7-min walk from Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2021-12-11
見到人話尼泊爾素食,喺冇得去旅行既日子,食啲唔同地方既食物就當去左旅行,咁就黎一場尼泊爾之旅啦。入到去餐廳係一個香港人都冇,全部都係尼泊爾樣既人!好彩menu係中英對照,都叫做可以睇下有乜食,不過同印度餐一樣,就算睇得明餐牌啲字,都唔會估到係食啲乜,所以都係亂啲點。Vegetarian Roti Set 素菜薄餅套餐 - 套餐有三餸一湯同薄餅,另外仲有中間果堆加料,其實除左白菜之外其他都唔係好知係乜黎。個湯幾好飲,有啲豆味咁。Vegetarian Dido Set 素菜迪多套餐 - 依個套餐啲餸同薄餅套餐係一樣既,只係個主食由薄餅變左一舊不知名既麵團。你以為佢係麵包?少年真係太天真,依舊係一舊完全冇發酵過既麵粉團,好實好dense,感覺係食一世都食唔哂⋯⋯店主見我地食得好辛苦,就解釋話依舊野係好heavy,問我地會唔會想轉飯。由於我地已經飽到上心口,所以婉拒左佢既好意。Mixed Veg Pakoda 炸雜錦素菜小食 - 依個好食,炸得好香脆。雖然話係雜錦素茶,但基本上食到既好似都係洋蔥。3樣野加埋先100蚊多啲,仲要勁飽肚,不過就唔太啱我地胃口,試一次就夠了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-11-25
I love Nepalese dumplings, Momo, so much. There's so much texture and flavour to them. You know sometimes the skin or the mince inside get all mushy? None of it here! We shared the steamed pork momo, steamed vegetarian momo, chili momo, and a pani puri. Plenty of food for 3 person. There are a few other dishes I like when I go for Nepalese, but I am wary about ordering them, cause I feel so stinky for days after. Wonder how people solve this issue? Maybe there is something they eat or drink to fix it? By the way, we bought take away. So the plates and table you see are not from the store! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第二次到訪這街坊小店,店子細細,裝潢簡單,但很潔淨,店員也十分友善有禮。套餐的餸菜都是預先做好,像三餸飯即叫即畢,一邊吃一邊看見很多尼泊爾人來買外賣。這店的食品價錢相當相宜,才五十元一個套餐,即使你大食如牛也保證吃得飽。尼泊爾菜比印度菜淡口一點,用的香料也輕手得多,較接近中國菜的口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-07-07
咁岩行過佐敦肚餓,又口痕想食少少新口味既野,見到一間好平民既小店Chulo Nepalese Home Cooking,所以就行入去試下啦。咁入到去都好地道,都係尼泊爾同南亞朋友為主,望下餐牌見到個從來未食過既食物叫Dhido,google一下發現Dhido/Dhindo係尼泊爾茶其中一項staple food~ 雖然以前既人會覺得Dhido係低下階屠既食物,但隨時間改變大家應該都學習下理解新既事物丫~ 其實Dhido姐係熟粉團,將各類麵粉加入清水煮熟(或者加少少油)就係啦,咁得意梗係要試下啦! 所以叫左個Dhido veg set~$55 Dhido口感其實好似糯米池,但冇甜味,有麥香同穀物味。佢主要食法係用手搣出黎點湯或者咖喱汁食,但我當然用叉啦,乾淨少少。Dhido配番咖喱汁你唔會好大期望,主要姐係等於咖哩汁撈飯咁,不過其實幾新奇,味道OK,可惜今次既Dhido Set既咖哩份量偏少,CP值扣左少少分! 另外Dhido好飽味頂胃,如果消化唔好既朋友未必一次過食好多呀。其實仲想飲芒果沙冰同試下Samosa架,不過食完Dhido已經好飽,所以就留待下次啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-05-09
今日響佐敦見到間尼泊爾餐廳就入去試下,店員會講廣東話,餐牌有相有中文。女朋友要咗choila(一種辣炒肉)套餐$60,可以揀豬、牛或雞,佢揀咗雞。雞烤得好香仲好juicy,辣辣地好醒胃,依個餸係跟兩款脆卜卜既米同豆,連埋雞同醬汁食,口感好好玩!女朋友個餐有一個自家製既前菜,好香芥末味,好味到我哋買咗一樽,價錢只係$20。我叫咗個咖喱芝士配dhido(一種用黑麥粉做既麪糰)套餐$55。Dhido感覺好健康,黑麥味好重,咖哩唔辣唔油,芝士加青豆好入味,店員仲用廣東話教點樣用麪糰點咖哩加醬汁同配料一齊食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)