2-min walk from Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Enjoy fresh oysters, seafood, steak, and wine as you look out on Victoria Harbour and the Hong Kong skyline at the Oyster & Wine Bar. Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or new to the delights of wine and oyster tasting, our Sommelier and Oyster Specialists will provide friendly and professional advice that caters to your individual palate. continue reading
Additional Information
6歲以下不可進入; 身穿拖鞋,背心,短褲不可進入
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
18:30 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Crab Cake
Signature Dishes
20-30 types of oysters all over the world Oven Roasted Iowa Rack of Lamb Napoleon of Balik Salmon A Duo of Crab Cakes Oyster & Wine Bar Seafood Sampler The French Duckling
Review (169)
要去蠔酒吧, 首先要在喜來登酒店大堂坐升降機前往17樓, 再上樓梯經過18樓的sky lounge就可以到達。本身預約了6人靠窗邊的長檯, 整餐飯都有無敵大海景作伴, 讓人心情興奮。小編第一個到達, 侍應好貼心, 主動詢問是否需要喝水。首先上了麵包籃, 麵包的種類有幾款, 包括穀物包、蕃茄醬餐包, 頗有誠意。然後上了一口雞湯和迷你cream brulee, 雞湯味道濃郁但不會過鹹, cream brulee外面的焦糖燒得焦脆、曲奇餅皮烘得脆口, 內裡的吉士很綿密, 作為整餐飯的前菜很出色。龍蝦湯很creamy, 很重龍蝦味, 而且有一大片龍蝦肉, 很足料。海鮮拼盤一上桌簡直要為它歡呼, 有當日推薦的4款生蠔 (每款2隻), 龍蝦、青口、螺肉等等, 非常豐富, 主菜還沒上來已經飽了一半。侍應很貼心, 先上完整的斧頭扒讓我們的相機先吃, 然後再幫我們切開, 方便享用。我們點了medium rare, 可見肉質粉嫩, 肥瘦相間, 外皮已經煎得焦糖化, 內裡肉質鮮嫩可口, 連作為配菜的車厘茄也很好吃。燒羊架也是誠意之作,連不吃羊的友人試過也讚不絕口。最後點了心太軟作為完美的結束。前後開了三瓶酒, 侍應一直都很主動、很殷勤地主動添酒和整理桌面, 完全沒有人手不足的問題, 而且對得住酒店級服務的聲名。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-01
為了慶祝生日選擇了這家蠔酒吧的Brunch。餐廳人數不多,可以安排窗邊座位欣賞維港美景。這裡的Brunch按酒類分三個價錢,因為不是太懂酒,所以選了最平宜的氣泡酒。這家餐廳的Brunch現在不是全任食的,海鮮塔和主菜都是一份,只有沙律吧和冷盤是任食的。非常喜愛這裡的巴馬火腿煙三文魚,芝士也有多款可以品嚐。海鮮塔雖然只有一份,但質素較一般的自助餐好,蠔,龍蝦,帶子和蜆都很鮮味,長腳蟹就個人認為較為乾了一點。在海鮮塔和主菜之間也會餐廳也會奉上一些熱葷,比如有黑松露蛋/班尼迪克蛋,湯也有龍蝦湯/蠔湯(個人推介龍蝦湯),另外也有焗蠔,蟹餅和一些炸物。主菜每人一份,我們選了大蝦,豬排和另加了100元的M6和牛來share。大蝦配天使麵非常美味,豬沒有太大驚喜,牛排就少少鞋和不太有牛味,個人認為不用特別加錢點這個。甜品款色有很多選擇,推介心太軟,焦糖燉蛋和芒果奶凍。雖然不是全自助餐,但也會吃得很飽,未上主菜前記得不要吃太多,否則到時會吃不下啊!這間餐廳的Brunch好像是一個月2次,美食再加上海景加持,真心推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-29
從踏進大門的那一刻起,就被令人愉悅的氛圍和品味的裝飾所吸引。 餐廳在營造溫馨氛圍方面對細節的關注給我留下了深刻的印象。我訪問的亮點之一是精選的新鮮生蠔。 作為一名海鮮愛好者,對這些生蠔有著很高的標準,這家餐廳超出了我的預期。 生蠔非常新鮮,去殼非常乾淨,而且擺盤也很漂亮。 每一口都是一陣海洋風味,證明了餐廳對品質的承諾。除了美味的菜餚之外,工作人員細心,友好,上檯之後會介紹續一介紹,增強了用餐體驗。 總之,這家餐廳的新鮮生蠔,有歷史嘅裝飾和海景都值得我強烈推薦您來這家餐廳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-06-14
I had an exceptional dining experience at Oyster Bar with friends. Our table was situated by the window, allowing us to enjoy the stunning night view of Victoria Harbour, creating a romantic ambiance. Additionally, the quality of the food was exceptional. We ordered oysters, crab, steak, and free-range chicken, and each dish was of a high standard. The oysters were fresh and juicy, the crab meat was tender and delicious, the steak was very tender and juicy, and the free-range chicken was mouth-watering. Overall, this restaurant is highly recommended, as the dining environment, food quality, and service attitude are all outstanding. If you are looking to taste delicious seafood and meat, Oyster Bar is definitely a must-visit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-31
二訪既蠔吧😋😋因為朋友熱愛的緣故我又可以再次過嚟呢間餐廳,上次同今次我都係嗌左同樣嘅嘢食,食物質素依然沒有改變🥰龍蝦湯同埋生蠔也是我嚟呢度嘅原因🤓係服務方便,他們很細心會留意顧客的酒杯還有沒有酒再幫你加上,呢度同朋友聚會我覺得係一個唔錯嘅選擇,開心嘅夜晚💓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)