4-min walk from Exit B2, Sung Wong Toi Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 19:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 19:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 19:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
📍九龍城寧靜小空間‼️· 飲得嘅格仔餅🧇 -- 玖捌😋==============================⭐️Bagel 配龍蝦醬$38Bagel唔係煙韌口感,烘過後有啲似多士😂但個人覺得個龍蝦醬幾有驚喜,混合埋cream chesese,好有鹹香,會有食上癮個感覺🤣·⭐️格仔餅 $52 (4.4/5)舖頭嘅招牌飲品💓base係牛奶同椰奶混合,再加咗花生醬,味道好濃郁😻面頭再放糖蔥、椰絲,飲落鹹鹹甜甜幾特別!🥰同埋飲完一杯幾飽🤭------------------------------整體嚟講飲品幾有特色,但價錢就貴咗啲🙈不過勝在環境幾舒服,店員都幾有禮貌~------------------------------賣相:3.5/5味道:4/5性價比:3/5回頭度:3/5------------------------------店舖資料名稱:玖捌地址:九龍城太子道西368-374號龍珠樓地下19號舖前往方法:宋皇臺站B2出口
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玖捌 @ 2021年10月 (星期日下午茶)食物 ❤️❤️❤🤍🤍(港式飲品、甜品) 環境 ❤️❤🤍🤍🤍(少窄、唔適合hea)服務 ❤️❤️❤🤍🤍(正常)攞位 ❤️❤️❤🤍🤍(直入)交通 ❤️❤❤🤍🤍(宋皇臺港鐵站附近)翻兜 ❤️❤🤍️🤍🤍搭車經過,想去試試。原來係賣港式飲品及甜品。呢個以港式(而唔係台式、韓式、日式)作賣點嘅咖啡店,都幾特別。小貼士叫飲品同時買甜品,有9折1️⃣ 玖捌 $52 - 芝麻味奶茶,都幾滑同飲得到芝麻味,但唔太特別,以呢個價錢,有啲貴。2️⃣ 伯爵燉蛋蛋糕 $48 - 質感有啲似mousse,好細件😆環境餐牌
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I first encountered Nine Eight on a bus, and thought, wow such a new nice cafe (again) in Kowloon City! Made a mental note of it and finally got to try it out.The shop owner must like pugs or dogs very much! As the whole shop is nicely decorated with these cute little dog figures!This Coconut Peanut Butter Milk is a replication of a local Hong Kong street food — waffle (格仔餅), and this drink really tasted like the snack!!! The shredded coconut pieces on top made it a supreme replication. And the whole peanut buttery coconut milk was very filling and enjoyable!Definitely like to visit again to try out other drinks!
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屯馬開通真的很興奮🎶宋皇臺站開咗之後, 假日的九龍城多人到呢🙈 好多黃店都排長龍, 好不容易才能坐下來嘆返杯雪糕. 九龍城真係無咩大商場可以避暑涼冷氣, 好彩玖捌剛好有位, 不用在烈日下排隊.玖捌是一間寵物友善的食店, 門口更有Parking位, 奴才可以帶埋住子去嘆甜品啦!風乾鳯梨軟雪糕🍍鳳梨乾好香甜, 天然風乾. 牛奶雪糕香滑👍🏻特濃咖啡花生醬雪糕🍦本來熱到喊, 熱到中暑, 食一啖即刻醒神晒🥰咖啡香濃, 花生醬再重味啲更好.
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