開放式的環境,cafe 與Bakery 組合的fusion餐廳。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
10:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sun
10:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (216)
Level4 2014-06-08
Panash 係tst食過lunch 中可以話係中價, 又係海港城, 是但一間餐廳都要百五蚊先走得人既地方, 可以算你抵食之選, 因為佢既價錢同食物質素係正比! 之前去對面既泰國fusion 食, 每人百幾, d野又唔好食又唔飽, 點番叮牙?一個lunch set 由70到80蚊, 有2個麵包, 1"杯"湯同一個main, 係以main去計價錢既~叫左個smoke salmon pasta, $76 未加一~ 湯我簡左白, 好普通, 唔會話好飲/難飲~ 同事話紅湯"野"味d, 下次試下~包有2個加新西蘭牛油, 有個女同事竟然一口氣食得哂, 佢話panash d 包真係好好食~我個main就係呢個煙三文魚雜菌意粉, cream 岩岩好, 味都岩岩好, smoke salmon 一d都唔少, 你冇諗過76蚊佢比咁多你, 麵咬都真係just right! 碟既份量對我黎講係大, 我食唔哂, 不過對男同事黎講就岩岩好喇~~有同事點左個紅酒焗豬扒, 比左一舊我食, 配埋飯就ok, 唔配飯食就真係太咸~ 唔會試~呢到既法包都係我地既致愛, 因為佢20蚊一條,比cheap cheap 超市都平!!! 但係佢麵包"肉"好足, 唔咪得空氣, 口感一流真係抵!!!! 有時買佢3點3下午茶大家食, 都真係唔錯~waiters 唔多, 好難先叫到佢地, 而麵包鋪呢, 服務員態度認真麻麻, 你買得多佢會嫌你煩~well..too bad continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-05-08
路過海港城,要吃得經濟點,可到Panash ,坐得舒適,食物份量與價錢成正比,今次點了把舌尖推到兩極的食物。香辣蕃茄大蝦扁意粉,HK$108,伴有一片蒜蓉多士,大蝦彈牙,配料有車厘茄香菇蝦仁,每條扁意粉均沾有醬汁,這個有一隻辣椒度的扁意粉,每吃一口都讓味蕾跳動起來。廚師推介的蜜糖汁燒雞胸、蘋果香梨、合桃野菜沙律,HK$72,沒想過是這麼多份量,燒雞胸薄薄的不鞋口,很嫩滑,蘋果啤梨清甜爽身,以蜜糖取代醋或沙律醬,很甜蜜清爽的配搭,若野菜加上沙律菜、火箭菜等,會更加愛上。以上都是散點,加HK$38才有飲品及餐包,飲品點了咖啡,原以為會整瓶放下,實際在客人面前只倒下一杯給享用,咖啡濃郁得來帶點苦澀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-08
和為食友人的吐司行當日已經吃下不少美食,我地仍然執著於吐司吐司盒比較細小,見過Panash吐司既同學們應該預計到大小,一面面積約手掌心大少少雪糕不提吐司粒好清甜,然而入面蜜糖不太夠,食硬脆外皮時較乏味西多士先切開長方塊狀,進食時省掉不少功夫(尤其像我這種不擅切割的朋友西多好油膩,包身算綿密都好d既雪糕再次不提不過紅豆係起沙既,清新微甜,配綠茶雪糕剛好,為西多清膩本來我地已經冇咩期望,因此亦都冇失望,只可說係當填下肚,塞住我地個為食口XDDD continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-07-13
shoping in ocean city always ends up with buying from Panash bakery but some how the bread and level of  staff service leaves you wondering why at all come back? It was a very busy saturday afternoon in the mall but the  take out area of the bakery was empty. the bread containers were all open so you can imagine small bugs flying around being attracted by the smell of bread. Panash used to be one of the best bakeries in all Hong Kong but that was then. I bought a cheese loaf but it was dry and tasteless. Lastly, staff were just behind the counter talking among themselves and snickering. I really hate unfriendly staff, must be really hard to find good help these days. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-30
  Daddy出街,經過Panash,就買左芝士波同牛角酥返來俾我食...首先講下芝士波(5/10分):芝士波有好香芝士味,但食落又真係一般...成個芝士波食落好煙韌,都唔係外脆內軟,而且D芝士味太淡,一D都唔濃...俾想像中差太多,有D失望:/另外,以$10有4個呢個價錢來講,係水準之下... 跟住就評下牛角酥(7/10分):聞一聞,牛角酥有好香嘅牛油味...一啖咬落去,個皮好酥,個心好鬆軟^^而且外皮有D甜甜地,都唔係好油...整體好夾,效果好好,好味道!可惜嘅係,我嫌佢外皮唔夠酥脆,再酥脆D會更好另外,值得一讚嘅係個牛角酥不含反式脂肪,太好了!價錢都係$14有6個,但就有咁好嘅質數,一定要推介 如果俾我再去買,我都只係會買牛角酥,應該就唔會再幫襯Panash D芝士波la...>< 提外話:其實Panash D方包都唔錯,麵包超軟熟,好正嫁,不防買來食?!我就只係覺得佢D包嘅邊有少少硬同少少D燶...整體來講,係有質數嘅包,正!!!不過價錢就有少少貴,二十幾蚊都係得幾塊-.-' 唔使講,都好肯定自己之後會再光臨xdd D麵包一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)