2529 8383
2529 0881
位於灣仔的「南燒北鍋」擁有個特別的名字,以南方的燒味及北方的火鍋為概念,午餐及下午茶提供燒味及港式地道食品;晚上6時後則變成為優質火鍋館,提供各式優質食材,務求以新鮮原味打動顧客。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 00:00
06:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
06:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
VIP Room
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
本地新鮮手切肥牛肉 招牌一品鍋 燒味
Review (23)
Level2 2012-03-13
It was a cold evening and we wanted to have hotpot for dinner. We were trying our luck to see if they have tables because we didn't make any reservation in advance. Lucky us, the restaurant wasn't really full that day and we gotten a table without waiting. Ordered for their signature broth (comes with some pork trotter, chicken feet, green veges, corn, tomatoes, etc in it) and some hotpot dishes to go with it:-3 "combo balls" which consists of prawn balls, cuttlefish balls, and pork balls - good, nothing special to be mentioned;- Fried and rolled bean curd skin - very good, love it. Crispy to be taken straight away, or can be dipped into the soup for 1-2 seconds to get a mixture of soft and crispy texture, ;- Fresh prawns - very fresh, prawns were still moving (a little) when being served;- Bean curd skin with fish paste - ok, nothing special to be mentioned;- Pork stomach - ok, nothing special to be mentioned;- Baby cabbages - ok, nothing special to be mentioned.Overall, the environment and service are much better compared to most hotpot places in Hong Kong - may be that is why the price is much more expensive? Food wise, pretty good, they emphasis on fresh and live seafood. We noticed that there were lots of photographs with Hong Kong celebrities pasted on the walls, not too sure if they are the regulars here.. All in all, good food, good service, pleasant environment, but pricey. HK$5xx for two person is almost twice the price for other local hotpot places. Do note that, we noticed a obvious "dry-mouth" feeling after the meal, so, people whom are MSG-sensitive would probably think twice before trying. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-02-29
友人搬左去星街, 同佢黎打邊爐慶祝下, 星期日九點幾黎到竟然得幾檯客 亦因為咁4個人可以坐大圓檯, 舒舒服服睇住電視黎打~叫左個皮旦芫茜湯底, 其他有:1. 三文魚刺身: $58 得六七塊, 唔夠喉又叫多碟2. 響鈴: 脆卜卜好好食3. 海蝦: 得五六隻, 但幾大隻下4. 黑豚肉: 唔錯5. 駝鳥肉: 幾滑6. 四寶丸 (鯪魚丸, 梅菜豬肉丸, 墨魚丸, 蝦丸): 墨魚丸同蝦丸好彈牙7. 脆肉鯇: 正常8. 金菇: 正常9. 皇帝菜: 好新鮮10. 竹蔗茅根水: 沒有特別服務幾好, 加水收碟都算快手, 走個陣唔知係咪得返我地, 個個侍應都同我地講 bye bye九點後配料有8折, 但四個人要九百幾蚊, 又冇茶水供應, 應該冇下次了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-11-06
訂了位, 一去到即有位. 安排幾好. 要了鴛鴦湯底, 沒有特別, 比預期失望.必吃的有:1. 美國桶蠔: $148 有 6 大隻,好有蠔味,好新鮮2. 雲吞: 蝦好爽口、新鮮3. 梅菜豬肉丸其他有:1. 韮菜餃: 都不錯2. 白菜餃: 一般3. 魚皮餃: no good4. 水餃: 一般5. 手切頂級肥牛 ($128, 細): 偏瘦, 牛味不夠6. 牛筋丸: 一般7. 響鈴: 我好鐘意,但老公不喜歡,差不多成碟我食哂,都幾滯8. 西洋菜: 靚菜9. 金菇: 正常10. 帶子、珊瑚蚌、桂花蚌拼盤 ($138): 呢個最唔扺食,份量好少,帶子好細片11. 公仔麵: 正常12. 竹庶茅根: 好味叫了過量食物,食到好飽。另外,食完都幾口渴。因為價錢偏貴,湯底又沒有特別,所以應該沒有下次了。是次用了匯豐信用咭八五折優惠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-01-16
We booked in advance, and only had to wait a couple of minutes for our table. The place was full, on a cold Saturday night.Environment is pleasant -- cleaner and more modern than many local hotpot joints. We ordered a "duo" hotpot, with their signature broth (clear consomme with various veggies and tofu) and a "Malaysian satay" (not very spicey but lots of garlic gave it a great flavor). We enjoyed the variety and contrasting tastes of this combination.Some really excellent hotpot dishes:-- Pork-and-chive dumplings-- Fried bean curd skin-- Ostrich meat-- ScallopsWe found the Angus beef to be too fatty for our taste. (My companion said I should have ordered the "local" beef, which is a bit more expensive but also more lean. Live and learn....)Thoroughly enjoyable food in a pleasant environment. The price was not cheap -- at $420 for two people it was about double what our local hotpot restaurant costs.Note: This is not the place for people sensitive to MSG. After the meal, we all noticed a distinct "dry-mouth" sensation typical of MSG. It wouldn't stop me from going back, but people who are highly sensitive should look elsewhere. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-20
第一次係度打邊爐.....地方 ok, service okfood 唔錯, 企理, fresh, 又好味.... 但portion 較貴, 價錢偏貴.... 最好味係響鈴, 口感一流, 我要食兩碟先夠...黑豕肉都靚仔, fresh, 又淋.... 正...丸, 菜呀, 都係企企理理....... 賣相好.... anyway, 好滿意, 會再來.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)