1-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station
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It is a social enterprise under the Gurkhas Group (G3S) Charity Foundation Limited. You can enjoy authentic Nepalese Cuisine at a reasonable price here. The shop features red colour and is decorated with Nepalese elements, such as Buddhist sculpture and singing bowls.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Not Available
之前有吃過尼泊爾Momo餃子,但對這個國家的菜式認識不深,來到佐敦這間社企尼泊爾菜餐廳,看不懂餐牌還被店員發現我在google。單人套餐內容豐富,有湯有飯有各種蔬菜還有乳酪,一盤有齊甜酸苦辣五味雜陳,真是富特色又好味呢!地點就在佐敦上海街,都算近地鐵站交通幾方便。入面係紅色主調,細細間座位不多,平日都係尼泊爾人為主,亦有尼泊爾僧侶來用餐。餐廳是一間社企,提供就業機會俾少數族裔,同時分享尼泊爾美食和文化。餐牌上不難發現一些素食選擇,momo餃子亦有素版。一個人來吃的話可以點套餐,多幾個人可以加個小菜之類。Thakali Set(Veg) HK$95望住個餐牌完全唔知點揀,問埋Google都唔肯定有咩分別,再問埋店員好似係大致分兩大類,配菜都係果啲,主要係飯同一pat灰色蕎麥泥的分別,亦可以揀不同肉類或蔬食,留意返佢係蛋奶素非純素。一大盤各式各樣,用碗醬的是湯和paneer咖哩,白色的是乳酪,圍住飯邊的是各種蔬菜、醃菜和辣醬。薯仔秋葵好好食,蒜蓉白菜仔和鹹蛋苦瓜好地道,另外有兩個係大酸&大辣的古怪野,溝埋一齊食比較接受到。店員見我要google菜單,都好親切用英文幫的介紹返,上檯時仲幫我加了 organic ghee 在白飯和湯上,牛油撈飯梗係加倍好食啦。這個是小米雜豆湯,唔辣,好味。Paneer 豆咖哩,同樣都係唔辣嘅,撈飯好食。
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To try authentic Nepalese cuisine, this is the one! From the chef, staff and even most of the customers are Nepalese! Most of the dishes they keep the authentic cooking style and recipes, and some have localised to fit in Hk style. Our table of 12 and enjoy the food so much and never ending laughers, even the boss and chef greets us!
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In my opinion it's a strategic mistake for Himalaya to cancel the set lunch menu. The set lunch, which I've tried when the restaurant started the business several months ago, provided a reasonable-priced dining choice that a set is charged only $50 something or $60. Recently I went again and find that, with the set lunch cancelled, food for the regular menu charges at least $90 something or over $100. This price level makes sense for dinner time, but for us those working dogs who have only an hour (minus those minutes rushing to the shops and waiting for the orders) for lunch, a lunch which I need to rush from soup to naan to drink but charging over $100 is a bit expensive. The set lunch's price level in the past at least can attract more customers to try the exotic Nepali cuisine.
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Randomly visited this Nepalese restaurant for lunch.The lunch set with drinks was priced at $65, without service charge. I had a choice of chicken/pork/veggie curry as main. In general I think it tasted very similar to Indian food, and the portion of curry is a little small. The taste was ok and the environment was clean.
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今日同朋友想有啲突破,所以揀咗間新開嘅尼泊爾餐廳,見佢乾淨企理,燈火通明,環境又幾好,就做下白老鼠啦!最初去到無乜人,但過多一陣就full house了!一半尼泊爾人,一半香港人,感覺有啲似去咗旅行咁,有feel呀!我哋叫咗兩款豬肉Momo,即餃子🥟。一款係蒸餃,另一款係辣甜酸炒餃,兩款都好好食!個人比較鍾意蒸餃,清清哋,無咁膩。甜酸餃個汁同我哋中式咕嚕醬相似。另外我哋叫咗酥炸茄子🍆,外皮香脆可口,超正!點上辣醬更惹味。水牛肉乾,都幾硬同乾身,味道好特別好地道,香料味好重,試一次就夠。另外我哋叫咗一個超地道嘅拼盤,中間灰啡色物體係混合谷物米糊,味道好特別,可點上咖哩醬或乳酪一齊食。拼盤當中有幾款「尼泊爾泡菜」,比較鹹,但好惹味!我哋都點咗喜馬拉雅奶茶,茶同奶味都好淡,有啲失色,下次唔會叫。一次好難得的用餐體驗,職員好用心介紹同解釋每一道菜,十分親切。
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