All Branches (8)
A Fujian cuisine restaurant from Singapore is bringing the unique rustic flavours of Putian to Hong Kong. They specialise in traditional Fujian dishes, allowing customers to savour the essence of Putian cuisine - fresh and light, with surprises at every turn. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
机场的点餐机太坑了,这家店自助机点餐和人工点餐不是一个队伍,自助点餐慢十几分钟,千万不要自助点。味道一般,加上这个等待时间,完全不值,本来坐飞机就赶时间,不理解为什么这么设计,明明自助点餐是为了节省时间,结果反而比人工排队还慢了,还不能退 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-01
❣️去機場唔想再食麥當勞、翠華,今次轉一轉,入左閘去食莆田🤣因為聽講除左麥當勞,得佢係24小時營業。❣️叫咗個二號同六號餐,其實整體都算唔錯,個扁肉湯同米粉都係好味嘅,只係個包叮完有啲硬。老實講我對喺機場食早餐真係唔會太大期望,你晨咁早食早餐仲想人哋點?❣️不過想講我咁啱前一刻見到佢哋放咗兩個水煎包落微波爐叮,枱頭再望下佢鋪頭上面寫住(莆田水7分燜煮3分煎),真係唔小心笑左出聲。❣️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-12
聽聞必比登推介:具質素且經濟實惠的美食。 海南雞飯 雞肉已經去骨十分方便,米飯濕左啲啲,油香味爭啲啲,醬油有甜豉油,辣醬,辣醬一般,沒有薑蓉提供。 鹽酥柳條飯 豬扒份量算多就肥左啲啲,不太脆口有點油,米飯都係濕左啲啲,前菜小食好食推介。 燉湯 呢個好味,料頭十足推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-15
I've eaten at Putien a few times before but never at the airport. In fact, I didn't even know they had a branch at the airport. But here I was ... early flight and needed breakfast. This Putien is located at the food court area.They only have breakfast sets in the morning. Menu is in English and Chinese. Sets include a drink. There is no 10% service charge as its part of the food court.I had a Putien Bian Rou Bee Hoon Soup ($61). It was fairly good. Lots of little mini dumplings that were interesting. The clams were fresh as well as the vegetables. Surprisingly there was some vermicelli noodles underneath. I didn't expect that as it said soup. The soup itself was clear and flavourful. Not oily at all. I chose a soybean milk that was ok. Not too sweet.A decent option at the airport. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-11
早晨來到機場,入佐安檢之後見到仲有成個幾鐘先飛,一於搵個地方坐低嘆個早餐。行佐一round之後揀佐個閩南菜系嘅莆田,8個標準餐去揀,大多數都係湯湯麵麵,價位適中,都係70蚊以內。於是揀佐個海鮮鹵麵🍜,配凍豆漿或中國茶,💰68。俾我想像中好食😋有兩隻蝦,湯底夠味,有瑤柱、蝦米、蜆、碎海參、冬菇片、碎菜。因為用料很多,每一口的口感都很豐富。用的碗都label佐 I ❤️ Hong Kong,果然係機場特色啊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)