1-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
A premium steakhouse in Central, offering over five types of meat including USDA Prime from the USA and M9+ wagyu from Australia. Occasionally, it also offers Hanwoo and Japanese wagyu, ensuring top-quality meat selections. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 00:00
*12:00-14:30(午市); 17:00-19:30(Happy Hour); 18:00-00:00(晚市)
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash UnionPay JCB Apple Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (31)
呢間steakhouse開左幾年名氣依然,under OCTAVO Group集團旗下仲有幾間出名西餐🍴,最近轉左主廚以家由Chef Thomas Caro話事👨🏻‍🍳。行落basement之後就係以黑紅色調為主嘅用餐區,感覺華麗🕯️,旁邊嘅bar掛起LED燈而顯得格外modern,環境寧靜行fine dining路線🍴。Menu除左steak之外都有pasta burger🍔,唔少starters & snacks,價錢都好合理唔覺overpriced💰~ Steak分為兩種,基本嘅 Australian cut 唔過千,另有speciality beef好似日本A5 Wagyu / dry aged 呢D就相對貴少少。1️⃣ Beef Tartare and Caviar $2782️⃣ Ribeye 350g $6883️⃣ Spaghetti alle Vongole $3584️⃣ Spinach $88 ; Broccolini $88 ; French Fries $88In short就係同想像中嘅一樣😛,overall成個dining experience同食物質素同價錢成正比,值得一讚係佢地wine menu幾extensive🍷,pair with steak nice continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-25
以前嚟食過一次係偏西班牙風多啲今次嚟諗住是先上網搵menu但搵品到嚟到先有機會睇個餐牌少失望等本豬貢獻下!鍾意食嘅crab cake/mushroom soup/bikini唔見哂反而變到好法式一問之下發現原來轉咗法廚令成間餐廳風格變哂…咁唔緊要啦嚟到照食經理服務態度好好但係手下有待訓練🥺當時全晚得我哋一枱客都俾錯still/sparkling然後想order嘢係咁舉手都冇人理Complimentary有包食剩諗住費事浪費takeaway埋俾個侍應質疑包都要拎…Grilled octopus口感偏靭個汁調味偏咸然後叫咗M9 tenderloin同USDA Rib cap雖然上碟冇大概切開show下有幾粉兩個都好好食 有肉味得嚟好腍只係可惜冇啲fancy seasoning朋友要salt/ mustard都要自己問Salt雖要本身有但跌哂落serving plate條坑😂要用挾肉個夾夾返出嚟lolPotato puree超好食應該就係薯蓉嘅極致 雖然內心知道係超勁牛油Sauteed mushroom 同 broccolini都ok最後叫咗兩個甜品Crepe suzette同fondant雖然crepe係tableside表演flambe但現場侍應推完餐車出嚟粒聲唔出自己喺度忙又冇點介紹另外心太軟同時有心外軟反而覺得個漿充斥住內外幾好食臨尾好rush咁講慶生再次欣賞經理好落力滿足客人! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-19
唔使任性,我今次真係想同大家分享下呢家店啲料理,真係得嚟!先嚟個開胃湯,一啖香濃嘅歐芹核桃迷迭香湯,話哂都算清新。餐包同飯餅夾醬料嘅組合實在讚到不得了,啖啖香脆,起勁!吞拿魚生魚片略帶煙燻味,有啲蓋過鮮味,都算新鮮;但過到至牛肉他他就點解我嘅味蕾,酸菜醬料配上口感爽嫩嘅牛肉,再加散發骨髓香氣嘅多士,正!🐷頭批個名聽落怕人,但食落其實蠻有層次,啲人覺得味道偏向中式,都幾有趣味。薯片大件啲嘢,咬落無驚喜,溫溫地,希望佢哋改善下。龍蝦芝士通心粉真係犀利,龍蝦鮮美,一試過癮!🧀必須提嘅係意大利西冷,喺所有肉中味道最濃,肉質最夠哂口感;西班牙肋骨就辣手,有啲過實,帶點悶氣,唔啱我胃口。總括嚟講,大部分嘢都係一流,一啲都唔做作,絕對值得推介嚟個過癮食遊!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-04
得知前Henry 前主廚嚟咗中環REX,相約buddy 來中環撐枱腳,呢間餐廳位於One Chinachem嘅Basement - 《REX Wine & Grill》,呢度主要係食佢哋出名嘅Steak 🥩🔶3-course Lunch Set $540/person🔶🔶Appetiser:🔸Breads 🥖with Seaweed cod roe butter sauce / 紫菜鱈魚子牛油醬🧈牛油醬好香紫菜味,真係食到魚子味好特別,配柔軟嘅餐包🥖🔸Ham & Truffles Toasts🥪Cured Beef Ham, Fried Quail Eggs黑松露火腿鵪鶉蛋多士 ,多士烘得焦香,但有少少油膩,裏面嘅黑松露火腿芝士好好味😋🔸Burrata and Japanese Fruit 🍅 Fennel Dressing, Oliver Oil布拉塔芝士🧀茴香醬配日本蕃茄🔶Main🔸Butcher’s Cut 🥩Brandt USDA Prime Smoked Flat Iron Steak, Soy & Ginger, Marinade 180g先把主菜送上餐枱,我哋已經聞到好香嘅煙熏味道,我哋咗medium Rare,牛扒切開見到中間呈嫩粉紅色,牛扒質素幾高,牛味濃郁牛脂香口,略嫌調味鹹咗少少,還有蕃茄乾伴碟給兩款醬汁,配上pepper sauce 薯條一齊食👍🏻🔸Tenderloin, Little Joe Holstein 180g +$100 🥩呢款牛扒一樣grill得好香,肉質亦做得好軟諗,可惜唔夠嫩,有少少根,個人覺得前款牛扒比較好食,配上truffle & Parmesan薯條一齊食🔶Dessert 🔸Fig Tart, Almond, Chantilly cream杏仁無花果蛋糕,味道不太明顯,呢款甜品冇乜特別🔸Dark Chocolate Mousse, Conspiracy chocolate 75%呢款甜品幾出色,又滑又軟同勁濃嘅朱古力🍫味👍🏻,但係都幾大,兩個人share先食得晒😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Having been following Chef Nathan Green since HENRY, finally we visited his restaurant REX. Ordered USA bone in rib-eye, medium. STEAK is always excellent, well seasoning, cooked beautifully, juicy with strong meat taste. That s what we like. The steak quality is comparable to top steakhouse in London and Sydney. Don’t miss the tomato. It has good smoky taste. For dessert, chocolate mousse is impressive. 早在HENRY 時期已試過Chef Nathan Green 出品,牛扒很好吃,很有印象,今天終於去了他的新餐廳REX. 叫了USA Bone in Rib-eye。 牛扒質素很高,調味很好,有肉汁,肉味濃。伴碟的蕃茄有煙燻味,不能錯過。甜品Chocolate Mousse 也是必試。餐廳水準媲美倫敦 悉尼高級扒房。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)