8-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Tue - Thu
18:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Egg custard with king crab meat and salmon roe
Recommended Dishes
今次都係Chill E.A.T. 午餐,但係是去食香港少見嘅北歐菜fine dining (精緻餐飲)。餐廳安排我坐喺吧枱,可以見到Chef Jim 喺度整前菜和甜品,佢亦會送餐,介紹菜式,有問有答,好親民㗎~🦀🍮 Egg custard with king crab meat and salmon roe 蒸蛋伴皇帝蟹肉和三文魚籽. 北歐版嘅蒸蛋係凍㗎,同埋入口好濃嘅牛油味,蛋味相比下是淡淡的,口感好奶滑. 蟹肉是一絲絲的,冰凍的,鮮甜美味. 三文魚籽好新鮮,脆口,仍食到海水的鹹味🍞 Sour milk bread "Rye, spelt, barley, oats" & home made butter瑞典發酵奶麵包及手工牛油. 表面看似一份小排麵包,但切開一半,有非常之酥脆嘅外皮,內心似蛋糕咁軟和綿密. 味道方面,是微甜味道,塗抹一些自家製的微鹽的牛油,好好味😋🍄🟫 King oyster mushroom, toasted yeast bouillon, dulse, sweet & sour pumpkin puree杏鮑菇 • 烤酵母 • 瑞典紅藻及南瓜. 服務員介紹,醬汁是放了烤酵母、黑蒜頭和瑞典海藻一起煮咗大約5小時,直至焦糖化,因此具有發酵的鮮美味. 杏鮑菇肥身又厚肉,點些醬汁更能提味. 南瓜泥,以為會很甜,怎會有酸味呢?不過食入口,即刻食到又酸又甜!🥬🐟 North Atlantic Cod "Jansson’s temptation", savoy cabbage and Swedish anchovy北大西洋鱈魚 • 野甘藍 • 瑞典鳳尾魚醬. 好喜歡綠油油的椰菜,有輕輕烤過的痕跡,將鱈魚包裹住,食嘅時候,魚肉鮮嫩、多汁,椰菜味好出,好鮮甜. 瑞典鳳尾魚醬,濃郁的奶白色,鹹香美味🍨 Smoked ice cream, variations of citrus, spiced cookie crumb & chrysanthemum煙燻雪糕柑橘菊花. 被香料調味嘅餅乾碎,味道相當獨特,我食到有荳蔻和肉桂,味道有啲似印度奶茶. 雲尼拿雪糕是帶有一絲新鮮柑橘的味道,好清新最後埋單,HK$288/位+10%服務費。
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The manager who greeted us and led us into the restaurant this afternoon was very nice and gave us a feeling of at home. The ambience of the restaurant is cosy. There is a bar area where you can see how the chef prepares food. We had a table with sofa on one side which was very comfy. The servers were professional and checked on whether we had food allergies or restrictions. The server introduced each dish to us and refilled our empty cups with warm water frequently. We started with scrumptious butter milk bread and homemade butter. The aroma of the bread was full of rye and natural sweetness and homemade butter was extremely smooth. The Nordic snack was egg custard with tout eggs was delicious. Onion & liquorish veloue wasthe soup with caramelised onions, liquorice root and chopped almonds together with almond foam on top. When we mixed them well together, you would have some beautiful smell. For the main course, there were two choices. As we had a party of three, we tried them all by sharing the food. The pan seared scallops, white mushroom puree and Solaris (a type of grapes) veloute was nicely cooked which kept the tenderness of the scallops. Pork cheek, preserved lingonberry (a type of Sweden berry), red cabbage and pine corn gastrique was a real delicacy. The sweet and sour flavour of the lingonberry left me a remarkable impression on this dish. The pork cheek was tender and matched well with the lingonberry, red cabbage and pine corn. Finale of the lunch was brown butter ice cream, pickled apple, almond crumble and sea buckthorn is amazing. It’s crunchy, sweet and sour with a good balance. Inspiration ‘Fika’ with coffee surprised me as the Fika was freshly baked. They’re warm with crispy shell. We cleared all the dishes and without doubts, we loved the food and the services. Overall, this tasty lunch did make my day!
