Restaurant: | PHI Coffee & Pancake (美孚新邨) |
Offer: |
Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant ! Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

Restaurant: | PHI Coffee & Pancake (美孚新邨) |
Offer: | Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply. |
Terms & Details:
Phi is quite full during lunch time. We came mainly to try their Kuromi themed menu. Although this is not one of the main promotion branches with many deocrations, still you can see Kuromi everywhere, even their menu. Overall the menu is marked up for this promotion but I think for the promotion, it is within reason.Both drinks were cute but I felt the flavors could be a bit stronger.Baku looked quite good here and the eggplants were added as Baku looked like it. However, "Baku" up till now I am not sure is it a soft toast or a overcooked pancake thus the texture you can imagine was a bit in between.Risotto is a bit softer than usual but I guess this is needed to increase its stickiness to form Kuromi's special shape. I also loved how they added pickled onion, Kuromi's favorite food(which was stolen by Melody)Their pancake is as great as usual. What's more, I felt the cream they provided is the right amount this time. Hope they will keep this amount.
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因為見到有優惠劵買,又喺附近做嘢,所以去試吓。 買之前已睇過吓其他人的評語,亦對香港服務人員不抱太高要求。 普遍Cafe消費都偏高,但職員對客嘅態度真係一般,佢只係問我揀邊款主食、甜品、飲品,落單後,又唔覆單,只問咗梳乎厘係咪一齊上,我原來話唔係,點知佢大我話~要等廿分鐘,咁我屈服,依家叫埋。 竟然喺意粉上後2分鐘,就上個甜品真係嚇親! 咁我咪即時拿拿淋食曬碟意粉,以免甜品走樣走質素喇。由於食得太快,未能慢慢享受cafe慢活嘅環境。食物質素唔錯嘅,但咁嘅收費,同提供嘅服務唔成正比囉~今次呃咗我廿分鐘,其實前後我都只係用咗廿幾分鐘就KO成個餐囉,同我想像中可以放鬆啲咁食個lunch相差好遠,有啲失望!
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每次咖啡都係滿到瀉的、姐姐送來都好危險。上次早餐order了americano ,覺得麻麻。今次試試mocha,點知來了一杯又係滿瀉的、暖的mocha。早餐加一後差不多100元。希望有差不多的咖啡和服務的水平。
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諗住帶個女去開心吓,因為佢係Kurumi粉絲,去到餐牌其實得嗰三四樣係Kurumi ,問個女侍應飯嗰一款有幾舊肉係咩肉?佢答我雞肉。跟住落咗一款飯,一個疏乎厘班戟,一杯橙汁同埋一藍莓沙冰(以上三樣都係Kurumi主題入邊嘅)嚟到個飯,個女完全唔感興趣,飯嘅味道好難食,好怪唔知係咩紫米啲friend嗰啲feel😵💫重點係配嗰三嚿係豬肉囉,唔係女侍應講嘅雞肉!都算啦,食落去係一浸豬臊味,個汁係好似平時鋸扒咁嘅蒜蓉汁,成件事勁怪。。。。跟住疏乎厘班戟,一般啦,食落去好濕,平時成日食疏乎厘班戟,但覺得呢間真係麻麻,跟住配咗一兜cream,滿心歡喜諗住疏乎厘班戟上面嗰舊係雪糕,點知係好似藍莓味嘅唔知乳酪定係cream。。。個女完全唔掂😣至於嗰杯藍莓沙冰,不過不失啦。。。。帶埋單四百幾唔知食過乜。。。。最後真心建議吓其實去食嘅都會小朋友比較多,既然做得主題,再多幾個款俾人選擇吓啦!同埋做返啲啱小朋友口味嘅食物什麼吧!最後想講女侍應嘅態度真係麻麻哋,兩個都係黑口黑面咁!
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