4-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 17:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 17:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (47)
Level4 2024-12-29
ROAST BEEF $95由煙燻牛肉、鹽漬菠菜葉、紅洋葱絲、Torched Cheddar Cheese和Cream Cheese製成。牛肉bagel帶有濃郁的煙燻肉香,菠菜的清新口感,紅洋葱絲的辛辣感和芝士的奶香,形成豐富丰富的口感層次。AVOCADO FETA $80 將搗碎的牛油果,火箭菜配合檸檬汁和Cream Cheese製成。牛油果口感順滑,芝士的鹹香味與火箭菜的微苦帶來豐富嘅層次口感,再加上檸檬汁的酸味,整體口感清新又開胃。兩款bagel 外層十分香脆,口感有微微的嚼勁,配上其他配料,很滿足。CARROT CAKE $45胡蘿蔔蛋糕味道香甜,搭配濕潤柔軟的海綿蛋糕,中層夾著忌廉芝士和粒粒紅蘿蔔絲、核桃堅果碎、肉桂和豆蔻等等,形成獨特的風味和口感。HOT CHOCOLATE $40熱朱古力有美美的拉花,香甜的味道非常適合冬天!FRESH FRUIT JUICE $40鮮榨橙汁清新,酸甜適中,有滿滿果肉,是清爽的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前喺中環返工,最鐘意去R&R Bagel食早餐,佢哋款式夠多又好味,真係我嗰陣返工嘅動力。見到佢哋鰂魚湧新開分店,即刻約人去happy hour,再食Bagel 當晚餐,估唔到咁有驚喜。食客可以自訂bagel或者揀佢menu嘅選項,仲可以揀唔同嘅包底。我同朋友叫咗Roast Beef 同Avocado Feta share食,兩個bagel底都揀咗罌粟籽,鐘意佢好有口感。Roast Beef 又多又大塊,加埋厚厚嘅cream cheese更係加分,咬落啖啖肉,食到好滿足。Avocado Feta 嘅牛油果醬多到爆哂出嚟,我哋加咗好肥美嘅三文魚,餐廳亦落足料,成個包好creamy味道好豐富,味道非常之夾。小食方面,我哋加咗雞翼同埋Mozzarella sticks。芝士條炸到啱啱好,拉絲效果好過癮,涼返啲之後質地變得煙韌,更適合佐酒啱。雞翼炸到好香口,細細地一隻仲要係單邊,方便進食。我同朋友趕得切係七點之前用happy hour價叫咗一杯啤酒同一杯白酒,真係好適合放工後relax下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-25
R&R 既 NYC style bagel真係唔錯。我既最愛係Roast beef bagel,裡面有beef pastrami、鹽醃菠菜葉、紅洋蔥絲、火燒cheddar芝士同埋cream cheese,咬落去口感層次好豐富,pastrami香嫩多汁,配埋creamy嘅芝士真係絕配。The Hampton bagel用新鮮雞胸肉、pesto、Camembert芝士、核桃、乾蔓越莓、火箭菜同cream cheese,雞胸肉好嫩滑,Camembert芝士嘅軟滑質感加上果仁同乾果嘅清新酸甜,好有層次感,每一啖都好滿足。我仲takeaway左個Everything bagel配cream cheese,口感同香氣都好一流,cream cheese好滑又唔會太膩,真係最基本嘅選擇但非常滿足。外層烘到微微脆口,但唔會過硬,咬落去嘅時候仲有少少彈牙感,內裡則保持住紮實又帶嚼勁嘅質地,唔會似有啲bagel太乾或者過軟最後飲咗一杯鮮橙汁,酸甜適中,清新解膩,非常搭配呢啲重口味嘅bagel,好耐都冇咁放肆R&R bagel雖然少貴但絕對值得。用料真係靚,bagel烘得香噴噴,外脆內軟,紮實有咬口。每一啖都食到質感同用心,無論係肉類、芝士定係蔬菜配料都好新鮮,啱晒鍾意重口味同層次豐富嘅食客。—————-𝙒𝙚 𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙:Roast beef bagelThe Hampton bagelEverything bagel with cream cheese Fresh orange juice—————————————————𖠿𖥣 R&R Bagels (鰂魚涌)〒 鰂魚涌海灣街23號地舖—————————————————⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-03-04
貝果款式有Sesame、Wholegrain、Poppy、Cinnamon Raisin、Onion、Garlic,不過係小朋友先做選擇,我全部都要,黎個Everything😎包體偏實淨韌身,非常有嚼勁,但真係未必個個鍾意咁樣咬法,起碼我隔離嗰位舉手投降🫣▪️ Smoked Salmon (7.5/10)💲95煙三文魚帶點鹹香,加上蕃茄、紅洋蔥、Cream Cheese、檸檬汁夠清新可以平衡返,好難唔好食,唯獨定價偏高🤑▪️ Roast Beef (7.5/10)💲95煙燻牛肉片入味,有用橄欖油同鹽調味既菠菜葉、紅洋蔥、炙燒Cheddar Cheese同埋Cream Cheese,配搭得宜🧀🔎 整體評分(7.5/10) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
If you're craving a genuine bagel experience in Hong Kong, look no further than R&R Bagels. This cozy little shop is a gem tucked away in the bustling city, and it’s definitely worth a visit. I decided to try their Smoked Salmon bagel, which is described on their menu as a delightful combination of fresh smoked salmon, ripe tomatoes, red onion shavings, fresh dill and cream cheese on your choice of a  New York-style bagel.The bagels here are baked fresh every morning in their own Hong Kong bakery, and you can really taste the quality. I chose an Onion Bagel to pair with, and it was a fantastic choice! The onion flavor complemented the rich, smoky salmon perfectly. The bagel itself had that signature chewy texture with a nice crust, just like you'd expect from a classic New York bagel.The shop may be small, but it has a decent vibe that makes you feel right at home. The décor is simple yet inviting, with a casual atmosphere that’s perfect for grabbing a quick bite or enjoying your meal at a leisurely pace. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)