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Review (29)
(Non-member) 2007-01-17
相信覺位食友都好希望呢間岳飛可以重開,為我地帶來更多更好的美食。如果各位食友知道,岳飛幾時或者o係邊度重開,記住留個言,等小弟可以"食過翻尋味"。謝謝啦...各位食友... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2006-09-22
致摰愛貴客您們好, 因本店所屬大厦之業權己被收回作重建, 故岳飛餐室己決定營業至於9月30日晚止. 因通知期倉卒, 故現特函通知各位,客岳飛餐室將暫別閣下及致以最深切的感謝. 承蒙各位在年來之頂力支持.以能有幸為各位服務深感予有榮焉.並冀望在不久之將來能再為閣下提供更優良品質之餐飲服務.祝各摰愛貴客友好褀安 岳飛餐室謹啟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2006-09-08
之前同男友食過,感覺幾好,所以再黎。starter - 生牛肉薄片、生蠔及蜆男友點既生牛肉幾好,加埋辣菠菜食幾香濃。生蠔都幾新鮮,不過就唔太特別,幾款都係crisply同係帶海水咪重既。反而生蜆就真係好鮮甜,第一次食生蜆,感覺比起生蠔鮮味好多。main course - 烤鴨胸,煎魚排(加鵝肝)無乜驚喜,只可以尚可來形容。除左鵝肝依然係咁正之外,其他就唔特出,但係又唔會唔好食囉。反而之前starter既生牛肉薄片同生蜆好食好多。dessert - 芒果夾餅,焦糖燉蛋芒果夾餅雖然用既芒果唔夠香甜,可能生左d,但係咪道都ok。焦糖燉蛋外面一層脆焦糖,蛋味濃郁,連不鍾意食甜品既我都覺得唔錯。同之前黎一樣,整體感覺幾好,得閒會再黎過。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2006-08-26
I was strolling around this area today, looking for some good and affordable lunch. I found out that a set lunch here is $75 up only! So I decided to try it out. Set lunch here ranges from $75 to $148, there are quite a number of choices even for $75. I\\\'ve always love pasta over those \\\"main dishes\\\", so I ordered a smoked salmon fettucini. Combined appertiser: Half an egg with egg yolk seasoned and polished, squid and a salad with fresh asparagus and vegetables. Yummy!Soup: Forgotten, never mind. But the bread was hot and delicious. Pasta: The fettucini was well-made, not too dry, not too soft, and the flavour was well-balanced too. The size might look a bit small (you know, they like to use huge plates), but this is a 4-course lunch, I think it\\\'s reasonable. Also, there wasn\\\'t little salmon or mushroom. Overall, it\\\'s quite good!Dessert platter: A tiny fruit tart, a tiny short pastry (tasty, just what it should be like) and somthing like a creme brulee (but it\\\'s not hot and not sweet). Well, it\\\'s smooth though, and there are some small biscuits coming with the tea, so I joined them together. And it\\\'s then tasty! Hm, the waiter seemed to be surprised. Oh, anyway...Tea: The milk was warmed, the tea is from some tea bag, it tasted English to me, dunno why. Anyway, I don\\\'t know about tea, I just think it\\\'s quite good.Overall, very very worthy, considering the food, the environment and the location. I will try it again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2006-06-11
早幾日有個有錢朋友仔包場開party, 拉車邊有份去, 但感覺唔係好好咋喎! =(是日我被安排坐下層, 但其實我個人鍾意樓上, 私人d , 又坐得舒服d ! 野食就一般啦, 樣樣都細細件, 頭盤食左都差d 唔係幾覺! 反而令我食得最多既係餐飽, 唔係特別好, 只係無野好食! 主菜我要牛扒, 落單時我要三成, 但佢竟然黎過七成, 當然我要換啦, 轉頭俾過第二碟, 未食前經理過黎唔係太禮貌咁問岩啦呵? 我都未食, 點知?! 所以我只係答佢你地係咁講, 我只好信佢係! 另外呢個經理都幾唔掂, 佢竟然未問個客要唔要黑椒就已經主動去加, 佢仲係d 神秘人黎既, 每次出手都唔會俾你見到, 加黑椒或者收碟都係咁! =(甜品竟然無我至愛無花果批, 失望! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)