首次獲得一星殊榮。Mora 以大豆為主題,運用法式風格來烹調中式料理。啱晒喜愛傳統味道,但又不失精緻口味的人豆乳龍蝦湯烏冬 (extra $138)令人難忘湯頭充滿豆乳香和龍蝦鮮味,兩者配合得好好,唔會搶走各自風頭 配以口感柔滑的日本烏冬,味道集鮮、香、滑除了甜品味道較為普通外,其餘菜式也很滿意。Dinner tasting menu $1080 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-05
呢間好味、全部菜都新穎。而且煮法出色。雖然食材未必話好難搵到或者好貴。但係烹調方法好用心,而且好多唔同款式、每一款都整得好好。 個乳鴿非常之好味。 佢個Menu裏面有兩款係加錢叫的、我兩款都有加了。 我本人就鍾意龍蝦麵嗰個多啲. 石斑魚嗰個我自己覺得好味,但比較普通。 個豆腐花配紫米雪糕又係好好味,聽上去好普通,但係食上去覺得佢做得好味過我之前食過嘅其他餐廳。 自己覺得佢個麻婆豆腐飯反而麻麻。 唔係唔好味,只係相比起整麻婆豆腐飯好味嘅地方佢冇特別好味。如果鍾意食豆漿豆乳嘅話會推介呢間。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-07
真的會迷路啊😂 店門有點被排檔阻住~ 店員也會細心講解路線 👍 整體豆的配搭很讚👍 ~ 大廚 Fai 榮獲今屆米芝蓮年輕主廚大獎 🤩 當然要化身粉絲去集郵 😁自家製的特濃豆漿~ 豆香, 味濃而且餘韻很長 😚 象拔蚌上的地膚子 有蝦籽口感 🤩豆腐皮撻 豆乳ricotta 配 酸梅pesto ~ 好 refreshing 😚龍蝦豆乳冷烏冬~ 因為他們的豆漿很濃稠 mix 咗海鮮 stock嘅汁 完美沾在冷烏冬上 🤩 ~ 食完唔會漿口 而且龍蝦味鮮~ 讚👍 帶子黃豆粉 Ravioli 配 海藻汁~ 醃漬沙葛太酸了😂 ~ 但帶子甜 海藻汁也很提鮮 🤤 脆炸豆腐配芝麻醬, 菜圃, 松子~ 這個看著像普通日式炸豆腐 , 先吃一口 感到 重點在於上面的醃蘿白蓉 🤩 酸酸的👍 , 再薰上麻醬 及松子 , 味道和口感 都挺有層次 👌三黃雞豆腐卷~ 上面的雞皮薄脆是精華 🤤 豆腐很嫩滑 食完都沒有覺得好滯😌 四菇麻婆豆腐飯 ~ 菇香芒果配大豆奶酪雪糕 ~ 這個實在太唔甜 😂 我覺得自己需要多一點糖份🤣 #香港 #摩 #mora #chef #cheflife #soya #tofu #foodie #hkfoodie #lobster #udon #豆 #支持 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有些食材是不是只適合某種料理?話說去吃了一間標榜豆腐料理的西餐,但除了前菜勉強可以說主角是豆腐外,其他都好像是為了加豆腐而加豆腐。豆腐不是主角,也吃不出豆腐的味來。和中式和日式的豆腐料理相比,簡單一個腐皮壽司、豆腐蒸蛋、蟹黃豆腐、炸豆腐等等,都比它更豆腐。他又標榜豆腐是香港廠房自己製造,但豆腐的靈魂應該是大豆,它的大豆又是那裡的大豆?日本料理其中一點是重視食材的品質,為了昇華串燒,可以培育一種特別的肉雞,某港口特別新鮮的松葉蟹亦可以特別的食材命其名。一個標榜豆腐的料理,在西方不太知道豆腐是甚麼的外國人來說,可能是特別的,但對由細食豆腐食到大的亞洲來說,卻不容易普普通通加了豆腐就混過去 FineDining continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-20
I have always admired the vision of Chef Vicky Lau, particularly her brainchild Mora that pays tributes to the versatility of soy products, sustainability and local ingredients. Paid Mora a visit shortly after it’s been awarded its first Michelin 🌟, retained its Michelin Green Star ☘️, and earned Chef Fai Choi the Michelin Young Chef Award in the Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2024.My favourite of the evening was the Udon Noodle in Soy Milk Lobster Bouillon - an explosion of umami flavours of rich soy milk lobster bouillon with Inaniwa udon. Server told us that the lobster was lightly steamed to retain its tenderness. Sakura shrimp and spring onion oil were added to elevate the flavors. Udon was springy and helped soak up the luscious bouillon. My other favourite was the savoury Soy Milk with Geoduck and Clam Jus. Local geoduck was poached in a stock of clam jus, dashi, sake, and shallot. The geoduck was done just right. As the server poured the stock into the bowl of soy milk, the milk solidified like the savoury soy milk 咸豆漿 that we usually have, the texture of which was something that I would not expect to encounter in a refined establishment like Mora.The Chicken and Tofu Roulade with Yellow Wine Sauce was also nicely done. The chicken was juicy and tender - probably one of the most succulent chicken that I’ve had in recent months. Overall a delightful dinner and lovely company. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)