1-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
其實我向來都不愛應酬,但今次有一個很重要的朋友要回外國,我就一定要出席向來都不會懷疑外國人愛去的酒吧會不好,特別是在中環這個核心地帶我不太喜歡太多人的地方,特別是在疫情之下,我們一班人大約有30多人,在窄窄的空間中穿梭不停的chit-chat,但店員的專業服務和眼明手快,以彌補這個不足的地方Mojito -這間酒吧水準不錯炸雞真是非常可口,很好吃粗薯條配以truffle cream,絕配我另外再點了一個mochtails 叫left hook,水準也非常高而駐場的DR也表現專業,不過記住不要拍到他,他會過來要求你刪除相片
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平時喺openrice隱到開左幾年都得一篇食評,真身坐落喺中環一棟唔起眼的大廈,仲要再搭幾層扶手電梯。但一入到去個刻,好似9又4分之3號月台咁,入左一個新世界😱outdoor露天意式小庭院、藍白colour scheme,直頭好似去左外國咁chill! 旁邊都係商業大廈,呢度就好似個綠洲咁😍樹葉形🍃pattern沙發,真係行到邊都夠靚夠突出~唔岩沙發都仲有grand grand 吧枱、高啲的couches with cover做選擇。唔係用外貌取勝,室內原來係一間米芝蓮餐廳 Spiga😨真係禾稈冚珍珠🙊而今次介紹的室外area就係酒吧😆𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙙🍟Patatine Fritte $78因為一定要嗌野食,所以順口叫的薯條~普通厚切,冇乜特別唔評了~𝘿𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨🌹Rich rose in pink $138一杯行粉紅style,用番石榴汁加草莓糖漿的琴酒。喺味道配搭上面算有比心機,啲味道都幾match。一杯好嘅酒,比自己 a timeout 😉所有野都好,淨係果日有個moment好深刻🤣野飲拎嚟時,士多啤梨在杯邊晾住,一擺上枱個下,仲未離開waitress隻手已經跌左喺枱。但,佢就咁瀟灑地離去,只有舊士多啤梨提醒我真係跌左嘅事實。🍸Absolut/ Sweden $98冇預過落左咁多冰,飲落去偏淡;但左啲青檸飲落去rich d但overall 冇想飲中咁好飲𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙩The entire floor 😉enjoy!
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Girls night out🥰🍸——————————————————————————🔥Golden Wishes ($128)Citrusy and smooth. Blend of two types of flavoured liqueur.-🔥Rich Rose In Pink ($138)Sweet and fresh. Easy to drink with natural fruity taste. -🔥Bourgogne Blanc ($148)-🔥Patatine Fritte ($78)Freshly made chunky skin-on fries, great for share. Truffle taste is aromatic but not too strong.-Located at the adjoining terrace of Spiga. Great place for a drink and snacks with good companies and laughters. Mindful it is an outdoor space with some fans but no air-con, can be a bit stuffy in a hot night.
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