9-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station continue reading
Set against the majestic arches, the open-air Cotton Tree Terrace makes the perfect spot for after work or pre-dinner rendezvous. The pet-friendly terrace is a go-to destination for guests to enjoy al fresco dining with their furry friends. Visit the newly introduced pizzeria for a range of gourmet offerings, from tasty appetisers and an authentic pizza selection to homemade limoncello. Staying true to the authentic Neapolitan style, the soft pizza base is garnished with tomato sauce, as well as mozzarella and parmesan cheese with a raised and crunchy rim wrapped around it. Be spoilt for choice with a selection ranging from timeless classics for all palates to indigenous flavours for those who appreciate the beauty of artisanal ingredients. Enjoy your freshly prepared order al fresco in the garden, or bring an epicurean pleasure to your dining table at home. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE JCB Apple Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay Diners Club Samsung Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level2 2024-05-24
食pizza當然相約一班朋友一起吃。酒店餐廳入面最出名就是以酒店名The Murray的pizza!魚子醬配pizzapizza外脆內軟,芝士味香氣十足。生蠔鮮味十足。德國腸好juicy。墨汁軟殼蟹意粉好味道。牛扒薯條,牛扒肉表面焦香呈現漂亮的燒烤色澤,薯條鬆脆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
翻轉傳統,這家餐廳嘅【北京鴨比薩】真係搞到我心口暖笠笠!想像下啦!嗰稔軟滑嘅北京鴨肉,加上啲蔥和珍貴啲嘅韭菜花,已經係幾足味,但最勁爆就係佢哋將鴨肉同火箭沙律一拼,一啖咬落去,哇!火箭菜嘅胡椒味刷咗一下子穿透成個餅底,撞擊嗮味蕾,串燒味十足!緊接住,個【蜆肉扁意粉】都絕對唔係蓋嘅!🍝👌每隻蜆都好似啱啱喺海邊撿起咁嘅新鮮,煮到剛剛好,唔爛唔腥。加埋啲意大利西番蓮,正宗口感即刻提升,啖啖扁意粉,啲汁秋葵啦,滲入每條粉絲中,真係揸劲滋味,絕對唔至係浪費咗啲蜆粉代銅嘅心思。成個晚上,從頭食到尾,我只係可以講,這家餐廳真係得嚟唔簡單,平凡中見真章。精選食材,得意嘅搭配,給我帶嚟一次咁驚喜既食物之旅!🥳 下次有閒,要約埋一班友來一齊試下其它爆點菜式啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上星期喺網上熱烈討論嘅餐廳一試,純粹係想搵個地方填肚子🍔,點知一坐定定,竟然愛上咗呢個角落!呢間餐廳真係一個簡單唔矯情嘅好去處。首先,點咗一份綜合意式薄餅啦🍕,個薄餅皮脆到喺我啲唇邊脆卜卜咁爆,底層嘅番茄醬又酸酸甜甜,上面鋪滿嘅芝心各種菇菌,味道夠鮮,真係香噴噴,每一啖都咁滿足!然後,個意大利肉醬面喎😋,就係咁滑嘅口感搭配濃郁嘅肉醬,滿足感爆燈!每條麵條好似都想同你講, “我係點做出嚟嘅!” 真係肉醬味濃,但係又唔會膩口,呢個平衡做得好出色。至於餐廳嘅環境啦,坐喺outdoor真係舒服!呢度嘅員工都nice過南瓜咁親切,店內環境整潔,加上outdoor有得吹吹風,一邊食一邊傾偈,重點係哩度Pet friendly添,我嘅小寵物都可以一齊享受這個美好時光!綽綽有餘地話說咗,呢間餐廳值得一試,下次再約埋三五知己,仲要試吓佢哋其他嘅特色菜式!🤗🌟🌿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-05
▫️The Murray (HKD380) - 以酒店名字為菜式名,其實係一款薄餅嚟㗎。呢個薄餅冇size分,配料有10克魚子醬、蟹肉、Mozzarella Cheese、椰菜花慕絲、菠菜苗。薄餅中間放有N3 Amur 魚子醬,想食幾多就用魚子醬匙羹放落pizza度。蟹肉應該有落咗少少檸檬汁,因為食落感覺幾清新。餅底就薄咗啲,厚番少少嘅話就好喇。另外叫咗個前菜同甜品😋▫️大蝦凱撒沙津 (HKD240) - 隻大蝦燒到好香,為一個普通嘅沙津帶來新鮮感。▫️意式咖啡提拉米蘇 (HKD160) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-28
完左整整10日的韓國之旅,返黎即刻相約食返餐,平衡一下。來到Murray酒店入面的Pizzeria at Cotton Tree Terrace 食pizza。呢度主打即點即製的意大利拿玻里手工薄餅,因為當日大風又有雨,我哋由外面的帳篷改入餐廳入邊食。不過平時可以坐出面,Chill住飲酒食pizza。先黎半打生蠔配香檳,生蠔大大隻好肥美鮮甜,入口海水味濃,侍應推介左法國的Ruinart香檳,清甜易入口,同生蠔真係恰到好處。炸蟹餅看似細細件,但切開入面係滿滿的蟹肉!香脆的蟹餅蘸蛋黃醬,佐酒一流。肉丸寬管戒指麵,蕃茄醬肉丸的配搭,永遠冇得輸,每粒戒指粉,都沾滿蕃茄醬。白酒大蜆扁意粉,估唔到白酒可以將汁底做得咁creamy,蜆肉肥美鮮甜,意粉質感恰到好處。佛羅倫斯肉眼牛扒,牛扒係每次食飯必點,五成熟做得剛剛好,牛扒肉味濃,炸薯條灑上芝士粉,邪惡極了。The Murray係呢度招牌,其重點係有10克魚子醬在pizza面頭。滿瀉的蟹肉下係滿滿的菠菜苗,再有滿滿的mozzarella cheese,十分足料!椰菜花mousse可以食少酸作調味,但餅皮烤得好香脆,魚子醬食落咸香,成個Pizza簡單得來又好好味!另一款Peking Duck又係有驚喜!海鮮醬好惹味,鴨肉鋪面,還有大葱、蒜、法式酸忌廉、辣椒等,食起黎同食北京填鴨冇分別,令人追住食!呢度啲Pizza好高質好好食,下次好天氣要再黎,係戶外chill住,聽住歌,飲住酒食住pizza,一定更有feel。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)