6-min walk from Exit L, Central MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 20:00
07:30 - 16:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level2 2015-12-26
無驚無險又到4點,終於可以去食“lunch”啦。餓到呢刻個肚仔打曬鼓,一定要搵間滿足到我黑洞嘅餐廳。咁啱諗起super sandwiches嘅扺食tea set,就嗱嗱林去醫肚。Tea set餐大約10個左右,我揀左個睇落最飽肚。煙三文魚意粉配酥皮忌廉湯加多份芝士焗薯,盛惠~hkd$60。意粉依然保持水準,食落軟硬適中,條條分明。而煙三文魚既汁都中規中舉,對得住呢個價錢啦。話明酥皮湯,個皮一定要酥脆,匙羹壓落去果下,的確有“沙”一聲,將酥皮點上少少湯送入口,味道絕配,而且非常飽肚。到芝士薯條就一般,薯條口感係軟身既,同個汁既味道都夾得幾好。每樣嘅份量唔多,加個薯條小食,就剛剛好夠飽。有下次嘅餐廳👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-02-10
有人由灣仔過黎中環陪我食lunch, 由於我只有一小時食飯時間, 所以都會簡比較近公司既地方食飯。又再黎到super sandwiches, 中環依間唔係有好多位, 可以坐大約20人, 食既主要係spaghetti, sandwich, salad 同埋薯仔。由於叫過陣唔記得佢有薯仔, 所以叫左兩個開胃既肉醬扁意粉Combo同忌廉肉醬扁意粉Combo!!肉醬扁意粉combo (加咖啡同湯) $58茄醬唔係好酸, 但係都好開胃, 肉粒同個汁都夠多, 反而扁意粉分量比其他分店少…正常的, 中環嗎!湯係南瓜湯十分健康, 南瓜湯唔係我想像既咁濃, 但都有南瓜味, 尚算合格。依間買既咖啡, 全部都係illy 咖啡, 個人覺得illy 咖啡好淡, 但味道蠻重。忌廉肉醬海鮮扁意粉combo (加奶茶) $59一樣茄汁唔係好酸, 但係都好開胃, 最估唔到既係忌廉肉醬扁意粉同肉醬扁意粉既味道係有少少唔同既. 忌廉醬比較咸, 可能因為有海鮮。奶茶係英式奶茶, 茶味同奶味都係淡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-09-15
今日要去中環見客,行過長江中心,先知呢度又有間利華三文治,我又貢落去食個Tea,唔講都唔知,同個好nice既員工傾偈先知呢度開左好多年,最近翻新過,都幾靚既,不過價錢好似貴左o的,不過中環區都係咁上下架啦!本身好想試個飯 Warp,不過太飽,所以叫左個下午茶雲呢拿雪糕配朱古力Pan Cake,哈!我更加唔知三文治有雪糕賣囉!個Pan Cake有少少乾,雪糕超凍,凍到我牙痛!三十幾蚊,都算底食既。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-01-03
今天較往常早了起床,遇到這個情況大多都會選擇早點出門,再到公司附近享用完早餐,才懶洋洋地"爬"回去上班。 突然想起這家還沒光顧過的地庫小店,於是過來試試它的早餐出品好了。店內只有數張圓檯的舖面,明顯主要顧客都是購買外賣為主。在十多種選擇之下,最後選了個看似不錯的套餐,怎知道就此"出事"了....我選的套餐內包括了:兩條小小的香草雞肉腸、兩片煙肉、兩隻已炒好的蛋、兩片麥多士和一杯熱咖啡。看著這碟早餐感到有點奇怪,因為其樣子不像即叫即做似的。雞肉腸只是翻熱而已,差不多沒有味道可言。而煙肉只是暖暖的,咬下去有點像擺放過久而變硬的感覺。而這個炒蛋,總算是正常一點,不過也煮得過了頭而沒甚蛋汁。多士不過不失,也是該有的水準。至於那杯熱咖啡,味淡不純,有點是雜咖啡豆合製而成的.....一大朝早吃到如此令人摸不著頭腦的食物,實在是浪費了金錢及時間,下次還是找一些較正常的餐廳較好,至少不會因此而影響到整天的心情。相反雖說在這店旁邊的連鎖快餐食物不算特別,但至少是新鮮出品,不會吃得到不熱還暖的東西.....對不起,這個喊臉實在不能不給了... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-17
Long time no having Oliver's super sandwiches. Do not know that its price has gone up so so much. i had a tandori chicken panini with ceaser salad, it was already $46, without any drink. Eventually, ordered a coffee with additional $12. Just a fast food sandwich lunch, almost $60!There are only about 6 to 8 seats available in this outlet. Really crowded, but in Central, it is almost normal setting.The panini was delivered to me. The ceaser salad was missing, i asked the staff and she said it was one whole serve, same price as the one with ceaser salad, which only provides half serve of panini and then ceaser salad. Okay no problem.The panini was not as good as I had previously. The toasting was not enough, so it was not crunchy enough. The tandori chicken pieces were okay.People work in Central has to suffer from lower quality but with higher price. Too bad! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)