5-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 14:30
Sat - Sun
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Wasabi crusted tuna Nicoise
Review (5)
Level1 2021-11-22
70元 至 80元一個意大利粉, 無飲品, 在中環來說, 都可以說可以接受。 但不是平民價.最不能接受的, 是有位處理食品的女仕, 長期都無把她的口罩帶上. 使我對衛生有懷疑?點解佢可以成日都無把口罩拉上? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-11-14
留意咗好耐先book到嘅下午茶,位於中環藝穗會中,平時一般係去蘭桂坊時經過,諗唔到裡面有個咁靚嘅環境。"古宅裡的下午茶"哩個取名真系名副其實,高樓底,溫馨的燈光,卻不乏窗外斜斜打進來的日光,充足的綠植帶來的小清新,配上有年代感的每塊階磚,熒幕上徐徐放映的老片段,淨系食環境都一流。餐牌設計根據不同的藝術品命名,藝術氣息滿溢,同個環境好襯。想只吃甜品又得,想鹹甜點均衡d又得,再加每人一款茶,都算系豐富。但系味道呢就平庸咗啲啲。最上層嘅甜點都算系色彩斑斕,但系食材嘅選擇就相對普通;中層嘅scone其實不錯,配埋個clotted cream同jam👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻;下層鹹點系三隻唔同味道嘅三文治,味道比較plain,大家唔洗抱太大期望😹。不過暫時見到哩個下午茶系間斷式供應,11月暫時只有11-14號available,大家可以持續觀察,唔知會唔會遲d又會出。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
與品牌合作的 Afternoon Tea 滿街都是,但以文學作家命名的卻極為少有所以今次來到位於中環的 Fringe Club Fringe Dairy 便是那極少有的類而且這裡曾經是「牛奶公司」的店舖,所以又稱為奶庫現在則是一個小型表演場地,同時亦有提供餐飲的喔~最近就有供應三款 Tea Set店內的座位很少,如果可以坐窗邊就好了~木簾檔光的高身窗、天花吊扇和1913年的瓷磚地板都很有古宅的味道呢!場內會有文學作品可以借閱,亦有在播放電影和插曲。三款 Tea Set 除了是食物份量的不同外,主要更以甜鹹點來分別我們選的是 Han Suyin Set ($408 / For Two) 是以作家韓素音命名~並以甜品為主可選的茶只有三款~Fringe Secret Blend / Earl Grey / Darjeeling整個 Tea Set 的份量其實很少,鹹點就只有 手指三文治分別是青瓜 with Cream Cheese、蛋沙律 & 火腿芝士,就正常的味道喇出奇地有提子的 英式鬆餅 幾好吃!外層是帶鬆脆的口感,內裡則帶有濕潤感不過個士多啤梨醬稍微甜了些,而且很快就出水 ....甜點部份只有兩款,馬卡龍 & 蜜瓜撻如果您是因為食物才來,大概會失望而回 ...因為這裡的下午茶想大家感受的是一杯茶、一件甜點、一本書的恬靜下午。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-06-13
Fringe Club is one of the heritage landmark of Hong Kong. But not too many of my friends know that it houses dining places.  As I know it has recently open a cafe-cum-music hall and renamed it as Fringe Dairy after a renovation, I made a special trip there for a lunch while I was around in Central. It serves salad set during lunch hour at $106 (no 10% is charged) for salad + dessert + coffee/tea. That’s a good combination for middle-aged woman like me, who prefers a light lunch. I chose Tuna Nicoise to start with. The salad is fresh with few slide of tuna crusted with a wasabe sauce. The dish is delicious though portion was a bit small. It’s nice that they offer half glass wine, as I think full glass would be too much for lunch. Originally I ordered tiramisu which I was told out of stock and recommended Cheese Cake to replace with. That was a surprise as the cake turned out to be very yummy and light (not to worry with my calculation of calorie in take). Knowing that the income from the restaurant would go to support running of this heritage art venue, I have one more reason to recommend my friends to have our gathering there. One thing that makes them reluctantly going there is that they have to walk for 10 mins upslope from MTRC station. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-05-23
在中環上班,經常外食,今日和同事想換間餐廳試下,就周圍看看,行經Fringe Club發現樓下的這間吃沙律的餐廳有迷人的外國廚師即場製作中,餐廳環境看來也不錯,就進來試下。這裡的環境不像一般的餐廳,因為有一個表演用的舞臺,牆上也掛著一些大張的相片,播放的爵士音樂令人一下子覺得很放鬆,雖然人不是很多,但是整體環境還是充滿藝術感。這裡的Lunch set提供一盤沙律+芝士/當日甜點+咖啡,在三款不同供選擇的沙律中,我叫了tuna salad+brownies,同事叫了shrimp salad+芝士盤,落單之後就見到廚師在即場準備我們的沙律。 等了沒有很久,菜就端上來。剛看到的時候覺得擺盤很漂亮,但是分量沒有很大有點擔心會不會吃飽,不過配送的麵包不夠的話可以再叫,而且很好吃。這份沙律的配菜沒有很特別,就像上圖看到的那樣,但是tuna特別的好吃,外面的那層外皮是火炙的,有胡椒味,有點脆,中間的吞拿魚更是入口即化,好吃到吃光以後還在回味!真的是很特別的一種以前從來沒有吃過的tuna,印象十分的深。同事的shrimp salad的擺盤特別漂亮,蝦很大隻,聽她講說蝦口感很新鮮,下面的mixed rice的調味也非常好,配起牛油果味道更清爽。吃完salad我們都很開心,跟著就是dessert了,我們叫了bowine和cheese plate來share~這個home made brownie看起來很好吃,吃起來竟然和看起來一樣好吃!!最大的感受就是沒有外面賣的brownie那麼甜,上面的cream也沒有以前吃到過的那種肥膩的感覺,和raspberry配起來吃鬆軟度剛剛好,非常贊!朱古力也是有點流心的感覺,吃下去以後幸福感就油然而生喇~Cheese Plate的三種芝士,鹹度不同,軟硬也不一,真是好有“芝士味”!!每種芝士吃下去的口感都很不同,我和同事兩位芝士fans都非常的滿足,配上芝麻味又crunchy的脆片,而不是普通的麵包,更是給芝士的香濃口感加分,提供的分量也是剛剛好,熱量不會很高,有在keep fit的女性完全無負擔!點了兩杯咖啡,聊了聊天我們這餐就結束了,吃完之後外國廚師還走過來問候我們有沒有enjoy這餐,非常的gentil man~這間餐廳整體上給人的感覺就是食材很新鮮,很有品質保證,如果想要有一個清爽而且很有質量的健康午餐,這裡絕對是很好的選擇。雖然看起來提供的食量有點小,但是其實女生吃到最後還是會飽,有在減肥卻又想吃到美味食物的OL更加適合到這裡吃。但是對於大食量的男生的話,還是不推薦到這里來。今天回到公司,我就約了其他同事,下次再回來試試其他的salad和dessert!!^ ^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)