6840 0902
Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
10:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level4 2014-03-30
我想上環這家 Mymy Caffe 該可算是全香港最小型的咖啡店了吧?門面一不小心便會走過,但門口歐洲風的布置其實也挺搶眼的。如果要堂喝咖啡的第一個條件是要夠窈窕,不然都幾難擠得離去!另外想喝咖啡的話也要夠耐心,因為老闆娘超級慢工出細貨,顧客在門外在等咖啡的時候,少不免會跟老闆娘或者互相寒喧搭訕,所以狹小的店面內貼滿來自全球各地的顧客照片。雖然咖啡 menu 上的選擇不算很多,但只要你提出要求,老闆娘是會為你度身訂造你的私人款式。第一次來的時候是喝了 Macchiato 的,這個可不是某咖啡連鎖店的那種上面畫了糖漿的啊,真正的 Macchiato (就是意大利文 mark 的意思) 只是把一小點奶泡點在特濃咖啡上而已,當然老闆娘已經很細心地弄得很有美感啦。味道倒是比較濃的。後來事忙,幾個月都沒有再來,日前得知他們現有的丁方鋪位做到本月尾便會給東,搬到轉角更大的地方去,所以上周日就在本店開了個告別派對,我也再特地拜訪。今次不喝咖啡了,改喝很多人大讚的熱朱古力。當然又是等...等...等...等絕對是值得的,朱古力濃如朱古力火鍋裡的朱古力漿,甜香撲鼻,入口順滑,可恨那根攪棒不是餅乾條,不然用它來蘸宋古力吃也好啊!跟老闆娘和其他顧客 (好像都是老主顧了) 談起,不說不知原來這裡已經有3年等歷史了!店家也把一眾捧場客的照片製成拼圖,當中有沒有你的身影呢?Mymy Caffe 搬了上樓後地方該會大了,但可能又少了那個大家在門外「打牙骹」的情懷啊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-03-25
而家啲cafe,度度裝修都整到好有特色,價錢又偏貴,但係咖啡質數都幾參差,今日嚟開上環,搵到呢間小店行到去,離遠已經見到好多人小店真係好細,得兩個企位,見到咁多人原來佢地有gatheting,話會搬舖,再問店主,佢地自己都唔知新店有無位坐見住佢地沖咖啡,咖啡豆係一大包,應該唔係mix 嘅,香味好夠,我仲聽到佢地有好多唔同味嘅咖啡,不過我都係鍾情cappuccino 無靚拉花,不過奶夠厚夠滑,咖啡係我鍾意嘅苦味,有aftertaste,大口大口飲,好快飲完,哈哈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-05
Ever since my first sip of rich velvety hot chocolate in Barcelona, I have always been a big fan of hot chocolate. Not just any chocolate, but thick velvety chocolate. Back in Hong Kong, most of the time I go to Vero's Chocolate for their decadent hot chocolate. Recently I am introduced to Italian hot chocolate by Henry and I have to say I first found the texture funny. For those of you who have not tried Italian hot chocolate before, I am going to introduce Mymy Caffè to you.Mymy Caffe is a petite caffe located in Sheung Wan. The caffe can only accommodates 2 guests at one time, but you can stand on the street to enjoy your cup if you want. I met one of the owner the other day as she was making our cup of hot chocolate, I can see they are real passionate about coffee. They are going to move the caffe to another location close by in Sheung Wan soon, hopefully a bit bigger to cater more coffee lovers.Mymy caffe usually offers two kinds of hot chocolate, Milano and Danesi. The day we visited Mymy Caffe, Danesi was out of stock. You might have to come back in late March or early April if you want to try Danesi!The Milano Hot Chocolate at Mymy Caffè was rich and thick with a thick cream like consistency that you can enjoy spoon by spoon. The hot chocolate has bold chocolate flavour, subtle milk flavour and was mildly sweet. This cup is nicer than the one I had at iL Caffé. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-06
