7-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
PizzaExpress is really proud of its pizzas, its love for music and supporting meaningful causes in the community. Since 1965 the restaurants have been serving hand-crafted pizzas made with the freshest ingredients. Each pizza is made to order by skilled Pizzaiolos (pizza chefs). continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes avilable daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
水牛芝士薄餅 四季薄餅 Parma Pizza 松露菌薄餅
Review (47)
Level4 2015-10-13
與同事到灣仔的 Pizza Express 用膳,一人一客一人餐。頭盤選了南瓜湯,甜甜厚身的食味。配上的麵包條稍稍烤焦了少許。主菜皇后薄餅,一人份看似很大個,但筆者最後還是能獨自吃畢。薄餅餡料有豬肘肉、蘑菇及 leccino 橄欖,說實話,份量稍稍不足夠,芝士給力亦不夠強,主要味道是蕃茄醬的酸香感。餅底方面,以薄批模式製作,但因仍有一定厚度,脆感只屬中等。連汽水一杯定價$99,可叫合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-30
Definitely worth eating. Dinner for two (including 2 drinks, a large pizza, mushroom with cheesy toppings and a large bowl of salad) only costs $268 That was a great price of being so full and satisfied.Very delicious, especially for the pizza. It was not something ordinary like pizza-hut or local western restaurant. The ingredients we ordered were mainly green pepper and sausage. I think they had upgraded the level of tastiness as the really match the bread of the pizza, unlike other restaurants which I would prefer the bread more than the ingredients. Other dishes were OK, so I think this PizzaExpress worthes a try for all. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I very clearly remember the first time I had Pizza Express. We'd just landed in Barcelona a couple of days before New Years Eve 2008 and were pretty darn tired. Wandering down Las Ramblas, the main area of the ancient city and were looking for a bite to eat. Sure, you're in Barcelona and the first thing you want to find is tapas, but there were so many people about that we just went for the first thing we saw..... It just happened to be a Pizza Express.That first time in Pizza Express was an interesting one, we had some amazing pizza but were conflicted, the pizza clearly came from a chain.... We like to think we are above heading to chain restaurants, but when the food's great - well, let's just say we overlooked the chain element.We'd never seen Pizza Express in Australia, so always figured it was a European chain, but weren't totally surprised when we learned that there were a few outlets in Hong Kong. After all, to be honest, you can find just about anything in HK.... So, it was with fond memories that we snuck into Pizza Express one night after work and were reminded all over again, European Pizza is so much better than New York pizza (see post here).After a couple of months in Hong Kong, we have a few favourite spots where we go to eat when we don't really feel like trying something new.... Pizza Express is one of those spots.We've hit up every Pizza Express in HK, but without doubt our favourite is the one over at Wan Chai, which we visited again recently. Wan Chai is a pretty cool spot, right on the border of Central and heading towards Causeway Bay, it's a spot where the blend of East meets West is really prominent. It's also an area where a transformation is occurring, lots of cool little shops and restaurants opening up and a spot where we almost (apart from a crappy bathroom) rented an apartment.Of all the Pizza Expresses in HK, the Wan Chai outlet is the most modern looking