All Branches (2)
The local Hong Kong-style barbecue shop was founded by four young people. It serves skewers with beef, pig, chicken, seafood, etc. and Threadfin Fish is rare to see. It also provides special fried items such as fried durian balls and cheese shrimp balls. continue reading
Opening Hours
16:30 - 01:30
Mon - Sun
16:30 - 01:30
Public Holiday
16:30 - 01:30
Public Holiday Eve
16:30 - 01:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
串燒 酸辣粉
Review (46)
外賣買到返屋企一打開,四條多春魚入邊有三條係爛的,身首異處,基本上係一堆嘢,分唔到邊條魚打邊條魚,其中一條明顯比其他三條細嘅,就乜春都冇,得一層皮。其實最基本揀啲完完整整嘅魚攞嚟燒都正常,但呢樣都唔做。落單時都講明叫佢燒透啲,但四條外面睇都接近唔熟,同埋好似冇燒過咁。勉強食咗一條完整嘅,發覺真係有唔熟,同埋一陣濃烈嘅鯹味,完全好似係冇燒過一樣。以前都係幾好的,但而家自從開咗分店之後,啲嘢食完全唔得,簡直係劣食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-06-23
雞皮唔脆,係淋既,咁我點解要畀廿雞食串燒?我買塊雞排食淋既雞皮唔好?都差唔多價雞泡魚乾仲衰,打算配酒食,但係雞泡魚乾都未燒到出晒味,你好趕單? 一燒熱就上碟? 我自己買包番黎叮熱佢都同你差唔多味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-12-14
正一垃圾餐廳,係網上外賣平台1:20分落左單叫外賣叫左$300蚊,佢地即刻接左單,網上外賣平台寫2:15-2:40 到,等到3:00 鐘都仲係話餐廳準備緊訂單,一路delay 見唔對路上網search原來佢地收1:30,咁你又接單?大佬我錢都比埋你接完我張單就收工? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
这家店他家的桌子是连在墙上的,并且是在外面,周围是一片菜市场,之后自己拿着点餐纸打上对号,选择自己想要的,然后交给里面的店员就好,这个酸辣粉虽然微辣很辣,但是真的超过瘾,串烧我图上我点的这些都是我比较推荐的,去的时候记得自己带水。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六放假夜晚終於可以同朋友聚下,近近地搵咗依間位於翠屏商場地下嘅串燒小店💛試下,平時呢間野做外賣生意多,座位比較少,好彩比較早嚟仲有位坐🤤🔎 金菇肥牛卷 $18@肥牛一啲都唔韌,再配埋金菇食落爽口,好惹味,份量有4舊都好足夠抵食🤭 🔎 牛舌芯 $26佢呢款牛舌燒得啱啱好,燒到有少少焦香,佢唔係入口即溶嗰款但係食落爽口,配埋黑椒,胡椒粒呢啲調味料上去,$26有四舊性價比好高😌🔎✨ 芝心獅子狗 $18咬落去芝士留心融入去個口個下真係無得頂,鍾意食芝士、芝士腔嘅朋友一定要試下☺️ 食完返唔到轉頭,喺出面超市買芝士竹輪都要差唔多價錢,依到真係好抵食😂😂🔎 蒜香牛油雜菇 $36同樣份量好足成個錫紙盤咁樣上,佢用咗大量嘅蒜蓉同埋蔥去調味,味道好濃郁,直接鎖住咗啲菇嘅汁不得了🙃🙃🔎 雞皮串 x2 $16🔎 雞肉串 $12雞皮食落去岩岩炸起,脆卜卜再配少少七味粉 perfect,另外雞肉性價比好高而且食落一啲都唔鞋,一淡肉一淡汽水大滿足😋🔎✨ 蒜蓉粉絲扇貝 $42 時價🔎✨ 蒜蓉燒聖子 $42 時價鍾意食海鮮嘅朋友個人推介呢兩款,之前都食過蒜香味好重所以今次都再叫,聖子食落唔會有沙,配埋大量嘅蒜蓉咁樣一齊食超邪惡😬-📍共度一燒 (大埔)大埔安慈路3號翠屏花園地下1號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)