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Review (7)
Level4 2017-06-19
100%貓山王榴槤蛋糕全家都鐘意食榴蓮,上網見到幾吸引,但又未食過榴槤蛋糕,所以決定買黎試一下。蛋糕師傅特別將甜度降低,為嘅係想令貓山王榴槤甘香味道提升。蛋糕賣相不錯,右下方有一片薄薄嘅朱古力甜度適中幾好味。蛋糕上既綠色忌廉唔太甜,唔會漏。蛋糕甜味啱啱好,海錦蛋糕口感唔錯,但唯一樣唔好既係,榴蓮太熟。可能係我同媽媽個人口味問題,我地本身鐘意食生一點既榴連,呢個熟左d,所以好似有d酒味甘。但整體都唔錯,覺得馬卡龍蛋糕更出色一點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-05-23
等同遲到 已算, 黎到無say sorry, 個榴槤蛋糕好細個, 2至3人食都ok, 個款係幾似, 等得的人可試下, 預半個鍾啦, 葵芳等, 榴槤味略有, 只此一次ummmmm, never buy again,.80 字 真係寫唔到咁多了, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【2016 年 7 月】精緻小巧的法國小圓餅 macaron 馬卡龍一向深得少女的歡心 ... 囡囡也不例外 所以之前在網上雜誌留意到這個咁靚靚的巨型馬卡龍蛋糕 已經決定了要訂購這個巨型馬卡龍作為她的生日蛋糕 囡囡見到這個巨型馬卡龍真是好驚喜 ~ ~ 紅桑子馬卡龍千層是放大了的傳統法式馬卡龍與拿破侖千層的合體 中間還夾住吉士醬、紅桑子果醬和新鮮紅桑子 上面還有很多小巧的馬卡龍和紅桑子 ... 不只外型靚,仲好足料 外脆內軟又唔太甜的馬卡龍,配上酸酸甜甜的紅桑子和果醬 仲有鬆脆的朱古力拿破侖千層和吉士醬 ... 真是好豐富的口感和味道 馬卡龍千層蛋糕系列有五款口味 ... 芒果、朱古力香蕉、士多啤梨、藍莓和紅桑子 4 / 5 / 6 吋 3 種大小任選 我這個是 5 吋的紅桑子馬卡龍千層只是 HK$300 由畢業於法國藍帶廚藝學校的甜品師製作 不只外型靚,又足料,仲好好味 ... 至緊要是壽星女好滿意 ~ ~ 不過,Patisserie French Angel 未有門市,要在網上預訂的 ** 以上分享是以我的口味、喜好和情況作出分享和感受,一試 / 合用與否請自行決定 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-23
呢個馬卡龍千層系列真係呢間CAFE SHOP既SIGNATURE!之前有係IG同雜誌都見過呢一系列既蛋糕第一次見到呢個蛋糕既時候已經嘩一聲 成個系列都好吸晴👀✨因為呢個蛋糕可以滿足你三個願望:呃LIKE、勁多馬卡龍同千層蛋糕真係好佩服呢間店有呢個咁正既構思啊千層既意思其實好似拿破崙甜品咁 中層有好多層酥皮再係每一層加上vanilla mousseline同 自家果醬今次我簡左「芒果」味 所以千層蛋糕中間全部都係自家製既芒果蓉黎架!蛋糕上面亦都佈上芒果肉 蛋糕外圍有好多芒果馬卡龍未食之前 我仲以為會超甜 因為大多數既馬卡龍都好甜 再加埋拿破崙同CREAM幻想出黎都覺得好甜但係甜度我覺得真係適中 唔會覺得好膩呢個系列仲有#香桃、‪#‎朱古力香蕉‬、‪#‎藍莓‬、‪#‎紅桑子‬ 等等每隻味我都覺得好正咁☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-07-22
Durian!!! So hard to resist durian cakes when you hear they're made from the famous Mao Shan Wang durian!  My best friend and I love durian, so when Patisserie French Angel launched two new durian cakes, we just had to try. 😁This is the durian cream cake.  It looks aesthetically pleasing, just like a durian.  The cake was rather creamy, and with abundant pieces of durian found in the cake... It was just heavenly! 😍😍😍 The smell of durian was also very strong, and I would recommend this cake if you're a durian lover. The durian mille crepe cake however, was just okay. 🤔 It wasn't anything to rave about, and I do think the strawberry mille crepe cake is better.  This had bits of chocolate in it which was quite weird, and the taste of durian was almost absent.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)