2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The shop design features simple, stylish style and soften lighting to create a romantic vibe. In addition, you can enjoy the chef's cooking show if you are sitting at the chef’s counter. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Truffle Brioche Toro Tartare Ceviché Grilled Butter Poach Lobster Amadai Fish Rice
Review (34)
-𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢 🥘位於上環孖沙街既Rêveri 主打Causal Fine Dining 主理人 Jessica Kesumo 同 John Law 融合薈萃亞洲風味同西式烹調風格 打造前衛料理𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀🥘 Reveri Classic -Truffle Brioche ($188)餐廳招牌菜式之一 亦都係當晚Highlight底下係法式多士煎得蓬鬆柔軟 上面放有火炙扇貝薄片 再淋上蔥油 最後刨出熟成車打芝士山 食落甜甜鹹鹹 鹹香味滿滿 仲有香蔥油既馥郁芬芳香氣 🥘 Roasted Pumpkin Salad ($168)烤南瓜沙律 - 新鮮南瓜用左日本麻油食落幾有醬油香伴有馬斯卡邦芝士 + 烤杏仁碎片+ 特別調味過既牛油果 + 昆布 + 紅葱 係軟綿綿蔬菜中增添脆脆口感~𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻🥘 Uni and Crab Meat Pasta ($348)意粉用上北海道毛蟹同海膽 撒上巴馬臣芝士 成個忌廉意粉都好creamy 同 al dente😗🥘Pork & Mushroom Stewed with Cheese Foam & Caviar表面既奶酪泡沫蓋住整道菜 並有魚子醬作為點綴 內裹有豬肉 蘑菇 無花果同洋蔥 可以配埋法包食 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁🥘 Mille Feuille Tiramisu ($138)法式開心果千層酥 - 夾有開心果慕絲 同意大利軟芝士千層酥皮 酥脆香甜🥘Yuzu Choux au Craquelin ($138)柚子焦糖泡芙 - 內裹裝住滿滿既柚子吉士表面仲有柚子忌廉同蛋白脆餅做糖果雖然呢個已經配左蜂蜜啫喱 但對我黎講有啲偏酸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Reveri位於上環孖沙街,毗鄰上環地鐵站🚇。餐廳門面低調,內部燈光昏暗,營造出浪漫的氛圍,主打日法料理。Truffle Brioche上滿佈芝士,搭配香氣撲鼻的鬆軟牛油多士和煎得香脆的帶子,整體搭配口感豐富,帶來新鮮感🤩。Beef and Shiso Tartare的牛肉質地鮮嫩,搭配上魚子醬增添吸引力,再配上脆脆的麵包,別有一番風味。在三道主菜中,我最推薦Hay Smoked Ribeye,烹調程度剛剛好,散發出陣陣煙燻香氣。另一道主菜Uni Crab Meat Rigatoni and Cheese也相當不錯,濃郁的芝士風味,配搭豐富的蟹肉,不過可能稍微膩口。TASTING MENU $888Starter (Choose 1)▪️Beef and Shiso Tartare▪️Toro Tartare▪️Hairy Crab somen▪️Truffle Brioche▪️Tomato and Burata SaladMain (Choose 1)▪️Scallion Roasted Cod▪️Uni Crab Meat Rigatoni and Cheese▪️Hay Smoked Ribeye▪️Strawberry and Mascarpone Cake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-10
朋友生日去食lunch tasting menu $680/set. 另外main 再加$160 and $180. 埋單$1680首先海膽唔新鮮有陣怪味都算冇出聲,然後main 再出現呢個海膽,同waiter 講左呢舊野唔新鮮,然後支悟以對,又話入廚房問下,五分鐘後都係冇處理,咁我地都算,沒有再追問(其實lunch 全場得二枱客,我地兩個同三個外藉男人,serve 外藉男人係另一個女人)所以食物質素味道正常一般,甚至可以話係唔好食,個飯好油,但因為佢仲叫入得口,我同朋友都食埋佢(除左油到不堪的底)最尾waiter 問我地feedback,真係要坦白同佢講唔好食,我唔記得佢解釋左啲咩,最攪笑係俾佢老闆娘咭片我叫我同佢feedback 或者有機會做tailor made menu,而嗰位「老闆娘」就係一直serve 緊第二枱客嗰個女人,只係一步之隔🙃🙃,即係客人對食物有疑問都沒有處理,而亦唔敢/(不屑?!)過黎收feedback。全程我地都係極度客氣,不想難為waiter,但係原來老闆娘一直serve 緊隔離枱 。咁如果唔重視客人feedback唔該唔好扮野問,仲俾咭片呢件事係非常好笑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-20
終於試到了位於上環的法式小酒館Rêveri!!每一道菜品都精緻得像藝術品💐 真的太好看了!前菜點了Roasted Pumpkin Salad烤南瓜跟牛酒果麻油醬沙拉 搭配昆布紅蔥頭還有馬斯卡邦起司 南瓜跟牛油果的口感綿密軟糯帶有淡淡的甜味和堅果的香氣 愈吃愈開胃!招牌前菜Truffle Brioche 外脆內軟的法國麵包口感一絕!!蔥油搭配鮮甜的香煎帶子最上層蓋滿熟成車打芝士 鹹香味道濃郁 很好吃🤤Hairy Crab Somen顏值超級高💯特別喜歡吃這種幼細涼素麵 而且份量也不少!採用北海道毛蟹 鮭魚魚子 還有海膽 鮮味十足🤍主菜方面選擇了Hay Smoked Ribeye還有Confit Duck Rice 兩款都非常好吃!!乾草煙燻的肉眼牛排🥩 肉質軟嫩 牛肉味道濃郁而法式油封鴨髀飯 非常入味可口 啖啖肉!這家店的甜品真的做得很出色🔥Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake 黑巧克力慕絲蛋糕黑朱古力慕絲口感細膩 而且味道非常濃郁!必點Mille Feuille Tiramisu!外面酥脆的千層酥皮夾心是帶有濃郁咖啡酒味跟奶香的Tiramisu甜而不膩!!吃完真的大滿足!!🥹除了食物很好吃之外 不得不說的是服務真的很讚看到有不少熟客光顧 店長對每一位客人都很貼心!氛圍滿滿的 特別適合下班來這裡吃飯喝喝酒🍸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-15
this resto is def a hidden gem.the wagyu beef toast was a highlight! it was incredibly flavorful.the uni crab meat pasta was equally impressive. The creamy uni sauce paired perfectly with sweet crab meat creating a rich and satisfying dish!just not a fan of ravioli and one downside was the scent of the resto-- it had a strong perfume-like fragrance that was a bit overwhelming. despite this, the food was excellent, making it a worthwhile visit! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)