2866 1868
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Nino's Cozinha is a tiny Portugese restaurant tucked away on the higher end of Ship street just off Queens rd east (as opposed to the lower end which is between Queens rd east and Johnston road).The restaurant probably only fits about 20 people, so it really is essential to book. The place was tightly packed when we went. There was a list of interesting tapas and small dishes to try, but being a working day lunch we opted for the set lunch. The crab and leek soup was a milky and surprisingly brothy soup - we were expecting something a little creamier. That said, it was light and fragrant and they were generous with the crab meat.The main course was a generous serving of oven grilled sole marinated with herbs - I tasted cumin and perhaps parsley. It sat on a bed of cabbage leaves cooked al denta and a lovely hot tomato salsa sauce.The highlight was really the apple pie dessert, which is probably the best apple pie I have ever tasted. Warm out of the oven, the pastry was light and just the right level of sweetness. No side ice-cream required - its too good on its own.
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見電視介紹, 和家姐去試菜...book檯... 所以坐地舖. 係逼啲...但是唔嘈...叫: sangria, 馬介丘球 (cod fish); 蕃茄蜆, 1/4 燒豬...sangria: 少紅酒 和 氣水, 另加volka/gin... 感覺古怪.馬介丘球 (cod fish): 好!! 魚多馬鈴薯...蕃茄蜆: ok, 蜆新鮮..燒豬: 唔咸, 味鮮, 皮脆. 但是價錢高... $320-香港無這類餐廳, 但是澳門antonio好味啲又平啲.....
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同一班好朋友一行10人慶祝生日, book 度上樓既wine cellar. 地方靜靜地, 幾高雅, 不過唔夠冷氣, 頭半個鐘都出緊汗, 之后好d, 開餐!一向認為萄菜無咩好食, 去過澳門d好出名既餐廳都係不外如事. 所以無咩特別寄望.可能因為咁, 就食度近期最難忘既晚餐 (當然飯腳都係難忘既原因之一)相中都係推介菜, 好多之前既朋友仔都介紹過, 但係我重點想講下呢個白酒煮青口!實在太好味!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 一向对青口都無咩好感, 可能我未試過食真正"正"青口, 但係呢度既青口好入味, 青口又好肥好軟口, 食落口有一種感動既feeling! 個湯都好鮮味. 一定要加碼叫多碟.宜家諗起都仲記得0個种感動既feeling!其他所有嘢都好有水準, 我只係認為鴨飯DRY DRY 地, 可以唔叫.一定要番CHURK!
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好友 farewell dinner 在 Nino's Cozinha 用餐. 見店子好細兼好多生意,所以一早book好位Portuguese bbq grilled spare ribsgrill做法嘅肉質會結實. 而且有醬汁,醬汁個味亦夠味,肉也腍bacalhau w/fries-將薯仔切成幼絲炸,內裡有馬介休絲, 好香口caesar salad份量好少,但味道okblue mussel紐西蘭貨夠大隻同鮮味,嫩兼無渣,好新鮮個湯是 胡椒雞湯底所以飲落辣辣哋crab in casserole 隻蟹好好味, 好有質素,好肥美肉厚,肉質結實,啖啖肉又甜melted chocolate cake, 切開蛋糕內嘅朱古力醬大量湧出cheese cake, 沒有surprise無水供應, 於是要 一jar sangria, 酒精味唔重,入口比較淡
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