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從Frantzen’s Kitchen的香港分店, 變成了Embla, Chef Jim也從幫人打工, 變成經營着自己的餐廳, 感覺就是將之前的Small Bite, 變成了正統的Set Menu, 份量更大更飽肚, 但依然不失精緻. 新和舊最大的連結應該是其麵包, 用上北歐酸奶作為基調, 吃起來一種很香的乳酪味, 而且內裏口感更為鬆化, 酸中帶甜, 和Sourdough比起來更令我喜歡. 說起酸味, 主菜之一的Codfish以椰菜捲起再烤, 然後配上奶白的醬汁, 當中除了有提魚的鹹味, 也有微微的酸味和忌廉, 相當開胃, 魚肉表面有微微烤香, 內裏口感剛剛好, 做法和味道也有心思.當中最驚喜的應該是牛腩, 先慢煮再烤香, 口感軟腍無筋, 肉香很多不錯, 起來像牛小排. 用上牛骨髓做的醬汁, 將牛腩味道昇華, 但不會搶去本身的味道, 還有焦糖和甜度剛剛好的炒洋蔥, 味道層次比之前在Frantzen’s Kitchen的更多元化. Frantzen’s Kitchen最出名的應該是鋪滿松露的French Toast, 這裏沒有如此的密集做法, 但杏鲍菇配上舞茸, 有着菇菌的氛香之餘沒有令人討厭的泥土味, 比起來並不遜色.Chef Jim transitioned from working at Frantzen’s Kitchen in Hong Kong to running his own restaurant, Embla. This change reflects a shift from small bites to a more substantial set menu, maintaining elegance while offering larger portions. The standout feature is the bread, made with Nordic yogurt, imparting a delightful creamy flavor and a light, sweet tang. The cod, wrapped in cabbage and baked with a creamy sauce, balances savory and slightly sour notes. A highlight is the tender, slow-cooked beef brisket, enhanced with bone marrow sauce and caramelized onions, showcasing a richer flavor profile than before.
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呢一間瑞典餐廳見到好多人都畀好評,仲幾難訂吓😓今次第一時間搶訂,畀我訂到喇☺️dining city嘅午餐性價比十分之高👍288蚊包咗五道菜連好好食嘅麵包. 開胃菜係一個瑞典式蒸蛋上面放咗啲蟹肉同埋三文魚子,都有啲驚喜☺️之後就上咗一個麵包個麵包上面有啲白瓜子配咗一個牛油,擺盤好靚專登放咗支花喺麵包嘅旁邊😍之後係蔬菜嘅係一個鮑魚菇,配咗南瓜蓉😉之後主菜有鱈魚同埋牛腩畀我哋揀. 我哋兩個人每人揀咗一款. 牛腩有兩舊好淋👍鱈魚係包住一個羽衣甘藍,都煮得好滑🥰甜品係一個煙燻雪糕再加咗一啲citrus,幾特別嘅😚加咗六十幾蚊要咗一杯瑞典嘅咖啡配咗杏仁蛋糕仔,蛋糕仔幾好食咖啡普普通通啦😁用餐期間點咗兩杯白酒,一杯係紐西蘭嘅Sauvignon,另外一杯 Burgundy puligny-Montrachet 1er. 酒by class有D貴😅
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見dining city 有做promotion $288 lunch set,哩個價真係唔駛諗即刻book. (後尾發現原來之前restaurant week個陣仲平)但食完我覺得lunch定價再進取D都仲得。訂咗13:30 結果早咗15分鐘到,雖然有吉位但係唔俾入住。我又覺得無問題,早到唔一定要招呼你住,始終坐低咗就會影響到佢哋做嘢。Overall食物質素食材配搭都好好,亦有北歐特式,不過未見好突出。老實講如果正價我又未必會encore。始終哩個價嘅fine dining唔會睇食物only, 環境服務整體體驗都好緊要,哩個價我有其他選擇,但係都值得一試嘅。關於服務呢,咁整體都好有禮貌嘅(雖然哩類餐廳哩D就基本嘢啦)咁今次我體驗都幾特別既。我main dish 揀咗魚,佢set咗把扒刀俾我我心諗咁特別既(之後知點解 ),then等咗好一陣個server 主動同我講唔好意思個魚咁耐都未出到,所以送咗杯紅酒俾我(其實我唔覺等咗咁耐)。無耐另一個server(佢似係sommelier )俾咗碟牛我,咁我咪話我叫咗魚喎,佢竟然問are you sure?哩個其實唔理你問得幾有禮貌都唔應該咁講啦。咁我sure完佢就拎返入廚房,之後原本個server拎返碟牛嚟耍冧,問我介唔介意試埋個牛,個魚即刻再做返。就係咁,我就一個人試晒兩款main喇。 兩款都各有千秋。魚就有特式D,但我又幾欣賞佢處理個牛嘅手法,所以兩個人嚟叫晒兩個就最好啦。 最後上甜品餐具時,個sommelier 又擺錯位,不過今次擺完佢自己都覺得唔對路就調返啱。咖啡就french press整嘅,會送埋4粒餅去襯。我就無叫喇,隔離都幾間coffee shop,出去試其他好過。ps: 食完先check返先知原來係Frantzen kitchen 個executive chef 原址開返。唔怪得坐低就feel到似曾相識,個chef熟口熟面啦。
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