4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
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10% Service Charge
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Review (9)
Level1 2024-05-04
Was here in Saturday, not much people due to commercial district area in central. I walked by and wanted a coffee. Just want to say the male staff or might be his is the owner is very friendly and nice. He actually make me another cup of coffee because he kind of make the coffee not that good appearance on the first time. The coffee taste good of how he actually take the time to make. I do recommend visit on Saturday or Sunday as less people. I think this one better than causeway bay store. Just go when u see the male staff but I think he is the actual owner.經過中環禮拜六冇乜人就行入去坐飲杯咖啡。男員工好好但我覺得佢係老細,用啲時間去沖咖啡,佢覺得第一次充杯咖啡整得唔好佢就同我講話重新沖多杯咖啡俾我,但係我覺得佢第一杯其實已經好。咖啡沖得幾好飲。我建議你哋禮拜六日去會比較少人。個人覺得依間好過銅鑼灣分店如果係男員工但係我覺得佢喺老細。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-03-22
1.强制按人头消费 什么霸王条款 两人要点两份餐食才能入座2.女店员态度恶劣 说顾客点单太慢 真是奇葩3.被气到后想离开 在查google map 路线 女店员冲过来说“这里不能坐,就是因为有你们这些人蹭坐balabala ” 明明座位还有很多……本想查完地图就走人 就想问谁给你的优越感?真是气死这种服务态度真是没见过的奇葩真是给香港丢脸@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-31
第一次去試,價錢公道不貴. 咖啡比這價錢算是好飲. 也食了scone, texture 幾好,但菓醬可以多些,cream 不夠厚, 但也只是$20一個. 因為是和朋友堂食不是外賣,下了單比完錢,竟然是有店內的職員拿飲品和食物送到面前!這種service 在這類咖啡店是比較少?職員的服務態度都ok, 環境坐得舒服. 可以再去. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-28
Again, this is the only coffee place that I will go to in this city.  I mean, why should you pick any other places when you have found the perfect one?Arrived at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon I think?  So again, because I do not want to have an insomnia I ordered their Decaf Mocha.  Gosh it's the same great enjoyment again.  Temperature, taste, smell... everything was perfect!  I live in the New Territories area so I don't go to the Island side too often, but I am already looking forward to my next trip already.....Thank you guys for brining such wonderful coffee to Hong Kong. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-03
職員態勁差,黑口黑面,對客人呼呼喝喝,特別係個帶眼鏡肥男人,俾完錢又大叫你行開一邊,唔該都無句,拎張紙巾又態度差,飲杯咖啡係黎受你氣,仲要咖啡都唔係特別好飲,淡而無味,中環都好多選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)