4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Green Monday vegetarian set lunch available from Tuesday to Friday and wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Pizza Four Cheese Pizza Prosciutto Di Parma Speghetti Aglio Olio Tiramisu
Review (43)
Level1 2015-05-23
平日7點去到,冇咩人,叫左魷魚圈同至尊pizza,魷魚圈睇落似魷魚蘇多o的,味道同neway差唔多,不過2款醬汁ok ,分別係沙律同番茄,都算ok ,另外個pizza似手拉pizza,雖然賣相ok,但係唔知點解冇咩味,材料亦唔見得有咩特別,又未至於難食,不過以呢個價錢應該可以更好,下次唔會再來了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-04-26
食過PIZZA EXPRESS, PIZZA HUT, Paisano's...都沒有令我回味及再想去幫襯的餐廳...但呢間PICCOLO 係令我忘不了的意式PIZZA...必定再幫襯!   前菜就叫了一個 Fried portobello 炸波特茹(即係雞肉火箭菜加上一件炸波特茹配上牛肉汁的開胃菜)外脆內軟且香滑波特茹,  雞肉不乾不鞋, 仲有D雞肉味, 與牛肉汁好配 , 好開胃的STARTER..只是火箭菜份量就太少而已...好醒胃又暖胃的前菜, DELICIOUS STARTER!!!PIZZA 就叫咗 SUPREMA,  11吋大, 薄PIZZA, YUMMY!!!TOPPINGS 係 意大利肉腸, ONION, MUSHROOM, CHILLI...番茄醬底好正,  PIZZA 薄底, 香,脆,暖,同埋食落口, 清爽口味, 又唔流...ICHIBAN!肉腸唔覺太鹹, 因為有 ONION & MUSHROOM 來平衡肉腸鹹度...而且加上 CHILLI 令胃口大增.  正!PANNA COTTA 奶凍意式甜品.. 奶味不會太重, 又不太甜, 而且香滑, 加上新鮮士多卑利+藍霉 ..可令口感豐富像滑豆腐,綿綿奶香中帶爽脆,清甜.  不愛吃甜品的我都喜歡此PANNA COTTA...BLACK COFFEE..NOT RECOMMENDED!食係享受, 服務又細心, 坐得舒適, 比85分!   continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Everybody knows my love on Piccolo Pizzeria and Bar (K-Town branch). When they finally realized there was a branch in Wanchai, the district where my gang worked in, we flocked there without any hesitation. Tucked away in a short side street, the location of Piccolo Wanchai branch is quite tricky. No worries tho, you know you’ve stepped into the Piccolo kingdom when sky is shaded by the iconic high ceiling and you feel embraced by the warm orange tones and wooden fittings. Feeling like home really! Despite how much I love Piccolo’s Fried Cheese and Carbonara, my gang is no cheese maniac. So here comes my no-cheese diet! 1. Aglio Olio $120 Always been a signature in Piccolo as the staff tries to get me have this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I had this once in Kennedy Town but found it not spicy enough. But this time in Wanchai – epic! It wasn’t just about the spiciness, but also the complete taste profile the dish offered. Al dente spaghetti cooked with garlic and red chili – addictive. And it wouldn’t give you bad breath! I’ll give it a 9/10! 