I have always wanted to try this place because it is the smallest coffee shop in Hong Kong, but since I do not drink coffee there was nothing for me to try until I read the recent reviews about chocolate!The shop is about the width of a bicycle.The sitting area is so small that only one person can go in and if someone wants to get out or get in, you have to come out to let the other person do so.Although the place is tiny, it is heavily decorated with bric a brac and postcards.This place has a lot of publicity because of its size but it is strange that there are not many reviews on it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Thick hot chocolate:I loved it because it was so thick you have to spoon it like a dessert.To be honest it tasted like chocolate flavoured English custard and there was no sour aftertaste which was amazing. Definitely a good choice for a cold winters day and if your feeling peckish for dessert.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Grapefruit soda (crodino):This soda was unique and there is nothing that tastes quite like this.The owners flew them here from Italy.They said it was grapefruit soda which looked like Irn bru from its coppery orange colour.The taste was sweet at first and then came an ultra bitter tone, which tastes exactly like grapefruit peel!According to Wiki Crodino is a non-alcoholic bitter aperitif, produced since 1964. It is an orange colored drink made of herbal extracts and sugar, and it is sold in 6 oz bottles primarily consumed in Italy and other European countries.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★hot chocolate with ginger:This was a little disappointing because I was expecting it to be thick just like the chocolate drink above.The ginger was nice and strong but there was a slight sour aftertaste.It also had a milkier taste and a powdery chocolate texture in the drink.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★I can't wait to come back for the thick chocolate again.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $4XService: OKService charge: noYummy factor: okSweetness levels: just rightNapkins provided: yesGlass of water provided: yesEnglish Menu: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-16
上月初跑到了元朗找咖啡宅男「無野謝」說話,談起在上環有那麼一家隱蔽在狹窄橫廊、不起眼的咖啡店。原來無野謝早就踏進過那僅僅能容下兩三人的空間飲啡,更向我力推它的Mocha。我不像他對咖啡愛得著迷,不過因為嗜甜,聽到Mocha就覺得興奮。而且地點亦在我常出沒地帶,故找了一天去試試看。怎料,一試便著了魔,幾個星期以來一有空便由不得往那兒跑。大門不足三呎,放了吧檯後只剩下一個身位般的寬度,放了一張高櫈還剩下兩個人的身位。所以店內只能容納大概三位客人,第四位以後的就只能拿上一張圓櫈坐在門外。餐牌上有不同的飲品和咖啡選擇,然而off menu的還有更多。店的兩位老闆娘熱愛咖啡,辭去工作跑到意大利學習沖咖啡,回來香港就在此窄小的空間發展她們的咖啡事業。以下跟大家分享我在這裡喝過的數杯。Caffè Moka($42)朱古力味濃,跟咖啡味十分平衡,奶泡細滑,味道確是很不錯。Iced Moka($42)比熱的甜一點,入口也更順滑,聽兩位老闆娘之言冷和熱是用不同的朱古力所製,故味道不一,我則比較喜歡冷的這杯。我愛喝朱古力,是愛得平常在家也會煮來喝。這裡的Hot Chocolate Milano($40)濃稠像布甸,根本無法喝,只能用匙細細的舀起吃。可可味濃,然而乳味亦沒缺席。重要是不帶黑朱古力的酸味,可可跟牛奶配合得天衣無縫。跟老闆娘說吃得太飽,她便建議我喝一杯single shot Espresso($26)。creama 完美的一層蓋在上,啡味深邃,甘而不酸得過份,喝完舌頭又想喝甜,實是解滯良藥。另一杯不知名的熱朱古力($40)。雖然質地較稀,但可可味比milano那杯香濃,且不那麼甜,加上表面的法國可可粉,未喝便先滿足嗅覺。Hot Chocolate danesi($50)跟milano一樣的濃稠細滑,但因為是以更優質的朱古力所製,味道更是甘厚,入喉更順滑。捨不得太快吃光所以都是小口小口的舀起送進嘴裡,是我喝過最愛的一杯朱古力。外賣一杯Hazelnut Macchiato給千島醬 ($45)。據老闆娘所說,他們依意大利的做法,把nutella榛子醬塗滿杯邊,再加入咖啡和牛奶。喝的時候,用小棒輕混和,便能喝到咖啡中滲出的淡淡榛子甜香。老闆娘更叫我要是喝到底還有剩下榛子醬,就用來塗麵包。有空,喝一杯;吃飽,喝一杯;工作後,喝一杯。現在只要想喝一杯,就會往這裡來。我想每個人的口味都不同,想法做法都不同,沒有絕對的優劣對錯。最重要是找到屬於自己的一杯,屬於自己的一條路。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)