3-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
As a small taproom, there are 8 tap heads in the store, which offer local craft beer as well as foreign beer. The craft beer will change in turn. It provides burger, egg benedict, and some other snacks for beer pairing. continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2021-10-22
飲手工啤好地方!一見到個門口已經覺得自己好鐘意呢到,舖頭細細,坐位唔多,但係散發住一種好chill嘅感覺~重點!舖頭入面仲有砂之器poster( ´▽`)🍴酥炸口水雞 $88新鮮炸好上枱~食落去真係有口水雞嘅味,絕對唔係得個名lols 咁樣嘅整法新奇得嚟又幾夾,個種麻辣程度去到三哥大辣咁🔥🔥🔥辣得好爽,不過食完一舊我已經辣到wing wing 到,所以就放棄咗👻但係食到辣嘅人一定會鐘意食呢個~🍴紅酒燴洶澳洲牛頰肉扁意粉 $115牛頰肉整得好~好~食!牛頰肉煮得好淋,一咬就咬得開,而且重有淡淡嘅紅酒味。至於意粉汁同牛頰肉個汁係一樣,連意粉都充滿紅酒味,而唔係汁有汁味,意粉有意粉味,份量又多,好抵食🥺🍴craft beer大概十款到,大部分都係本地,間唔中會有幾隻係外國嘅~有驚喜嘅係雖然佢手工啤數量雖然唔多,但係都有自家嘅IPA,一場嚟到嘅話一試無妨🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-23
I love this place! Yes it’s small, but I don’t mind it and I think it’s more cozy that way. The beers they have on tap are always good, from a mix of local and foreign breweries. They change their tap list every week, so you can always try something new. However, their House IPA is always on the menu and it’s probably one of the best beers I’ve ever had. I never leave without having at least one pint of it. I mean, it’s not like you can get it anywhere else!Another thing I love about them is their service. The staff is always friendly and more than happy to explain and teach you about different craft beers. The owner is a very approachable and down to earth guy. Even though I’m a complete beginner when it comes to beer, he was so patient and kind when teaching me. What an awesome dude!Lastly, the food. Also really good! All made to order. I’ve had their eggs benedict, fries, and wings. I can’t wait to try everything else on the menu. If you’re looking for a reason to come to Tai Kok Tsui, this is it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-10-07
nice owner, friendly staff. they're helpful if you don't know about craft beer and will help you choose one. they also have other options without beer which is nice if you don't like to drink beer. small nice place, fries are delicious too. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-08-15
作為一名手工啤愛好者,很高興近年香港出現了不少craft beers品牌,而我亦喜歡往專賣手工啤的taproom嚐鮮。收到愛啤友人報料後,我便專程往大角咀的蚊型taproom— Once You Go Craft嚐嚐。後來更先後去了三、四次。此店店面真的很細,而且全店只有八個taps,但居然有一款自家釀的IPA,令人喜出望外。通常此店八個taps中絕大部分是賣本地品牌,間中海外有好東西的也會入貨。而酒款是會不時改變的。同外國taproom一樣,你可先試點sample才正式下單。試了幾款酒後,還是很在意其自釀的IPA,要了一杯。水準唔錯,挺有餘韻,啤酒花香ok。平心而論,IPA一般比較重口味,但這裏的自釀(好似是同Yardley合作的)IPA卻比較淡口。後來問老闆是因天熱關係而弄得比較清爽一些,不排除將來會再調整口味。看到這裏有我喜歡的本地薑Yardley Bros的出品,當然要order。這天更看到有酸啤。自從去年去過比利時後便迷上酸啤,可惜香港一般酒吧卻甚少有售。至於Yardley的出品不俗,酸度屬一般人可接受的範圍,喝起來挺舒服的。 值得一提的是此店逢一至五的Happy Hours時段,會有約三款啤酒會便宜二十元左右,當中也包括我常喝的HK Lovecraft。不過,那款自釀IPA卻不包括在內。 另外,此店也有些像炸雞軟骨、薯條及漢堡包等下酒菜,但唔算便宜,還是專心飲啤酒好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小妹最鍾意飲手工啤,因為佢唔會好似大型酒廠啤酒咁加入入粟米同豆類,而係以全麥芽同啤酒花經發酵釀製,,所以清純得黎味道亦濃好多。呢度有8款手工啤,不多亦不少。除咗手工啤fans都愛嘅花釀年華、HK Lovecraft, 仲有唔少特別嘅味道,例如啱夏天消暑嘅少爺鹹檸啤、咖啡愛好者必試嘅Hazelnut Mocha Porter(帶有果香同時好濃咖啡味嘅黑啤,好似飲緊好濃嘅咖啡)……不過有款手工啤係全港獨家,亦是最啱小妹心水~~就係佢地自家釀製嘅House IPA!因為有柑橘嘅關係,所以帶微甜同有淡淡嘅花香(冇花釀年華咁濃),但同時飲到麥味而唔會苦澀,口感脷落,飲落清爽。老闆分享話過想釀一隻易入口、大眾接受度高嘅手工啤;希望未試過嘅朋友可以透過呢杯IPA嘗試接觸手工啤。若第一次鍾意,大家自然會嘗試其他唔同口味,令更多人鍾意手工啤酒;而呢杯IPA做到了!小妹覺得下酒菜都好重要,尤其係放工想飲返杯又餓餓地,點可以淨係得花生薯片落肚嫁,呢度嘅小食都唔馬虎。小妹超推介雞軟骨、burger同 onion ring!雞軟骨係小妹最愛,新鮮炸起嘅雞軟骨,熱辣辣又脆口,特別鍾意佢係連少少雞肉,令整體更加有咬口。雖然幾熱氣,但一食會停唔到口!Onion ring同樣炸得脆口,但唔會太乾身,配酒一流!而Burger就有牛肉同豬肉2款;人手將免治肉搓成肉餅,所以食落juicy唔“鞋” ,再夾上半溶嘅cheese~簡單得黎又好味正!呢度雖然細細地,但都幾多人識飲之人黎,氣氛唔錯嫁;店員仲會好主動介紹啱你口味嘅手工啤,試過鍾意先叫(所以小妹說他有誠意哦) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)