2. Fried Portobello $100 Imagine a juicy mushroom the size of a man’s fist, have it deep-fried to cover it with a thin crust, and pour a thin layer of brown sauce on top – that’s basically what it’s about. Yet, rockets being too salty, chicken cooked to rough and bacon made too chewy… a pity to this could-be-amazing mushroom dish. Could have given a full credit for the mushroom, but together with the chicken: 8/10 3. Suprema Pizza $130 And the pizza caught the limelight back! Since my friends ain’t fans of red chili, we had a little struggle before ordering. Then the witty staff suggested making a few slice spicy and the other without chili – perfect! The spiciness came in right after I swallow the whole piece. So be careful! It could be choky! More about the pizza: Baked in this giant red brick stove, the whole pizza gave the aroma of grain and charcoal. Being called “Suprema”, I expected a larger portion of pork sausage but it turned out we couldn’t have one for each slice. Mushroom was actually tasteless, probably dominated by the red chili, but it added credits to the overall texture. Still deserves a 9/10! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2015-04-24
上個月中才到訪過西環嘅Piccolo,估唔到咁快再嚟過,不過,就唔喺西環店喇,而喺就大家收工後過嚟灣仔店,好友小聚,再訪「短笛」,又可以大嘆薄餅滋味。環境四四正正,唔似西環店咁一字長形,但同樣樓底高,無侷促感,牆身掛有唔少意大利裝飾,米黃襯啡,木椅配雲石餐枱,一派意大利小餐館氣氛,寫意閒舒。而餐廳尾嘅半開放廚房,只隔着一道玻璃,可以清楚睇到師傅搓薄餅,做沙律,特別吸引人多望兩眼。上次簡單啲,直接點幾款是日精選就算,不過,友人話餐牌中都有唔少好嘢。經大家商量後,一道薄餅必然唔少得,前菜、意粉各樣都揀番啲。等上菜期間,先點啲飲品解吓渴。友人揀嘅無酒精特飲,晌上次嘅食文都有分享過,不用再敘;小弟今次則試吓Piccolo Gunner($28),色澤金黃,清爽冰涼,甜甜哋嘅梳打水。Fried Portobello $115炸龍葵菇依道前菜,喺今晚大家一致認為最驚喜嘅菜式,賣相唔算好好睇,但入口真喺有份驚喜感。成隻手掌咁大嘅龍葵菇,以吉列方式脆炸,再淋上燒牛肉汁,咬落外層香脆十足,裡面嘅龍葵菇軟綿多汁,加上啲燒牛肉汁濃香惹味;而菇上仲放有雞肉同煙肉,不過,雞肉有啲嚡,單單只放煙肉碎已足夠。Beetroot & Rocket $80另一道前菜紅菜頭火箭菜沙律,無諗過啲火箭菜多成咁,其實啲紅菜頭好清甜,又有益;雖然啲火箭菜已加上茴香、油醋,但始終火箭菜味本苦澀,唔喺個個啱食。Pizza Bacon & Honey $145蜜糖煙肉薄餅喺是日嘅精選菜式,上次食文都提過,餐廳每日都會推出一啲精選菜式。以自家砌嘅磚爐烘焗,心理上都覺得唔同啲,薄餅以莫沙厘娜芝士(Mozzarella)墊底,鋪上幾片意大利煙肉(Pancetta),再塗上蜜糖,烘得金黃吸引。意大利煙肉較平時常食到嘅煙肉少肥,但不失油香,而蜜糖帶出嘅甜味,跟火腿嘅鹹,有種平衡感,好特別,不愧是日精選。Aglio Olio $120有時做菜,簡單先見真章,依道香烤蒜蓉意粉其實真喺覺得有點貴,百幾蚊一客,真喺「齋意粉」嚟,用料只有橄欖油同蒜蓉。意粉好有咬口,質感可謂一流,油潤得嚟卻無多餘嘅剩油,啖啖都充滿蒜香,但隱藏嘅辣勁卻唔講得少,入口真喺頗辣。Lasagna $160肉醬千層麵略嫌表面放得太多芝士,一來焗出嚟賣賣無咁好睇,二來感覺太厚太膩;其實,個千層麵本身做得不俗,肉醬充滿蕃茄香,酸香鮮活,千層麵柔韌適中。幾位友人都覺得麻麻,又喺小弟出奉包底嘅時候!最後,都總喺要點客甜品先叫人滿足離開。然而,餐廳只有兩款甜品,較一般意大利餐廳少,儘管喺咁,都想試試。Chef Cheryl’s Tiramisu $60意大利芝士餅,以杯裝形式,睇樣平平無奇,食落質素真喺有番咁上下。芝士味輕嘅馬卡風芝士部份打得幼細軟滑,而手指餅沾滿咖啡酒,口感濕潤,味帶香濃。Panna Cotta $60意式奶凍做晌新地杯中,加點士多啤梨及藍莓點綴。奶凍挺身軟滑,充滿雲喱拿及奶香,奶凍內清晰睇到雲喱拿籽,可見用料不賴。Piccolo嘅薄餅確喺有水準,不過,最驚喜喺一道大磨菇菜式「炸龍葵菇」,另外,意粉亦都做得上乘,所以,大家都食得好稱心,最開心莫過於三五知己吹吓水,嘆吓美食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-04-24
在友人極力推薦下初嚐這家,初踏進店門已頗有好感,高樓底設計加分不少,加上頗具氣派的廚房,和滿店的外國人,讓我心情也放鬆不少。 先上場的小食一點也不欺場,炸芝士十分值得推薦,外面可口但內裡卻是流心芝士,很有驚喜。 本人雖並非薄餅酷愛者,但這裡的薄餅也真相當不錯,薄身披底十分鬆脆,唯一美中不足的是略嫌太鹹,越吃越口渴。愛吃Carbonara的我當然忍不住點一客試試,sauce不太liquid,煙肉味夠出,是我喜歡的質感。 甜品選擇不多,只有Tiramisu及Panna Cotta,最後兩款都點了。個人較偏好Tiramisu。與友人叫了白酒和啤酒解渴,整體感覺和氣氛也不錯,可以encore。 聽說他們的雞翼做得十分出色,可惜只在西環有售,下次再去造訪! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)