1-min walk from Exit B3, Exhibition Centre Station continue reading
Opening Hours
07:30 - 10:00
11:30 - 14:30
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 10:00
11:30 - 14:30
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Octopus UnionPay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level3 2024-03-22
今日下午去灣仔做嘢,好少嚟呢頭唔知有咩好食,咁啱見到有間睇落唔係咁貴嘅燒味飯就食燒味飯啦。一睇個樣就知係新開,應該係專做外賣嘅,因為佢話如果堂食嘅話要提早講聲。最後堂食佢都係比外賣嘅餐具同埋餐盒俾我,有少少唔環保♻️我今次就叫咗叉燒燒腩仔飯,雖然我話睇落唔係好貴,但其實佢都真係幾貴要成$73……(包飲品)港島嚟講就唔貴囉,但對於我呢啲平時係新界食開飯嘅真係覺得有啲貴份量嚟講女仔食就OK,男仔食,我覺得未必夠飽㗎不過我會話佢係一個好食嘅燒味飯,但你話係咪對得住呢個價錢呢?又唔係囉,只可以話佢係好食,但佢又唔係去到超級好食到要比$73去食😂😂飲品我揀咗老火湯,不過應該都係味精湯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
個日返工放lunch時間去開灣仔會展站 見到原來有間專賣外賣既餐廳仔🤔 $78一份港式燒味便當 呢個價錢係灣仔黎講屬於相當抵食啦!原來係新出品 見到門口咁多人等緊 相信質素都可靠既~ 咁啱去個日係禮拜四有我鐘意食既燒腩仔咁就一於試下啦🤩 每一日口味會rotate 呢個安排都幾周到 啱晒附近啲打工仔~便當飯盒質素相當唔錯 拎上手好穩陣 設計貼心有五格分開放左唔同既食物🥹 lunch time食飯盒都唔想頹食㗎嘛~ 款式夠多每樣都有少少 感覺就冇咁寡👍🏻白飯拎上手都熱辣辣既 有三舊燒腩仔 三舊香妃雞,燒味下面有少少肉汁撈飯 如果雞有額外跟薑蓉就仲邪惡😈 燒味整體質素非常可靠 完全唔dry 腩仔同雞都夠嫩同juicy 下次想試下叉燒!而前菜有醃蘿蔔同芽菜 非常開胃 而另外仲有兩個餸 麵醬唐芹豆卜 香辣素肉茄子粒 兩款都送飯一流🍆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
身為筷趣滋味常客,充心推介高質燒味和蒸飯。例湯夠晒老火不在話下,湯料十足,飲完全身暖笠笠👍🏻一星期總會幫襯一兩餐。前兩日中午如常落去買外賣,12點幾已經有人排緊隊,見有人圍住張poster,睇到原來有個新推出嘅港式燒味便當,賣相好得,包埋飲品$78,一試無妨。便當一共有六格,兩款前菜、兩款小菜加兩款燒味。個人感覺十分豐富,唔會好似食燒味飯咁只配兩三條菜芯,誠意加分!番工食便當有多幾款餸,加埋個老火湯,真係食都食得盡興和開心👍🏻唔講咁多,請睇相。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喺灣仔工作咗咁耐最鍾意嘅燒味飯一定係呢間,價錢同埋質素遠超普通餐廳,一個雙拼飯只不過係$60,食物嘅質素相處同樓上高級餐廳明閣來自同一個廚房。就算而家我中環返工我都會搭5分鐘地鐵嚟呢度買飯交通非常方便地鐵站出嚟行5分鐘就到👏🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-09
I am a big fan of Hainan Chicken Rice and the dish in Grand Hyatt Cafe has been one of the best in Wan Chai. However, it is not as impressive as it used to be. Today I tried something new at Rice & Roast. It is surprisedly good!! Considering only 1/3 of the hotel's price,  it easily becomes the best Hainan Chicken Rice in Wan Chai. If it happens you have it in a good day, you can choose a nice harbour view seat in the park just 5 mins walk from the restaurant.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)