9-min walk from Exit B, Kowloon Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
平時經過見到 呢間 喜悅軒 一向都係少人,唔需要點樣排隊飲早茶, 今日即管去試下,,因為其他 酒樓包括美心 翠園,,利苑等都排曬隊, 結果 咁就 好似到梅一樣, 同服務員 竟然鬧咗場交,, 影響咗放假嘅心情,,, 發誓以後都唔會去呢間喜悅軒。話說 坐咗位之後 , 一路都冇人招呼幫手斟茶 , 佢哋行過 當睇唔到聽唔到 , 我要是大聲叫 咗一位 小姐(服務員) 斟茶, 佢竟然大聲話唔好叫我做小姐,, 仲鬧返轉頭,, 經理到場 冇幫手不特止, 仲幫返佢哋自己人, 如果唔係 因為 貪佢唔使排隊,諗住方便, 下次都唔會再嚟。 服務差不特止, 點心 仲好難食 唔怪之得平時經過,早市都冇人排隊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-12-10
明明食物質素唔錯, 絕不比鄰家的金XX 差,可惜 waiters 唔爭氣,服務經常比人鬧。 真替廚師抱不平。海鮮、燒味、花膠扒、炒小菜、點心其實都幾好味,比好多連鎖酒樓都好味。為此我真係覺得可惜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-02
二零一'七年九月二日,中午一時。德福商埸,喜悦軒,八十五枱,與双耳戴助聽器的九十歲婆婆飲茶,我先到間離旅行社取資料,返到來婆婆'就洗碗筷,但就發現有碟燒排骨,我立刻找伙記問,是上一枱未送来的還是送錯枱,個高高地,梳長馬尾,無化粧,五十歲左右女伙記就咀miu miu,話什麼都唔知,我話我們沒有叫,叫她取消就唔理,叫經理来又唔理,最後幾次口角後才有個經理來,解釋昰promote的小食,自從全程此伙記黑起個面。就請問聾耳婆婆,是文盲的,她平日不會叫食物的,我叫經理不要向唔知你地講物的人sell野啦!此經理想淋燒汁時,仲話碟汁仲要比等二枱用,好心急想淋上去,崔住淋上呀,my god!到坐定時,我坐張椅,椅背鬆,便推張鬆椅去間離走的枱,想換另一張,但都是鬆的,換好第三張坐定,剛才的miu伙記就向我說:剛排好晒就比你整亂晒,嘩嘩,你比爛椅人坐,仲要第二次罵人呀!寫到呢到,個miu咀伙記又对剛想開茶的單身男茶客漫罵:開茶就咪搞搞震啦。格得一陣,個單身男茶客又叫miu伙記咁知做什麼,伙記直程唔行前,一句:好煩。my god,連翻罵人,不如唔好做呢,如果此單身茶客原來是熟客,就昰打情罵俏,不如去做……啦,不用企起道賺錢啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-07-17
This place does traditional style dim sum. Must order their roast pork, the skin is crispy and meat is tender. Their daily soup is always good too - rich and flavourful. You can't go wrong with the usual dim sum items. The 蝦餃, 燒賣, 糯米雞 are noticeably of higher quality than your average Cantonese restaurant, yet the price is very fair - lower than most places would charge for the equivalent quality. Make sure to order their diced beef - so juicy and tender! The service is always consistent and waiters are attentive. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-07-08
試過晚飯ok,但奇怪人少。再試早茶,今早约7:30am到,大约10多枱客人,坐了一會,還未有人問開茶。只見服務員只同熟客打招呼及聊天,最後看見一位幫鄰抬負責加水的,就唔該她開茶,她竟然可以看也不看一眼,沒哼一聲,别過面直行。然後她返來鄰桌放下水壺,我們又再問可否開茶?她竟然說“同埋便嗰個講”,我們問,是否要我們自己行過去同另一個講,她大大聲説“咪講咗囉!”其實我們怎知道?全場最低級,但最冇禮貌,只顧聊天睇手機,其實無生客,又怎會變熟客?终於明白點解德福咁多食肆都要等位,而喜悦軒唔駛,以後也不會來,也不會叫朋友來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)