裝修清雅的摩登越南菜館,餐牌上的菜式有四成都由米紙炮製,設有露天座位,可飽覽海景。 continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Additional Information
座位:室內160 個,戶外35 個
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (226)
Level4 2013-09-22
I, like most people, is a big fan of flavorful and appetizing Southeast Asia food. My personal favorites are pho tai, deep-fried soft shell crab rolls, Vietnamese baguette & Sugarcane Shrimp . Vietnamese cuisine can never win on complexity but it’s the refreshing natural ingredients and mouthwatering fish sauce that seduce everyone. Rice paper serves Vietnamese food but not in an authentic way. We were seated a little after 11:45am and the place was fairly empty . We were refused to be seated next to the window overseeing the Victoria harbor as the waitress said that specific area was only opened after 12pm . We ordered the Viet Sampler as appetizer to share, followed by Viet raw beef rice noodles and Chargrilled pork neck with bua cha cold vermicelli as main courses. The lunch sets were reasonable priced – main:$88, appetizer+main:$116.The Viet Sampler included crispy soft shell crab, prawn rice paper roll, steamed pork parcel and Vietnamese sausage . Prawn rice paper roll was pretty good. Lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, sizable prawns and vermicelli were nicely wrapped in chewy rice papers. Refreshing, but it would be even nicer if peanut sauce was served with this particular wrap . Crispy soft shell crab was not crispy and I could taste a mouthful of oily flour . Steamed pork parcel was a delightful slide dish and the pork mince inside was nicely flavored. The steamed rice paper was really soft which gave an exciting textural and flavorful contrast . The Vietnamese sausages were however a slight disappointment to us. After my recent visit to Ho Chi Minh City, I am very intrigued to the flavorful Vietnamese sausage which has a chewy and ham-like texture. Unluckily, the version appeared in Rice Paper was rather tasteless compared with the authentic ones .Viet raw beef rice noodles (Pho tai) was a bit on the bland side . Arriving 10 mins later than the other main course, the sliced beef was no longer raw. The beef broth was also not aromatic at all. There were rightful amount of noodles, cooked beef and basils but they all tasted nothing extraordinary. The restaurant did not use the same noodles that you could find everywhere in Vietnam or in any authentic Vietnamese restaurant in Hong Kong. Therefore, you could never enjoy it in a local way .Chargrilled