and to be honest, if you were inside eating pizza, you'd not think you were in a chain restaurant. We'd picked a pretty busy night to (again) not have a reservation, but weren't worried when we were placed at the bar, which I personally think is the prime location in any restaurant. It gave us an opportunity to watch the magic happen, pizzas being rolled out in preparation of an oven visit...There is a pretty extensive menu at Pizza Express that covers a wide range of Italian food and we've even tried out some of the non-pizza items. But really, if you're looking going to a place called Pizza Express, are you really going to look at anything else? (If you answered yes here, maybe go to another restaurant!)Now, if you're a regular reader of my blog, you know that I only order Margherita pizzas, right? Well, ordinarily you are right but there is a pizza that I've started eating since coming to Hong Kong, and much to the satisfaction of some of my followers (you know who you are), I've changed my pizza order up a little bit lately - yep, I've included meat!!My current obsession at Pizza Express came one day after trying SC's American, which comes from the Romana line of pizzas. It's a simple pizza, tomato base with heaps of mozzarella cheese (yep, sounds like a Margherita still) and lashings of Hungarian pepperoni.... There it was, not a big change, but the addition of the pepperoni provided a burst of meaty flavour that really enhanced my pizza experience. Consistency is the key to any successful pizza joint and I have to say, Pizza Express get's it right. With a thin base that is crispy in all the right ways, a tomato sauce that is rich and tasty and great quality mozzarella - I've rarely had a bad pizza. It's probably why I keep going back to Pizza Express, simple and quick, with great pizza. Mmmm, reading over this post again and it feels like a bit of a love-in...Oh well, it is what it is.Sitting at the bar allowed us to watch the magic happenMy raspberry cooler was refreshing but a little tartThe lemonade pizza express is so lemony, it comes with a cup of sugar syrup - it needs it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
很不错的pizza店点了openrice推荐的一款pizza,和柠檬姜荔枝茶pizza是薄底的,很香脆,上面加的腌肉味道极好,非常喜欢。茶味道清淡,淡淡的姜味加上柠檬味,可以扫除pizza的油腻感觉。微甜吃完觉得很舒服。服务也非常棒。下次和朋友一起来试试意粉和salad。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-11-10
金鍾PACIFIC PLACE 3對出呢間PIZZA EXPREE 有特別之處,就是建築物用上了大量落地玻璃,身在入面就如身處一個巨型玻璃方盒中。Executive lunch set 行政午餐Starter, mail course + drink $98 (with 10% service charge)Starter – prosclutto Antipasti 帕爾瑪火腿冷盤(焦糖洋蔥 火箭菜 及巴馬臣芝士粒橄欖油)午餐前菜吃parma ham太犯規了,啞子吃蓮子, 火箭菜苦得叫救命,帕爾瑪火腿配著焦糖洋蔥,甜甜的有幾份合拍, 不過整體偏乾,parma ham還是夾水嫩多汁的生果才更好吃。巴馬臣芝士 切成小方粒,但有股羊奶芝士似的微羶, 我不愛。蕃茄濃湯主廚精選沙律(雞肉, 豬肘肉、黑橄欖 、車里茄、 酸豆 、有機水煮蛋、生菜片 、火箭菜)豐富的材料拼湊出的美味, 還有EMMENTAL 及fotani芝士粒,結實的芝士粒好好咬,淋上希臘醬, 沙律醬含香草碎添多了芬芳,食量大的也會覺得飽足的。北京烤鴨薄餅PIZZA EXPRESS的PIZZA是即做的,麵粉團已先發酵儲存在膠箱中,到人客下單才取出舖上材料去烤焗。餅邊部份焗焦帶黑, 不用說也知道是焗過火,餅底變硬及稍為乾身。當然不是用烤鴨再起肉, 選用了鴨胸肉,甜辣兼備的海鮮醬超香口惹味,把中式的醬料食材注入薄餅中,索性用手卷起來吃, 生京蔥絲不夠,因醬下得重, 要多夾點蔥絲才平衡。辣牛肉薄餅材料有青椒, 洋蔥 ,辣牛肉,沒有嚐到, 不便給予意見。意式野菌蝴蝶粉松露油蘑菇汁,當然唔夠加松露碎香,加了打碎的野菌熬成白汁,濃郁的白汁分佈在蝴蝶粉上,只是用蘑菇菌類塑造出的簡單滋味。肉醬長通粉濃縮的蕃茄肉醬微辣, 肉醬不夠唔夠豐富,不是每條長通粉沾到,吃到沒有醬的味很寡。中空的大形長通粉會掉進了少許肉醬,無意吃到會覺得自己好LUCKY,兩個PASTA都煮得具彈性及麵香。沙律若能與主菜分開上,擺碟賣相太醜又雜亂無章,一冷一熱的食物, 衛生及美觀都忽略了如在平碟上切PIZZA,沙律飛彈出碟很狼狽。RASBERRY 梳打水混入了RASBERRY醬,味酸而氣泡衝上心口, 令人為之一振, 不知是本身沒糖漿還是忙了,太酸味道不太好飲‧ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)