6-min walk from Exit E3, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level4 2021-04-24
“炙熱味噌拉麵+半熟蛋,炸雞皮”($85+$13+$13)又一間就快結業嘅日本拉麵店😢早幾個月先喺灣仔搬過去中環咋😩呢間拉麵店主打北海道炙燒味噌拉麵🍜除咗原味味噌,仲有辣味噌/炙醬油拉麵提供第一次嚟當然叫返碗原味炙熱味噌拉麵另外仲加咗隻半熟蛋🥚同炸雞皮🐔湯底味噌湯因為燒過所以有陣鑊氣🤣感覺有啲似港式小炒好特別🤣個人幾鍾意😍拉麵用上曲麵,入口彈牙叉燒得一薄片🙈配上薑蓉估唔到又幾夾😛炸雞皮幾有驚喜😍一大片炸到超級脆口無論就咁食定浸咗落湯都咁好食😋反而半熟蛋就冇咩特別可以唔叫都得😂拉麵店4月26正式結業,如果食材賣哂仲有可能會提早完想試嘅朋友真係要把握最後機會啦😢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-04-14
2021年4月麵匠宣佈在這個月結業,疫情持續加上有可能租金高企,由灣仔搬到中環只有一年多就停止營業,艱苦情度可想而知。味噌拉麵在香港拉麵圈屬小眾,都有幾間拉麵鋪供應,但主打味噌而又用炙式的方法煮味噌得此一家。 為何味噌拉麵在香港沒落,由於味噌味道怪,加上香港沒有幾天温度處於幾度,我認為在冬天下食味噌拉麵最好食。此家麵店主打炙味噌,味噌有陣燒焦的味道,一試難忘。 收到消息於是專程光顧,有可能是最後一次,4月13日晚上7時店子人客有三四個,要了炙熱味噌拉麵($85),加了炸雞皮($13),還要了炸雞炸章魚燒($55)和可口可樂($12),連我最討厭的加一服務費,總費$182,小食價格似乎有點兒貴。 炙熱味噌拉麵好食,對於我這類只注重湯同麵的大肥佬最好不過,你亦可加芽菜和加大麵量,亦很過癮。那般燒焦了的味噌味很好,再焦一點更好,拉麵有薑絲亦是特点,將薑絲放入味噌湯,又辣又刺激味覺獨特。燒雞皮我愛食,炸亦鬆脆,加上大塊亦不錯。小食炸雞亦不過不失,脆得来不覺得肥膩,炸章魚燒未夠多汁有點乾,小食整體普通。 最後一試,雖然普通,但亦無奈~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-03-10
位處中環核心地段,是附近大量上班族牛餐的熱門地點,但餐廳平日午餐時間大多毋須等候,質素可想而知。適逢二月中限聚令放寬至4人同枱,又懶得在open rice找餐廳,便與朋友到餐廳一試。餐牌選擇不多,剛好足夠每一款拉麵(另有一款炸雞飯提供)再加炸雞小食,埋單大概每人100。飯後4人一致認為: 劣食,唔抵! 拉麵質素差劣,湯底只有咸味,像溝稀的䜴油,拉麵口感非常似街市級數的伊麵,肉量非常少,印象中只有2-3薄片,沒有雞蛋,在超市買的即食拉麵的質素應該會更好。差不多的價錢在同一條街可以有十分多的選擇。一幻,立體派,豕王等都是十分出色的拉麵店。不要浪費錢金錢試伏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
At my first try, I tried miso tsukemen, which I thought wasn’t so good. However, my friend advised me that the signature miso ramen is good so I had the miso on my second try, which was pretty rich in flavor and good so I decided to make another visit. Because all restaurants were restricted to only open until 18:00 now, I called to make sure what time the last order was and the guy who answered the phone once said 17:20 but when he repeated, he clearly said half past five. I repeated back to him to make sure it was 17:30 and he agreed while the last order was actually 17:20. It was 17:15 and I made it to the shop at 17:22 and he refused entry and never admitted his mistake.The food is recommendable but I’d say, avoid. If they treat customers like this during such hard times, you may well be disappointed in some other ways. There are other good Ramen shops in the region. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Small nifty store serving miso and soy based ramen.  They also have a really affordable takeaway lunch menuThe environment feels like a small Japanese ramen place, and you order via the tick-box form.  Be sure to look around for their seasonal menu as they also serve tsukemen - which you need to order with a server.   Their noodle texture is really nice - a balanced thickness with a hint of chewiness.  The tsukemen soup was well made with a very strong 'fish' flavour and was consistently thick (as it should be).   Karaage chicken was served hot and had a nice thin batter - a bit on the pricier side compared to the noodles, but still enjoyable! Although their soft-boil eggs need a bit more of an improvement as the yolks were not exactly runny/soft - but otherwise a nice combo/meal! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)