2-min walk from Exit B1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
寶蓮苑素食在西環罕見的素食店,店內提供的食物絕對不含肉類及薰類食品,雖然名稱是魚,牛肉,豬肉,但全部皆以豆類制成,絕對適合素食者及追求健康的人士. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:45 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
07:45 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
這間傳統齋鋪在西環有兩間分店,坐低先開壺普洱,打開餐牌有點心、炒粉麵飯、湯麵、粥和客飯各式各樣。見隔離檯會叫招牌齋鹵味食,我就揀左客飯餐,估唔到份量勁大,想食埋甜品黑芝麻糊都未必食得落。西營盤站B1出口轉個彎就到,門口有大大個齋字好容易認。名面有各種齋點,也有外賣飯餐,吃飯的時候都見幾多人幫襯㗎。座位唔算非常多,兩張大圓檯加一些卡位。店內也有賣一些素調味料和即食麵。好old-school要洗餐具。餐牌有好多版,可以散叫也有各種套餐。小炒和粉麵飯也好多選擇。一個人也可以叫客飯套餐。先飲個例湯,勁足料好味。紅燒豆腐飯餐 HK$66上桌嚇一跳的大份量,下面有大量白菜墊底,豆腐和冬菇也有很多,胃口幾好都會夠飽,小鳥胃女生大概要兩至三個會先可以食完一個。味道方面都唔錯,口感亦無太油膩,這個價錢來說很是超值。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This is a little local restaurant is located in Sai Ying Pun, close by exit B3. They have a broad selection of both vegan and vegetarian Chinese dishes, for takeaway as well as in-house dining. I ordered: 🍽 Mock Meat Platter (‘sweet and sour gluten’ and ‘glutenous strips....’ can’t remember the exact name sorry!) 💸 HKD 57 😺 Classic mocks meats that you can really find in any Chinese vegetarian place. - The ‘sweet and sour gluten’ was *chefs kiss*, very soft and melts in your mouth. - The glutenous strips had a nice marinade, but were a bit of a hassle to chew 🥵- Overall good, but you can find the exact same options elsewhere for a much cheaper price 🥶Rating: 7/10 (sweet and sour gluten)Rating: 5/10 (glutenous strips)🍽 Sweet and Sour Pork💸 HKD 88🙀 The ‘pork’ was very soft yet chewy and covered in a thick marinade, which, similarly to the Mock Meat Platter, was not overwhelmingly sweet! The pineapples were an interesting addition - but they went sooo well with the pork!! :0 Rating: 8.5/10🍽 Spicy Eggplant and Seafood Casserole💸 HKD 88😾 I was exited for this after having seen pictures of it on Instagram. I had low expectations since I’ve never tried vegan shrimp before and didn’t expect much... I was right to feel this way 😗 - It was completely flavourless, had a soft and gelatinous texture - nothing like real shrimp. - Somehow the vegetables managed to stay steaming hot right until the end of the dinner, so I couldn’t even taste anything 🥲 - The visuals are nice, but the dish is not Rating: 4/10👩🏼‍🍳 Service: Most of the staff spoke English and suggested some dishes! The menu also had English translations and some photos 👍🏻 Waiting time: 5-10 minsRating: 6.5/10Price: HKD 242 Overall pricing: $$Return: Possibly? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-09-25
傳統純齋舖, 餸菜好味冇味精今晚叫咗一個三至四人套餐加一份小的齋, 套餐餸菜分量多每個人都吃得很飽 🤤香芋荔蓉魚, 啖啖芋蓉, 外皮脆, 附送一碗甜酸醬, 絕佳配搭 茄子乾燒伊麵, 不油不膩不咸, 份量大腐皮髮菜金菇, 口感和味道都很讚👍素碗仔翅, 足料湯甜細份齋鹵味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-08-18
我是老顧客,02年剛出黎做野就係上環返工,久唔久都會買佢地嘅齋早餐、午餐買齋飯盒、放工就去買佢地嘅特價齋點心到06年轉工,離開上環後,一直對佢地嘅齋炒米及點心念念不忘;有時放左工,或返工前都提早少少過去買直到佢15年搬去西營盤後,一直的唔起心肝過去幫襯。而家呢間公司,最近由怡和大廈搬到中環中心(有1.5小時的食飯時間),作為運動般,行路過去1小時往返;由買第二日嘅早餐,再買埋佢地嘅飯盒#十幾年無幫襯佢地,以前排長隊,而家無人龍(唔係蘇杭街開店,人流係少好多)阿媽鐘意食佢嘅芋頭榚、蘿蔔榚、糯米榚、芝麻榚、齋咕嚕肉(噚日買左壽桃包、叉燒包&素肉包)聽日早餐試呢間野的齋飯盒,唔同公司樓下油淋淋嘅齋係充滿原味道、個湯好清甜飲完成個人都好舒服#上星期係霸王花湯#噚日係佛手瓜蜜棗湯#捱夜的日子茹素,每日有1、2餐食清淡的#口氣都少的,連口水都有甘甜甘甜的感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-06
往年佛誕見人喺傳統齋鋪買蒝茜餅食,今年佛誕咁啱經過寶蓮苑依間齋鋪,又咁啱見到有蒝茜餅賣,就買黎試下啦。依度既蒝茜餅一共有三個味,分別係原味、蓮蓉同豆沙,最後買左一個豆沙試。一食落去果下,即刻覺得好彩只係買左一個!本身以為佢同茶果一樣係煙煙韌韌咁既,點知佢係林啤啤。豆沙味比個餅既果陣蒝茜葉味完全蓋過,其實幾難食....第一次食蒝茜餅,唔知依個係佢原味定係整得難食。Anyway試過一次就算,真係好難食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)