2-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
每逢到農曆新年,三餐都混亂,不會準時進食。今日初二,睡到日上三竿,午餐skip,直接來一個tea set。現在過年,間間都開門做生意,所以很少見到等位情況了。見到海皇比大XX 少人,大把位,任坐。站在餐牌前, 見到是新推介,終於敲定要麻辣雞粥,配齋腸。麻辣粥底,當中的麻,真係麻麻地覺得有,辣度有3種,第一次食,選少辣較穩當,覺得已足夠,但我相信自己可以食到中辣。雞肉份量足夠雖是急凍肉,但肉質都ok。只可惜,粥偏咸左些,大大扣分。
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早兩晚已和家族的叔伯姑嬸兄弟姊妹食過冬至飯,今晚正日與太太便輕便D、簡單的D,到海皇嚟一個小邊爐應節。呢間小店已不是第一次幫襯,早上及中午都好多人,唯獨晚餐時段比較疏落一啲, (但係都好多人買外賣㗎)所以坐得好舒服, 亦係一啲連鎖店難得見有卡位坐。 佢呢度打邊爐有粥底同豆漿湯底, 我就最喜歡豆漿湯底,又清淡又潤,冇咁熱氣!火鍋料都係一般貨色,反而蔬菜頗新鮮, 仲有附送一客油炸鬼,可浸落湯灼一灼便食,外脆內潤( 因為佢哋啲油炸鬼有個熱柜烘住), 如果喜愛去開大xx、美x打邊邊嘅,不妨試下新意思吖!
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I love fish so when I saw their poster for steamed fish I had to try it.Most of their branches are grubby and old so I had to carefully choose which branch to dine at.Steamed fish is not what they normally serve at this restaurant so the chefs would probably be annoyed at the not so routine task of steaming the fish, hence I was taking a risk at ordering this.Interestingly they have ROTI as well.Anyway I was in KTown and this branch was clean and there were not many customers so I went here.To my horror, the place was clean but this little girl picked her nose and I was so shocked she swiped it on the table!Anyway, my fish took a while to arrive but it was worth waiting for because it was simply delicious, the quality of the fish was fresh and chunky.I needed an extra plate because there was too much oil when they steamed it so I took out the fish immediately.Will definitely return for the fish because the taste was really good but $5x is quite expensive.
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有天行經海皇粥店, 在門外看到餐牌, 見價錢不貴, 入面好大, 清靜, 客人不多,入到去見到形式好像一般大集團快餐店售賣形式一樣,先購票, 後等叫號碼.但選擇不多, 卻價錢平, 而且面積頗大, 設計舒適,奇怪食晚飯時間未見水洩不通的情況出現???$38 皮蛋瘦肉粥加炸兩.皮蛋瘦肉粥味道OK的, 只是粥底太杰身.炸兩內的油炸鬼是夠挺身, 只是腸粉皮身不夠熱.不過真的坐得很舒服, 夏天在這裡食晚餐, 一邊煲劇,一邊食晚餐, 一邊享受冷氣 , 真的是炎炎夏日中一大享受!今次來,開始明白為何沒有太多食客,因為發覺 食物選擇沒有改變, 唯有叫多少少試食完, 告訴大家味道如何!$42套餐是艇仔粥, 煎堆和蘿蔔糕, 另加$16紅豆沙.共$58.艇仔粥的肉是全晚最差的味道, 肉用了好多好多的薑汁醃過, 令到我食不到肉是豬肉還是牛肉, 連肉味都蓋過晒,亦是粥底太杰身, 其他水魷魚和豬皮, 粥味道OK.煎堆好貼心, 剪開一件件, 讓客人容易食入口.蒸蘿蔔糕有一條條蘿蔔絲, 一粒粒的臘腸, 糕身還未算 削身.味道OK.熱紅豆沙, 內有陳皮, 紅豆, 白蓮子和百合, 甜度剛好.希望他們能可以加多些選擇, 不要浪費這麼大面積的高級弼店啦!
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