Opening Hours
14:00 - 20:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
長洲向來都有唔少好東西食,但這次只寫這一間食duck啦 Omyduck~女生們,要給你們一個外國半裸型男XD不過我們男生的角度說...他們都算幾NICE的XD好了,說回食物好了,別人好像都是點甜的,但我們卻反其而行之反其道而行之這是什麼全衡型可麗餅,其實我是想食那墩肉可麗餅,可惜已經賣完了...那半裸男還問我們要不要加芝士,哈哈~我自然說要加芝士的啦XD味道來說都算不錯的,而且也很有飽足的感覺,但也幾油膩的,女生要注意的了XD一個可麗餅大概可以分2-4個食的了~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-10
週末來到長洲,目標只有吃還有吃,吃過巨型魚蛋三文魚丸芝士丸魚肉豆腐和芒果糯米糍芒果腸粉,其實已九成飽,沿住長洲的外圍亂走。在近碼頭那邊,有一個圍滿人的小攤檔,好奇心驅使我們上前看看。咦!原來有位帶著紅色beret的外國人在製作crepe,crepe樣子對版,而且果醬都是自家製的,我們毫不猶豫買了兩份甜的。看似很多人似的,原來大部份都是圍觀者,等了5分鐘左右就製作我們那份了;店員把麵糊均勻地塗上圓鐵板,等餅皮開始冒煙,然後熟練的放上果醬,折成三角形-我們那份就完成了。店員把我們把crepes拿到攤子對面的椅子吃。Strawberry special with Timut black pepper from Nepal ($30)用膠叉兩日分吃有點難度,拿回去它們幫我們每份切開成兩半。可麗餅餅皮厚薄適中,軟熟帶點煙韌,而邊位帶脆,士多啤梨果醬是自家製果醬甜度控制得宜,有不少果肉,先是嚐到士多啤梨的甜味,接著就會散發出微微的花椒味,味道焦香,不辣不嗆喉。Mango Special with a hint of Saffron, Lemon ($30)芒果果醬酸中帶甜,同樣包含挺多果肉,可惜我們卻吃不出店方說加了的番紅花的味道,因此感覺較士多啤梨遜色,不夠特別,不過已很好吃。一心打算來長洲吃比較傳統的小吃,竟讓我們遇到法式的薄餅,看來這裏的食品越來越多元化了,長洲不再是只有吃芒果糯米糍和巨型魚蛋的地方!下次來實在要試試它的招牌鴨肉三文治和 galettes! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Saw this shop listed on OpenRice and the name 食duck啦 Omyduck was really catchy so I googled it and found out that they did French crepes so I went to Cheung Chau especially for them.Their logo is really nice too with a duck wearing a French beret with a curly moustache and blue striped t-shirt.It is located near the pier which was great.There was a French guy wearing a classic French beret making crepes with fresh bananas, sauces laid at the front of the stall.The menu was simple, there were savoury galettes and sweet crepes.The savoury crepes were made with buckwheat served crispy with savoury fillings, there was a choice ofmyduck (duck confit, rocket salad, homemade dressing)La complete (ham, French cheese and egg)smoked salmon (smoked salmon, fresh cream, fresh cheese)For sweet crepes, there was a choice of:Butter and sugarlemon and sugarnutella chocolatemango, strawberry or cherrynutella and bananagrand marnierAnyway ordered the omyduck because of the duck confit.Basically he puts the galette mixture on the galette maker.Then he put some cheese on my galette for some reason but it does not say there was cheese in the one I ordered.Then he put my favourite dijon mustard.On the other galette iron, he heats up the duck.I didn't spot him put any rocket salad in it as stated on the menu and the galette was ready.Anyway, it was really nice of him to slice it for me because there is no seating. If it wasn't sliced it would be hard to eat the crepe with a plastic fork standing up without a knife.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★omyduck:It was nicely sliced into bite sized pieces which made it easier to enjoy.The crepe was fantastic because it was crispy and the filling was delicious with the mustard which enhanced the duck with some extra saltiness and tanginess in taste while the cheese held it together when it melted.For improvements, the duck could have been softer and shredded into smaller chunks so that it could be uniformly distributed in the crepe.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Lemon and sugar crepe:When he made it, he squeezed quite a fair bit of lemon into the crepe.Anyway, I loved the texture of the crepe because it was soft and elastic.He also put quite a fair bit of butter in it too which made me think "merde" in my head because I don't like butter but overall it was so delicious because it was really lemoney and not too sweet and the butter helped to give it that extra grease so that it wasnt too dry.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★As a summary, I really loved the crepes and I hope the standards remain the same.I super regretted not getting the other salmon one too because not many places do salmon crepes and the price of these savoury crepes were a bargain, but Cheung Chau is annoyingly far and getting in and out of CC is rather troublesome !◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $70Service: goodYummy factor: tres bonEnglish Menu: oui◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)