Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 19:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level4 2012-05-09
在朋友家吃到 Phoebe's Treats 的鐵觀音茶香 (Iron Buddha Bites) 曲奇餅。這應該是舊款的包裝, 新的好像是鐵罐來的。餅裡面有片片茶葉碎, 有點類似本地某老牌中式連鎖餅店的茶餅, 不過這個就接近曲奇餅的質感, 較厚身而鬆化, 牛油香也較濃烈; 吃到口裡, 茶香才感覺得到。不過這款餅也實在受歡迎, 未幾已被眾人清掉。也去過店裡一訪, 像歐洲的小店般帶點少女情懷, 還有不少新奇的曲奇款式可供選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-12-22
環境:由門口望去似外國小店,店內整潔光猛,十分舒適。食物:特別喜愛伯爵茶曲奇和咖啡曲奇,因為茶味芳香清新,咖啡味馥郁甘苦,不太油膩,食完仲齒頰留香,香味久久不散。包裝:紙盒包裝十分精美,但總覺得不太環保,最近推出了膠盒裝,食完可以裝嘢,十分環保。服務:店員殷勤有禮,每次去都會請我們試食所有曲奇,我們有時還覺得不好意思!價錢:40幾元一盒,價錢大眾化。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-10-25
人生首次參加團購就是OR的半價換購phoebe's treats 曲奇,當時沒作什麼考慮就參與其中,結果買了多月幾乎到最後限期才去換餅,剛好用作半山新居小小手信。門面不大的餅店佇立在新舊交替的皇后大道東, 白色大玻璃櫥窗設計較一眾地道商店特別, 只是自己的視線總不能自主的停留在櫥窗那盤陳列曲奇餅及蝴蝶酥上,也許店員小姐早已察覺到門外有名饞嘴人停留,我的手還未按開門鎖,店員小姐已飛快跑來開門給我, 感謝感謝!名符其實的小店, 去過幾間曲奇餅店以這家面積最小,店舖兩邊放滿各款色彩繽紛盒裝曲奇,原來被曲奇包圍著的感覺也不錯。表明用團購coupon也沒有換來另一副面孔對待,小姐依然有禮招待還即時給我試試earl grey曲奇的味道,說是換購的其中一種味道,相信以小姑娘那麼好的服務態度,要是我想試其他味道應該也不被拒絕的,不過我沒有。earl grey伯爵茶香外型平實,圓圓的表面佈滿密密麻麻的深色茶葉碎,份量相當重手! 餅乾牛油味夠香又不過濃,質感鬆脆甜度不高,真的能感到有茶葉清香,間中還咬到茶葉碎粒,味道更為濃烈更有可嚼感,有水準。coffee咖啡飄香相對地香味更濃郁,咖啡香得連牛油味也掩蓋了,由於甜度不高其來自咖啡的甘苦味更顯突出,像我愛濃香咖啡的就覺得不錯,要是喜歡較甜及奶香重的客人,有可能認為會過苦,但人愈大愈不抗拒甘苦味道了。盒上表明以有機麵粉製作, 用料上乘無可置疑加上味道可口,就算原價也是買得過的,當然以團購價更加抵吃。兩盒曲奇個別以精美紙盒包裝再套以另一個銀色盒套,單單包裝所用的紙質及燙銀已所費不菲, 用來送禮絕對大體,但如能提供如四重奏的簡約紙袋包裝,作為自用就更為合適,餅盒精美反而其袋子卻剛好相反, 一個紅色索帶設計塑膠袋跟一些時袋店的設計相若, 放在肩上容易携帶但未能跟紙盒互相配襯,不要店方膠袋更為恰當也環保一點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-07
好一般喎5月中o係Openrice以$46購買Phoebe’s Treats伯爵茶香及咖啡飄香雙禮盒裝有機曲奇(原價$92)共四套畀自己同屋企人,到3-7-2011 Sun因公事出灣仔,就為自己同男友家人換四盒,到翌日放工後有啲肚餓,就開o黎食吓先.先試伯爵茶香,有好多茶葉o係o度,食到有茶味,係唔錯,男友o係唔知o既情況下食,就問我係咪綠茶味.而咖啡飄香呢,呢個係甘苦o既咖啡味,我就唔鍾意食,但男友話OK,如果配杯奶茶或牛奶o黎飲就好味.咁咪即係話點都要加糖加奶.而兩者都冇牛油香.講完味道講口感,其實佢唔係咁鬆化,可能只係落好少淡牛油,可能佢o既賣點係有機,健康同預o左食客會飲奶茶之類o黎食o掛,但我就係唔係咁識欣賞.服務:好好,我攞完轉身走,佢就行出o黎幫我開門.味道分:伯爵茶香 4分咖啡飄香 3分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-07-06
i've bought a Groupon for 2 types of cookies - Earl grey and coffee, but i was a bit disappointed to the coffee cookies. Honestly, the cookies are very dry and got a bitter taste, i am not sure if it due to the quality of coffee powder use or its coffee brand. Definitely the coffee cookies are not that attractive to me and to my family. All my family members ate one piece of coffee cookies, then no one willing to try a second one. The Earl grey cookies are fine and taste Earl grey tea leaf. Overall, the quality of Phoebe's cookies are just passed. All i can say is, it is nice if u consider it as a home-made style cookies with some organic ingredients. However, if u paying the full retail price and expect more on the cookies texture and taste, then you may need to shop around more to other bakery shops. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)