pork neck with bua cha cold vermicelli was a better option . The grilled pork neck soaked the mouthwatering flavour of fish sauce and made a good complement to the cold vermicelli . Blessed with the right amount of lean meat and fat, the texture was light and chewy. However, a few slices of the pork neck was overly grilled which resulted in a slightly burnt surface .I have tried this restaurant few years ago in their already closed branch in WTC in Hong Kong Island. Neither the food quality nor the service deteriorated (or improved). The restaurant was nicely decorated in a French colonial style and the service was above average. However, it would not be the best destination for authentic Vietnamese cuisine. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-05-20
其實呢間RICE PAPER都黎過好多次,由中學年代到而家都係聚會食飯既好地方。點解成日黎食,係因為佢肆肆正正好企理。野食賣相好,味道又唔差!價錢就近年加得勁左D。本來去八月居,但佢地竟然搞婚禮,都算幾新派喎~仲有位既,但要坐出面,咁熱都係去過第二間喇!就轉場去RICE PAPER啦!7點幾去到,唔使等位喎,咁岩有客離開,仲唔係個天幫我?不過,其實都冇人等位。入到去,睇睇餐,比以前少左選擇,其實少左D特式野,尤其飯麵類。不過我幾鍾意呢度,望左兩眼,揀左個菠蘿海鮮炒飯,醬汁鴨同埋蒜蓉炒菠菜。冇叫野飲,冇俾水,我問佢要水,冇黑面唔使幾耐,菠蘿海鮮炒飯黎左,好味新鮮菠蘿成邊上,烤過,好甜飯入味,炒得好食,海鮮就少左D,呢個年頭,算啦~但係食完個飯,其他野都未到囉坐左一陣,正想搵人追既時候,有位應該係男經理既人士走埋黎收碟,問我地野食到齊未?未呀,等到寂寞到夜深喇!我地兩條友食左一碟飯,未夠飽架!佢個樣都有D,因為冇可能食晒都未到架嘛!明顯漏單!咁又一陣,上左碟菜,冇特別,想食菜就嗌啦,想食新口味,食好野唔好叫呀!好普通既一碟蒜蓉菠菜,質素都好普通~D菜好"鞋"跟住碟鴨仔都上埋檯,咁多人去睇隻頑皮,呀,唔係,係橡皮鴨,我就食Q左你!!魯水鴨仔半隻,幾好味,都尚算入味,咸左少少,餸飯非常好,但碟飯食晒喇份量夠大,足有半隻,肉質唔老,GOOD!之後再叫左個芒果黑糯米,賣相一流,味道幾好,當然,你又唔好期望佢有咩食左會送一對翼HIGH到上天既效果。能夠保持水準其實真係唔容易,比你做一次半次好食到上太空仲要難。所以係既!!另一缺點係,環境好嘈,D刀叉聲搞到茶樓咁,佢有播音樂,但搞到我完全聽唔到。。。。。希望有改善啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-25
情人節難得有個外國返来嘅朋友约我食飯,感動, 不過比咗個難題我, 指名尖沙咀.......點揾位足足向openrice揾咗半小時打咗十幾個電話, 终於揾到rice paper 有得Walk in六時半去到, 八時要交枱 最低消費二佰五都好喇menu先要炸蝦餅,炸得幾脆,咬感唔錯幾彈牙, 配甜酸汁唔錯越式併盤有有蔗蝦,軟殻蟹,豬肉碎蒸粉包, 扎肉米纸卷同沙嗲雞蔗蝦好食軟殻蟹太油豬肉碎蒸粉包普通沙嗲雞唔夠熱和有D硬扎肉米纸卷夠特别食得太多煎炸食物,食落去好fresh .豬頸肉都夠味同淋,.生牛肉河粉普通, 實在太飽唔太食得落幾飽都要食嘅甜品選了朱古力乎厘同雪糕,朱古力淋上去都幾好食呢個情人節大餐太飽喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-02-23
服務態度用差黎形容,行到入去冇人主動招呼不特止,到搵個侍應佢粒聲唔出,我重以為佢係街客,佢攞起餐單叫都唔叫下,就咁企係張枱旁邊,我呆左一呆就同個朋友行入去,問佢野佢2句答1句,野食黎到一句都唔講就咁放低我鬼知咩黎㗎咩!!e間只能講e間餐廳冇下次囉!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-12-26
聖誕節其間四處都佈滿遊人, 星期日的晚上為趕住買聖誕禮物給朋友, 再迫都要出去走走. 海港城集齊我想買的東西, 但沒訂定位食晚餐, 可以怎樣呢? 想起了 Rice Paper 可留電話等位這個服務, 所以二話不說就選擇了它. 留了電話, 可以邊行街邊等, 實在是慳了不少時間.咖喱牛腩 牛腩炆得夠稔, 牛筋數量也不少, 與牛腩同樣有濃郁咖喱味. 但奇怪的是薯仔味道較淡, 懷疑不是與牛腩同炆的.蒜蓉包 蒜蓉包配咖喱最好不過, 長長的焗得香脆, 值得推介,菠蘿海鮮炒飯 每次都愛點這個炒飯, 原因是那新鮮的菠蘿, 有烤過的味道. 但今次真的大為失望, 海鮮中有一隻連殼的青口, 一放進口便立即吐了出來, 原因是它變壞了, 而且還有臭味. 海鮮這類食物, 處理得不好很容易變壞, 所有餐廳都應該深明此道理. 希望 Rice Paper 可以好好改善食物質素, 避免食壞客人. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)