1-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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The main store located in Wan Chai was awarded 1-star Michelin restaurant 4 consecutive years. The experienced chef team serves authentic Sichuan cuisine with a modern twist, and reflect the “seven flavours of Sichuan” – spicy, aromatic, sweet, bitter, sour, peppery, and salty.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
這家川菜是朋友訂的位置。位置超級好找,就在尖沙咀地鐵站出口幾分鐘的地方。裝潢以深啡色刻花木飾板和飛龍壁畫,配上仿辣椒燈飾,外觀已顯四川風味;玻璃窗旁飽覽維港景致。「呇」意指明亮的星星,靈感來自川菜的基本配料八角。而「呇」字又是由「水」和「口」做成,有令人垂涎慾滴的意思。餐廳以全新手法將傳統川菜重新演繹。辣子雞,麻辣雞片,麻辣魚片,龍抄手……都是經典川菜,用料、擺盤悅目精緻,味道非常有層次,是新派川菜的代表,也入選米芝蓮美食推介。我們點了午市套餐,分享餐牌給你們。(前菜+主菜+主食+飲品🧃+甜品)我們點了朋友推薦的必點的☑️麻辣雞片這個真的沒推薦錯,超級好吃,擺盤已經很吸引了。只能说色香味俱全,味道非常棒,辣度适中,边边有一些干海苔也特别好吃。☑️干烧鱼片这个菜非常的开胃,酸甜可口,非常下饭,摆盘真的太美啦。☑️三葱爆牛肉因为前两个都是辣,所以特地点了个不辣的。同样很满意炒的很入味。前菜我们几乎三样每样试试 酸辣汤+龙抄手+棒棒雲吞酸辣汤还不错,龙抄手和棒棒雲吞有点像。龙抄手是辣,棒棒雲吞是芝麻酱配雲吞的感觉。主食方面,我们要了白米饭🍚和担担面。四川担担面很好吃,浓稠的汤底加上肉碎,很喜欢呀。饮品我点了芒果汁🥭还蛮好喝。
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去開灣仔間Qi 今次試下尖沙咀呢間。試番薑牛 但質素差很多。蜜汁過多 浸住d牛片 令牛片太甜 令d辣味出唔到來 失望😞另外提提大家茶水收費偏貴。叫壼鐵觀音。用一小包茶包泡成壺茶。 不特止 茶每位$25
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Good food but pathetic mannerism of the manager of the restaurant… Have never experienced such rude staff in HK. Manager had no clue how to handle so many customers at one time and when you enquire about the order placed 25 mins ago, the reply was super rude and shocking. My advice is to go before evening when the staff is different and has manners and ability to handle guests.Bad and rude service is the beginning of the end 😞
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尖沙咀川菜 入夜後景色都幾正 不過個日就早左去 又趕住交枱入正題先小食類 夫妻肺片 辣子雞 不過建議食到辣先好叫因為隻辣係後知後覺🤣酸菜魚 都幾大碗 岩哂share 小食 口水雞
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